On the barren hills filled with black mist.

"Meet the master!"

Luanfeng knelt down on the ground, knocked his head heavily, and shouted through gritted teeth.

"Luanfeng has embarrassed the master, please punish him!"

"You are the shortest to me among the four guards, and the one with the lowest level of cultivation. Even so, I still carry you to the four guards to help you practice. I never thought that you can't even deal with an unknown person!"

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Antian Martial God turned his head slightly, his blood eyes in the black mist asked expressionlessly: "What? Is he very strong?"

"His sword moves...perfect..."

Luanfeng swallowed his saliva, seemed to remember the battle in the suite before, and immediately lowered his voice and said.


There was a killing intent in Antian Martial God's eyes.

"Master, to be honest, my subordinates didn't want to believe it at first, but after fighting with that person, I found that there is indeed no flaw in that person's sword moves, and...he used the Canglan Sword Art!"

Luanfeng said hoarsely.

"Canglan Sword Art? Is he a man of the Canglan Martial God?"

"The subordinates don't know...maybe...not..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because when my subordinates saw him, he was retreating, but... he was not making a breakthrough in cultivation, but was studying sword skills... What he was studying was the sword skills of Martial God Canglan ...."

Luanfeng lowered his head and told everything he saw.

Hearing the sound, Antian Martial God immediately fell silent.

I don't know how long it took before the hoarse sound came out.

"So, the sword move used by Lin Miracle Doctor is his improved method of Canglan Sword Art?"

"Yes, although my subordinates don't know Canglan sword hair, but they have also fought against the people under the command of Martial God Canglan. Compared with theirs, the sword moves used by this person are completely different. I can't find a way to crack them at all. !"

"So, this person is indeed a strange person!"

The murderous intent in Antian Martial God's bloody eyes became stronger and stronger: "This son...must be eliminated!"

"Master, please give me one more chance. This subordinate will definitely not disappoint you."

Luanfeng quickly cupped his fists.

"No, you trash, you were captured alive, do you want you to embarrass me?"

Antian Martial God said coldly.

Luanfeng's face turned blue and then pale, and then he said in a low voice: "Master, in fact, if you don't send Qing Hai to rescue this subordinate, this subordinate will still be able to escape. This subordinate is about to open up the mechanism room, and I will be able to return immediately." next to the master."

"Office room?"

"Yes, that Lin didn't kill me, but locked me in the mechanism room of the reward building!"

"Why didn't he put you in a cell in the Reward Building?"

Antian Martial God seemed to realize something, and immediately asked.

"This...subordinates don't know..."

Seeing that Antian Martial God's face was not right, Luanfeng looked a little guilty.

Antian Martial God's bloody eyes flickered, and he said hoarsely: "I ask you, did Divine Doctor Lin ever say anything to you?"

"What did you say? That's nothing..." Luanfeng thought for a moment, as if he had thought of it, and immediately said: "This man surnamed Lin wanted to force his subordinates to tell his master's exercises, but was rejected by his subordinates. I would rather die than betray my master!"

Luan Feng was righteous and awe-inspiring, with a look of death.

When Antian Martial God heard it, he immediately understood everything.

He took a deep breath, and turned around: "Although you didn't say it, you... have already given him my power!"

"how come?"

Luanfeng was stunned.

"I've heard of the mechanism room in the reward building. It's a Mohist mechanism built by the descendants of the ancient Mohists in the Dragon Kingdom. It's exquisite and incomparable. It's a work of heaven. It's used by the masters of the reward building for their cultivation!"

Antian Martial God calmly said: "Doctor Lin locked you in the mechanism room instead of prison, because he hoped that you would break through the mechanism by force! As long as you use the trick, he can see clearly. Find out my several layers of exercises..."


Luanfeng sat paralyzed on the ground, completely lost his soul.

"This genius doctor Lin...has already started to study me..."

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