By the time the people from the building team rushed to the basement level under the leadership of Tao Cheng, the door of the presidential suite had been closed again.

If it wasn't for the corpses and blood all over the ground, Tao Cheng couldn't even believe what he saw.

He ran forward, trying to knock on the door.

But the door is extremely thick and completely soundproof, and the people inside can't hear the knocking on the door at all.

"Manager Tao, where are you?"

Li Kuangren, the team leader of the building team, raised his saber and asked coldly.

"Leader Li, don't worry, I'll send someone to investigate."

Tao Cheng wiped his sweat.

"Could it be that he escaped?"

"Impossible, if you run away, people outside will see it, I'm worried, it will be in this room..."

Tao Cheng hurriedly shouted to the people next to him: "Quick, get the spare key!"

"Yes, Manager Tao!"

"Manager Tao, no need!"

At this moment, a female voice came again.

"Imperial Commander!"

Jiuyu in the crowd was overjoyed when he saw the person coming, and hurried forward and said, "Are you okay?"

"With the leader here, what can happen?"

Yu Bihong snorted coldly.


Jiuyu trembled, eyes widened and said: "Commander Yu, what do you mean..."

"That person has already been taken care of by the leader! I just took that person to find Manager Tao, but I couldn't find him. Thinking that Manager Tao should come here, I turned back."

Yu Bihong said lightly.

"Miss Yu, where is that man?"

Tao Cheng hurriedly asked.

"In your office!"


Tao Cheng trembled, and immediately led him back to the office.

Sure enough, at this moment the young man was lying on the floor of Tao Cheng's office, unable to move.

Looking at the wounds on the young man, people stared wide-eyed in disbelief.

Especially Tao Cheng, he was completely dumbfounded.

He has seen the strength of this young man with his own eyes.

The guards around him didn't even catch the opponent's move!

However, such a powerful existence was beaten so miserably by Lin Yang...

What is the level of that genius doctor Lin's strength?

Tao Cheng's breathing was tight, and his head trembled a little.

"Miss Yu, where is Mr. Lin?"

Tao Cheng hurriedly asked.

"My leader said that he still needs to retreat now, and no one can disturb him!"

Yu Bihong said in a deep voice.

Tao Cheng nodded.

"Manager Tao, is this the person who killed the man who offered us a reward in the building? He also forcibly broke into the guest's retreat room? Making trouble in my building?"

Li Kuangren asked coldly with a ferocious face.

"That's right, it's him!"

"Hmph, if that's the case, then cut him into pieces and hang him at the entrance of the building, as a warning to others!"

Li Kuangren shouted, and he wanted to make a move.

"Leader Li, this is a man from Dark Sky Martial God, should we report it to our superiors?"

Tao Cheng said cautiously.

"Why do you still react? The Martial God of Dark Sky is so disrespectful to us for offering rewards to the building, and our building will have to ask him to settle the bill! There is no need for the superior to respond, let's kill this person first!"

Li Kuangren said angrily.

Although there is no Valkyrie in the Reward Building, no one can offend such a huge organization.

The same is true for the Dark Sky Martial God.

Tao Cheng didn't speak any more.

But just when Li Kuangren was about to make a move, Yu Bihong suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Stop it!"

Yu Bihong drank away.

Li Kuangren was startled, and then said with a cold face: "Miss, what are you doing?"

"You can't kill him!" Yu Bihong said expressionlessly.


"Because, this is what my leader told me!"

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