The young man was a little dazed.

Martial God? Martial God Canglan?

"What do you mean? You also offended the other two Valkyrie?"

The young man turned around and asked.

"What? Can't I afford to offend you?"

Lin Yang walked to the alchemy stove next to him, checked the pills inside, and said casually.

"Something interesting."

The young man smiled slightly: "No wonder you are so bold, even my master dared to offend! Heh, it seems that you really don't know the power of the Martial God!"

After finishing speaking, the young man walked towards Lin Yang with his sword in hand.

Pentium's killing intent was already pervasive.

But Yu Bihong and the others outside the corridor rushed up the stairs, madly attacking the restriction that blocked the gate, intending to break through the restriction and leave the basement floor.

The young man frowned and glanced at the corridor, but ignored it.

He no longer hesitated, raised his sword and slashed towards Lin Yang.

As long as Lin Yang was dealt with immediately, even if the masters from the tenth floor team arrived, he would have already left here.

Enough time!

"In your next life, put your eyes on the bright spots and weigh them carefully. Who are the people you can't provoke in this life!"

The young man said in a low voice, the black sword was like the fangs of a poisonous snake, slashing fiercely at Lin Yang's neck.

whoosh whoosh..

The black blade roll is in front of the strong power of ascension, and the destructive power it produces is unimaginable.

This sword is enough to split the entire underground layer into powder.

Its power is absolutely beyond the imagination of the world.

But at the moment that is approaching.


A strange voice suddenly came out.

I saw the black sword blade attacking Lin Yang's neck suddenly stop, stopping in front of Lin Yang's neck...


The youth froze.

one look.

Lin Yang actually clamped his black sword with only two fingers.

The tyrannical power on the blade suddenly evaporated at his fingertips and disappeared without a trace!

This is impossible!

The youth is frightened!

He knew how terrifying the power of his sword was!

Except for the Martial God, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to catch his sword so calmly.

Could it be that... this person has the strength of a Valkyrie level?



The young man stared at Lin Yang with ferocious eyes.

Looking left and right, he couldn't even see that Lin Yang had the spirit of a martial god.

His aura doesn't seem to be strong, and compared with the peak supremes of the level of Antian Martial God and Canglan Martial God, it is unknown how many levels are worse. could he catch his own attack so easily?

The young man's scalp was numb, and he couldn't make any sound.

Moreover, he was shocked to find that when Lin Yang pinched him with two fingers to attack, his eyes did not stay on him, but he was always observing the fire.

In other words, this person didn't take his confident attack too seriously at all!

As soon as the young man gritted his teeth, he immediately spun the blade, trying to cut off Lin Yang's two fingers.

But in the next second, Lin Yang flicked those two fingers lightly.


The black sword was thrown away directly.

The young man retreated again and again, almost falling.

He tried his best to stabilize his center of gravity, and when he finally stood still, he found that the hand holding the sword was still shaking.

It turned out that the remaining power in Hei Jian's sword body was not dissipated for a long time, shaking the sword body, and shaking his arm at the same time.

very scary!

The young man regained his composure, looked at Lin Yang in disbelief, and Xuan'er growled, "What method did you use?"


At this time, Lin Yang extinguished the fire, and while turning on the cauldron, said calmly: "Do you think I need any means to deal with you?"

The young man's face turned pale, and his expression gradually became serious.

Never before had he faced such an outlandish foe.

At first I thought it was just a nameless person who didn't know how to live or die.

Now it seems that I was very wrong!


At this time, a crisp sound came from outside the corridor.

The young man's face tightened, and he looked there.

All I saw was that Jiuyu and Tao Cheng had rushed out of the gate, left the basement floor, and went to call for reinforcements.

Yu Bihong turned back with the sword in hand, staring at the young man.

Young people understand that there is not much time left for themselves.

"Following the Dark Sky Martial God for so many years, no one has ever dared to despise me like this! You are the first one. Today, let me see how strong you are!"

The young man's eyes were ferocious, and the black air filled his body again, then he jumped forward and jumped towards Lin Yang.

The moment he got close to Lin Yang, the black energy all over his body turned into a large number of tentacles again, rolling towards Lin Yang like a sword.

Like Bladestorm.

The whole house was full of wind.

The manuscript papers that had been sorted out were also blown into the air.

Lin Yang's face changed, looking at the messy room, his eyes were full of anger.

He didn't speak, but shook his palm.


The golden light passed by.

The drawing sword pen appeared in the palm of the hand.

Lin Yang stabbed at the young man with one hand and one sword.

clang! clang! clang! clang...

The black tentacles thrown out by the young man frantically hit the painting pen, trying to knock it away, find a breakthrough, and strangle Lin Yang.

But no matter how fierce and fast these tentacles are waving, it is of no avail!

Although the drawing sword pen has only one handle, it seems to have formed an indestructible barrier, and all the young people's offensives cannot overcome it.

"How can the defense be so watertight?"

The pupils of the young man soared, and he could hardly believe what he saw!

This person's swordsmanship is perfect!

And... it gave him a familiar feeling!

At this moment, the youth finally realized.

It's not that this person is powerful, but his skills are superb!

His swordsmanship has almost reached an unimaginable height!

The reason why the previous blow was defeated was purely because this person saw through his sword move!

At this time, Lin Yang suddenly seemed to have realized something, his eyes turned cold, and he waved forward with the drawing sword pen.


Immediately, the sword painting pen oscillated a terrifying sword power, which was stacked forward layer by layer like a wave, pushing forward layer by layer.

The young man still wanted to stop, but the moment he resisted the sword power, he reacted instantly.

"This is... the Canglan Sword Art?"

He cried out.

But it was too late to understand this now.


Under the impact of Lin Yang's sword force layer after layer, the young man's sword broke into two halves on the spot.

The terrifying sword force hit the young man's chest heavily.

The young man spat out blood, flew up immediately, and slammed into the table fiercely.

The pear wood desk was shattered on the spot, and the thick pile of manuscript paper on the desk was flying all over the sky like snowflakes.

The young man lay on the ground, feeling as if his chest had exploded.

He opened his eyes with difficulty, staring blankly at the manuscript papers falling all over the sky, his brain was already unable to think.

Why... this person knows Cang Lan sword hair?

And so subtle?

Doesn't this person have enmity with Martial God Canglan?

He couldn't figure it out.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw something, and his eyes suddenly opened wide.

On the manuscript paper flying all over the sky, there was a move of Canglan Sword Art drawn out of nowhere...

Moreover, there are a lot of deduction and formulas...

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