Hearing Luanfeng's words, Qing Hai couldn't react.

He frowned and said in a low voice, "Lord Luanfeng, what are you talking about?"

How could he not be happy to come to rescue Luanfeng?

Is this guy a jerk?

If it weren't for Luanfeng's rank being higher than Qing Hai's, Qing Hai would have scolded him long ago.

Luanfeng was very angry, and wanted to add a few sentences, but after seeing Qing Hai, he chose to remain silent.

The appearance of Qing Hai here is undoubtedly the meaning of the Antian Martial God.

To scold Qing Hai is to scold Antian Martial God.

But the question is who can understand his mood?

You know, if he kills the last few organ people, he will be able to walk out of the organ room openly.

For this reason, he rested for a full hour and prepared well.

But just when he was about to do it, the organ room was directly closed, and then someone took him out of the organ room.

This feeling is like he was clearly going to clear the level, but at the last moment of the game, someone forcibly pulled him away!

Although the result is not bad, it seems very depressed...

"Master Luanfeng, if you are fine, let's go back first, the master wants to see you!"

Qing Hai said in a deep voice.

He was also not interested in finding out what Luanfeng was thinking, so he nodded towards Xue Congming, looked deeply at Lin Yang, and walked out of the room with Luanfeng.


Yu Bihong at the back was anxious, watching the two leave, she immediately rushed to Lin Yang, and said emotionally: "Leader, should we let them go like this?"

"if not?"

"But...you just asked them to ask for three pills? I think the pills given by that person must be the worst grade...this...how is it worth it?"

Yu Bihong was a little speechless.

"No, it's a good deal. It's a very good deal."

Lin Yang glanced at the three pills, then carefully put them away.

Yu Bihong was stunned.

Jiuyu and Tao Cheng both looked confused.

Only Xue Congming's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Master Xue, I still want to renew the rent of that room, but I don't know what you plan to compensate me for?"

Lin Yang tilted his head and asked indifferently.

"Don't worry, they are all good things. I guarantee that Mr. Lin will like them."

Xue Congming smiled.

"Can I mention some rewards?"

Lin Yang said suddenly.


"Yes, I want to specify something."

"I don't know what Mr. Lin wants?"

"Some medicinal materials....I haven't thought about it yet, I'll ask Jiuyu to bring it to you tonight, how about it?"

"Okay, as long as it is within the scope of my bounty building, I can send it to you."

"Thank you."

Lin Yang cupped his fists, and then left with Yu Bihong and Jiuyu.

"It's weird..."

Tao Cheng couldn't help muttering, then turned his head and said, "Master Xue, what kind of medicine do you think this Mr. Lin is selling in the gourd?"

"I'm not too sure either."

Xue Congming thought for a while, then said hoarsely: "I have a guess, but... I think it's too absurd."

"Guess? What guess?"

Tao Cheng asked in a daze.

"Although those three pills came from the hands of Martial God Antian, they are not made of high-quality materials and are of average grade. They are common medicines. Logically speaking, they would not be of great help to Dr. Lin, but he asked for these three pills... It can be seen that it is definitely not edible!"

"Then he is used to..."

"Perhaps, he is used for research!"

Xue Congming said hoarsely.


Tao Cheng was terrified, and said in disbelief: "Could it be possible... Doctor Lin wants to use it to study the alchemy method of Antian Martial God?"

"Perhaps....It's also possible....It's a direct glimpse of all the medical skills of the Antian Martial God!"

Xue Congming said in a low voice.

"That's impossible! That's just a pill!"

Tao Cheng couldn't believe it.

"As the saying goes, you can know the whole leopard from a glimpse! What's more, this is a finished medicine pill, which represents the medical skills of the Dark Sky Martial God..."

Xue Congming shook his head: "But having said that, this is indeed too absurd... Just treat me as nonsense! Don't take it to heart."

Tao Cheng nodded silently. Although he still didn't believe it in his heart, for some reason, he always felt a little weird...

If it can be done.

Then...to what extent does Miracle Doctor Lin's talent and intelligence reach?

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