Yu Bihong clenched her silver teeth, her autumn eyes were full of murderous intent, she did not retreat.

Tao Cheng became anxious, and rushed forward to lay in front of Yu Bihong.


Probably feeling something, the young man over there turned his head slightly and glanced at Tao Cheng.

"Could it be that you still don't give up?"

The young man squinted his eyes and asked.

Tao Cheng ignored the young man, but lowered his voice and said, "Miss Yu, don't be impulsive, we can't beat him even if we add one piece! Why should we die in vain?"

"But if we don't interfere! Something will happen to Mr. Lin!"

Yu Bihong said with blood red eyes.

"If you obstructed it, can you change the ending?"

Tao Cheng shouted in a low voice: "Can you stop him? Can you protect Miracle Doctor Zhulin? You can't! If that's the case, why die in vain?"


"Miss Yu, don't be fooled, listen to me, the only way to survive now is to wait for that person to open that door, fight against Miracle Doctor Lin, find a way to break through the blockade of the door, and go to the tenth floor to ask the people from the building team to help!"

Tao Cheng said in a deep voice: "My strength is not high, so I can't tear that restriction immediately! But you can! Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Yu Bihong's pupils trembled, and she put down the giant sword.

Indeed, judging from the youth beheading Tao Cheng and other masters, their strength completely crushed Yu Bihong.

Even if Yu Bihong tried her best, it was impossible to shake the young man in the slightest.

Now that the matter has come to an end, I can only follow Tao Cheng's suggestion, and escape from here to rescue the soldiers while the young man is not paying attention.

This is the best way to help Lin Yang.

But... Lin Yang is still retreating at this time!

What's more, even if he didn't retreat, could he... deal with the youth?

Yu Bihong was startled and stared blankly at the end of the corridor.

Tao Cheng and Jiuyu also looked over, not daring to take a breath.

I saw the young man holding the key, pressing on the door, finding the keyhole, inserting the key, and turning it lightly.




As the gate was opened, the enchantment attached to the gate was also undone layer by layer.

With a smile on his face, the young man slowly opened the door.

But they saw thick smoke billowing out from the gate.

The smoke spread outwards, as if it was going to fill the entire corridor.

The young man frowned, immediately activated the power of ascension, and waved his hand.


All smoke is dispersed.

When the smoke completely disappeared, a man in a long robe appeared in his line of sight.

At this time, the man was standing in front of the desk, bowing his body, as if he was writing something.

There is a pill furnace next to it.

The desk is full of all kinds of blank paper, and the blank paper is filled with densely packed patterns and handwriting.

The young man froze.

How is this going?

This is...retreat?

He probably heard movement behind him.

The man in front of the desk stopped flicking his pen, but turned his head slowly, staring at the young man at the door expressionlessly.

"Didn't you say, don't bother me?"

The young man stared at the man, namely Lin Yang, sized him up carefully, then nodded with a smile: "Are you that guy named Lin?"

"Who are you?"

Lin Yang tidied up the manuscript papers in his hands and put them aside.

"The person who killed you!"

The young man went straight in, and then slowly pulled out the black sword at his waist.

"Who sent you here?"

"You don't even know that?"

The youth was a little surprised.

"How would I know?"

Lin Yang turned around slowly and looked at him calmly: "Was it sent by the Martial God Antian? Or the Martial God Canglan? Or the Martial God Taitian?"

The words fell to the ground, and the young man was stunned.

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