"Meet my father!"

On a cliff, stood a ghostly figure.

The figure was wrapped in dark air, making it impossible to see clearly.

But in the air not far from him, there were four terrifying figures standing.

That An Mingyue, who was called the pride of heaven by everyone, could only prostrate on the ground at this moment, bowing down to the figure in front of her.

This is the Dark Sky Martial God who is famous as the underground dragon vein.

"I've heard everything."

A hoarse voice came out.

"I'm sorry Master, my daughter is incompetent, I'm ashamed of you..."

Dark Moon said in a low voice.

"The filmmakers don't have that many geniuses. They must have used tricks. Therefore, the color of the registration qualification shows that they can beat you. You don't have to take it to heart. They are purely trying to destroy your Dao heart."

Dark Sky Valkyrie's emotionless voice came out.

"Father's words are true!"

"Remember, don't be burdened by false fame. The setbacks you encounter should make you stronger, not make you depressed and weaker!"

The voice of Antian Martial God reappeared.

When An Mingyue heard the sound, her eyes immediately lit up with fierce fighting intent, and she immediately shouted: "Yes, father!"

"Well, go to practice, don't let my father down during the trip to the Dragon Palace!"


An Mingyue said in a deep voice, then got up and prepared to go to retreat.

But at this moment, a figure hurried over.

"I pay my respects to Lord Martial God, we have locked up Miracle Doctor Lin, he should be in Longkou right now! Our men are about to enter Longkou and capture them alive!"

As soon as these words fell, An Mingyue stopped walking away, looked at the man in astonishment, then raised her head and said: "Father sent someone to monitor the whereabouts of the man surnamed Lin?"

"Not surveillance, but erasure."


An Mingyue took a tight breath.

"The Martial God Canglan has sent someone to reply to me about your injury by Canglanfu, claiming that your injury was not caused by Canglanfu, but by this man named Lin Miracle Doctor who stabbed people in the back and attacked you secretly. I will take this person down, and then send someone to have a public trial, and cut him into pieces to protect your face!"

Antian Martial God said lightly.


An Mingyue was taken aback, but quickly fell silent.

She understood why her father did this.

As the successor of the Martial God, An Mingyue's every move has attracted the attention of many people.

Although Antian Martial God said that he should not be burdened by fame, sometimes a good reputation can bring great benefits.

Antian Martial God is paving the way for her!

"Mingyue, after this person is captured, you will personally try and execute him, do you understand?"

"Yes, father!"

An Mingyue nodded, but thought of something, and asked in a low voice, "Father, what should Cang Lanfu do?"

"The Martial God Canglan doesn't want to cause trouble, he has already given me a step, I can't ask about it, as for Canglan Fu, after all, he is still not your opponent, in the future you will be crowned as the Martial God, find a reason to kill him, that's enough!"

"Good father."

"Remember, under the Martial God, everyone is an ant! After entering that realm, who can do anything to you in this world?"

The Antian Martial God's leisurely voice came out, and then he looked up, staring at the hideous and terrifying dragon scales on the top rock layer.

"Master Antian."

At this time, the subordinate called out again.


Antian Martial God tilted his head slightly, and looked at the man from the corner of his eye.

"My lord, when my subordinates were about to go to Longkou to capture Divine Doctor Lin, they found a divine light suddenly appearing at Longkou..."

"What? Divine light?"

An Mingyue was struck by lightning, her autumn eyes widened.

Antian Martial God was also silent.

"Are you sure you read it right?" An Mingyue asked anxiously.

"My subordinates are not mistaken, it is indeed the highest-grade divine light!"

The man said very firmly.

"Father! Is it the doctor Lin's?"

An Mingyue came back to her senses, and suddenly looked at Antian Martial God.

Antian Martial God looked into the distance again, and after a long time, he spoke slowly.

"Catch this person immediately!"

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