"Is anyone gone?"

In the pavilion, Martial God Canglan sat quietly in front of a bronze statue, closing his eyes and meditating.

"Reporting to my lord, I have already left the mansion."

The attendant kneeling on the ground behind him quickly said respectfully.

"Monitor this person's movements at all times, and don't let this person leave Longxin City. In addition, send someone to go to the Dark Sky Martial God's place and inform him of this person's movements, so that the Dark Sky Martial God can clean it up by himself!"

Martial God Canglan closed his eyes and said calmly.

"Aren't we going to do it, my lord?"

"No, if you make a move, Cang Lanfu will only hold grudges against me. Cang Lanfu has a stubborn temper. Once he finds out, he will definitely not use it for me! This is not the result I want to see."

"My lord, is this son... really worth cultivating?"

The attendant hesitated to speak, and asked cautiously.

"His sword skills are superb, and I have never taught him any sword skills. His sword skills are only learned from books... From this point of view, his talent is not bad, maybe he can give it a try."

"Since it is the blood of an adult, how can it be useless?"

"But what makes me suspicious is the man surnamed Lin."


"Do you still remember what Cang Lanfu called that person earlier?"

"This subordinate remembers that the son seems to be calling that person...Master?"

The attendant thought for a while, then raised his head and laughed, "But the young master explained that the man just taught him some principles of life and enlightened him. A person who values ​​affection like the young master, calling him a master is not a country."

"Idiot, do you believe his poor wording?"

Martial God Canglan snorted coldly.

The attendant trembled all over and quickly lowered his head: "This subordinate is ignorant."

"Cang Lan Fu's sword skills are so exquisite, it must be taught by an expert. I think this person surnamed Lin is by no means simple. If I guess right, this person taught Cang Lan Fu's sword skills!" Martial God Cang Lan said coldly said coldly.


The attendant was startled, and suddenly clasped his fists and said: "This person is not from my Canglan lineage, how dare you steal my Canglan martial arts? Please give me the order, I will send someone to kill this person immediately!"

"If I want to kill this person, why do you need to wait?"

Martial God Canglan snorted: "What's more, didn't I say that? Let the people of Martial God Antian do it, I'll just wait and see."

"Yes, my lord..."

"This person's martial arts skills are not strong, and he probably just has some unique vision. It's nothing to worry about. In short, send someone to watch. Once this person is beheaded, report to me in time!"


The attendant shouted, and then slowly exited the pavilion.

noon the next day.

According to the agreement, Lin Yang came to the tea room on the first floor of Xuanshang Building.

These are all martial artists who have completed their missions and have nothing to do to drink tea.

The crowd gathered together in twos and threes, boasting loudly. Although they didn't drink alcohol, the atmosphere was very strong, and some even smoked cigarettes.

Lin Yang touched his pocket, it was empty, and he hadn't smoked one for a long time.

But he is not addicted to cigarettes.

Walking to the inside of the tea room, there are several independent boxes.

Lin Yang found one of them, opened the door and entered, waiting quietly.

Not long after, I saw Cang Lanfu rushing into the house.

Seeing his hurried expression, Lin Yang couldn't help frowning.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Lin Yang asked.

But Cang Lanfu didn't answer, but took out a lot of books from the bag on his chest, and piled them directly on the tea table.

"Master, please finish reading these things quickly, we are running out of time!"


Lin Yang was startled, looked at those books, and couldn't help but be stunned.

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