
Jiuyu looked surprised, and looked towards Yingzheng, his eyes were full of suspicion.

"My lord, this is a magic weapon for identifying aptitude! What kind of medicine can increase a person's aptitude? If there is, wouldn't it be too heaven-defying?"

Jiuyu said cautiously.

The level of cultivation depends not only on sweat and hard work, but also on talent.

There is no fairness in this world.

Some people are so gifted that they can master university knowledge within ten years old, while some put their heads down and study hard, but they can't get into a second-rate school after all.

Talent is too mysterious.

If there is a medicine that can increase talent in the world, it will be more terrifying than the medicine that can increase lifespan.

"I also find it strange that all kinds of medicines in the world can't increase talent, but there are indeed a lot of medicines flowing in this person's body! Perhaps, the medicine he took is only for this magic weapon."

Lin Yang glanced at Yuanqiu, lowered his head and murmured, as if he was thinking about something.

The red light released by the film war detonated the audience.

An Mingyue's delicate body trembled, she looked at the huge ball in disbelief, her mind was blank.

Not long ago in a duel with Cang Lanfu, although he was defeated, he was wounded by the sword, which made him lose all face.

Now in such a large crowd, the talent is actually not as good as that of a mediocre filmmaker like Ying Zheng!

how so?

"Impossible, there must be a problem! Shadow Contest, your talent is not inferior to that of the Shadow Family, how can your talent be better than mine?"

An Mingyue gritted her teeth and drank in a low voice.

"Oh, An Mingyue, what kind of person do you really think of yourself? Let me tell you! A woman like you is nothing compared to my photographer! Do you think your talent is very good? In our eyes, it's just mediocre That’s all for the older generation!”

Shadow Wars sneered disdainfully.


"Presumptuous! How dare you insult our lady!"

"court death!"

The subordinates around drew out their swords one after another and glared at the Ying family, as if they were about to strike.

Seeing this, the film family immediately stepped forward to confront them.

There are quite a few people from the film family, and it is completely worthwhile to face the men of the Dark Sky Martial God.

The two sides are at war.

The people watching all around retreated one after another to avoid being implicated.

Ying Zheng squinted at An Mingyue, looking reassuring.

"Miss, if you want to do something, I welcome it at any time, but I don't think you may be able to get it cheap! You have to weigh it!"

How arrogant are these words?

All of Antian Martial God's subordinates were flushed with anger, their eyes were red, and some people couldn't hold back anymore, urged the power of ascension, and were ready to attack.

But at this moment, An Mingyue suddenly shouted: "Let's go back!"

When everyone heard this, they looked at An Mingyue in unison, with surprise on their faces.


"Go back! Don't be as knowledgeable as them!"

An Mingyue said hoarsely, then turned and walked outside.


People stared wide-eyed and looked at each other.

An Mingyue actually left like this?

In this way, wouldn't the dark sky lose face?

A group of people hesitated to speak, but seeing An Mingyue's firm attitude, they couldn't refute, so they had to bite the bullet and leave.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

The film family burst into roars of laughter.

"Is this the successor of the Valkyrie? It's just a coward!"

"It's a good thing that such a useless woman didn't marry into our film family, otherwise the fine blood of our film family will be tarnished by her!"

"This kind of waste also wants to become a Valkyrie? Stop dreaming!"


The laughter of the crowd was endless.

The Antian Martial God's men were so angry that their lungs were about to explode.

"I fought with them!"

One person couldn't take it anymore, turned around and drew his sword.

"Come back! Do you dare not listen to my words?"

Dark Moon scolded angrily.


"Let's go! If anyone dares to resist, I will ask my father to destroy his whole family!"

Dark Moon shouted.

The crowd had no choice but to leave Longkou with An Mingyue.

The film family laughed even louder.


Lin Yang here nodded secretly.

"Master, what did you say?"

Jiuyu next to him asked in confusion.

"That guy called Shadow Wars obviously came prepared. If An Mingyue really makes a move, he will suffer a loss. It is the most appropriate time to leave. If there is a conflict, he will fall into the opponent's trick!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

Jiuyu was startled, and looked towards the shadow.

Sure enough, Ying Zheng's eyes were filled with disappointment.

"I see..."

Jiuyu nodded, then looked towards Lin Yang: "My lord, let's continue to sign up."


Lin Yang suddenly walked out of the team.

Jiuyu was stunned: "My lord, you are..."

"When is the least crowded place in this place?"

"After 12 o'clock, now is the peak period for registration. After 12 o'clock, everyone goes to rest. There are basically no people here."

Jiuyu opened his mouth and said.

Although the underground dragon veins are dark, the people here still record the time and rest when the time comes.

Seeing this, Lin Yang immediately walked to the side corner, sat down cross-legged, and waited quietly.

Jiuyu was very confused, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only wait with Lin Yang.

So by 11 o'clock, the people at Longkou had already left.

There are only a few people who live in no fixed place and lie directly on the ground to sleep.

"My lord, it's almost there!"

Jiuyu scanned the surroundings and spoke.

Lin Yang, who was sitting cross-legged, opened his eyes, looked around, then walked towards the huge ball, bit his finger, and dropped his finger on it.

In an instant, a seven-color divine light burst out from the sphere, directly filling the entire dragon's mouth...

Jiuyu was stunned.

A few casual cultivators in their sleep also opened their eyes one after another, staring at the glowing sphere in shock, all of them dumbfounded...

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