"This...these are?"

The young man felt his brain go blank, almost stopped thinking.

With all his strength, he raised his broken arm, clamped a piece of white paper with his fingers, and moved it in front of him.

On the white paper was drawn a villain dancing with a sword!

He remembers it very well!

This is the move of Martial God Canglan!

Although he has never fought Canglan Martial God, the descendants of Canglan Martial God know how many Canglan Sword Art!

This villain's movements are the 'storming waves' of the third move and the seventh move of the Canglan Sword Art!

But around the villain, there are a lot of lines and words, and there are a lot of formulas.

For example, the possible consequences of increasing or reducing the range of this move, the different powers that appear when the power of ascension is injected, and the deciphering and analysis of this move...

The young man moved his eyes and looked at the white papers scattered around him.

He found that not only this piece of paper, but almost every piece of paper was analyzing and dissecting the 'Canglan Sword Art'!

turn out to be!

Lin Yang's so-called retreat is not about cultivating one's own realm.

He is dissecting Canglan Martial God's unique skill!

"The seven Martial Gods are all gifted and have been famous for a hundred years. In terms of skill and cultivation, if I give me another five or ten years, I will not be able to catch up with them!"

"But if I thoroughly understand their moves, even if I can't kill them, at least I can be invincible!"

Lin Yang came over, picked up a few pieces of paper on the ground, and said calmly.

"So what if you understand the moves of the Valkyrie? What they rely on is not their moves, but their cultivation. A child's sword can't pierce a wooden board, but an adult's full-strength sword can even pierce a steel plate! How can it be compared?"

The young man gritted his teeth and said.

"Therefore, I need to study. Everything in the world is born and restrained by each other. I believe that the so-called Martial God is by no means invincible."

Lin Yang sorted out the manuscript paper calmly.

"This is just the self-consolation of the weak. If the gods of war are so easy to see through, how can they be honored as gods of war? They are gods, and they can't be defeated by some strange tricks like a mouse like you! You, are you?" It's whimsical!"

The young man snorted disdainfully.

Lin Yang didn't answer, but continued to bend down to pick up. Soon, he picked up all the manuscript paper scattered on the ground, and then said calmly, "Do you want to live?"

The young man was startled, then sneered and said, "Since I have defeated you, it is because I am not good at learning martial arts, because I am incompetent, and have failed my lord's expectations. Even now, what do I still want to do with my life? I want to kill or cut into pieces, everyone! Take it as you please!"

"If you want to live, I can give you a way to live!"

Lin Yang said straight.

"What? You want to let me go?"

The young man frowned.

"As long as you tell me the moves of Antian Martial God, I will spare your life!"

Lin Yang leaned closer and said in a low voice.

When the words fell to the ground, the young man immediately burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha, surnamed Lin, who do you think I am? Selling the master for glory? Let me tell you, don't even think about it! If you have the ability, kill me right now. I can't tell you anything about the master. Ha ha ha ha..."

High-pitched laughter spread.

But Lin Yang seemed particularly calm.

After a long time, he spoke directly, interrupting the young man's laughter.

"So, are you afraid?"


The corner of the young man's mouth raised, and he looked at him contemptuously: "You don't use aggressive tactics, do you think I will be tricked? It's ridiculous!"

"But you just said that they are gods, and they cannot be defeated by some of my strange skills! If that's the case, why don't you dare to say it? Are you afraid of something?"

Lin Yang shook his head, and said with a blank expression: "I tell you! The master you are talking about, the Martial God who is admired and respected by countless people in the underground dragon vein, is nothing in my eyes! You just need to give them their exercises and routines. I said it again, I want to defeat them, just like slaughtering pigs and dogs, do you believe it?"

When the words fell to the ground, the young man was furious.

"Arrogant! Extremely arrogant!"

"A scorpion who came out of nowhere, dare to talk nonsense!"

He still wanted to stand up and fight again, but the injury on his chest was so severe that no matter how hard he tried, it would be useless.

"I just hate that I can't kill you, just wait, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

The young man growled, his eyes became more and more blood red.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang's eyes became colder, but he had an idea in his heart.

"You, you hate me that much?"

"You insulted my master!"

"But do you know, you guys did it to me first!"

"You insult Miss, you deserve to be killed!"

"But your young lady wanted to kill me, but after losing to me, she asked you to come and trouble me!"

Lin Yang said coldly: "I wanted to spare you, but you didn't cooperate with me, and I wanted to kill you, but you are aggressive, and if you kill you like this, I'm afraid it will take advantage of you! If that's the case, don't blame me!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yang put away his drawing sword and brush, and said in a low voice, "Bi Hong!"


Yu Bihong, who was still standing at the door like a wooden man, trembled all over, and suddenly recovered.

"Big... my lord..."

"Lock him up!"


Yu Bihong was dumbfounded.

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