There are a lot of people outside Longkou.

Countless tyrants in Longxin City gathered here one after another.

People from all major clans came.

On both sides of Longkou, there are already luxurious chairs.

Martial God Canglan sat on one of the glazed chairs early, closed his eyes and meditated.

Beside him stood countless strong men from the Canglan mansion.

When all the warriors who came saw Canglan Martial God, they all came over and worshiped, and they dared not do anything wrong!

The aura of the Valkyrie has covered the entire Longkou.

The people of the underground dragon veins can only see the demeanor of the god of war under such a grand scene!

Behind Martial God Canglan stood a row of young people.

There are men and women.

Cang Lanfu is among them.

These people are the descendants of Martial God Canglan, and they will all enter the Dragon Palace to train themselves and gain benefits.

But Cang Lanfu is different from other so-called brothers and sisters.

Most of these people will only practice on the first and second floors of Dragon Palace.

But Cang Lanfu had to enter the third floor and complete the trial.

"Wow! It's so lively!"

A girl in a red dress holding a scimitar walked into Longkou, and seeing the battle, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

The people following behind are all red clothes and silver swords, very conspicuous.

Many people looked sideways frequently.

"It's from the Longdong blood knife family!"

"What? The blood knife family? Could it be that... the residual blood knife girl, Miss Meimeng?"

"That's right, it's her!"

"My God, Miss Meimeng actually signed up? She seems to be only eighteen years old this year?"

"How dare you break into the Dragon Palace at such a young age? Do you want to die? I don't think she can even beat the first floor of the Dragon Palace?"

"She is crazy!"

Many people secretly exclaimed.

Meimeng smiled coldly, and looked around disdainfully: "A group of ignorant rats, just Dragon Palace, is it difficult for Miss Ben? Let me tell you, my lady's goal is not the first floor of Dragon Palace, but the third floor! Do you understand! "

"Three floors?"

The scene is boiling again.

Everyone can't believe it.

"Keep your dog eyes open and watch!"

Mei Meng snorted coldly, too lazy to talk to these people.

"Miss, Martial God Canglan is here in person, please go and pay a visit quickly, don't lose the courtesy of our family."

At this time, an old woman in red robe came up behind Mei Meng and said in a low voice.

Mei Meng glanced away at Martial God Canglan who was sitting above him like a god in the distance, but she felt displeased.

"There used to be a genius in my blood knife family who wanted to become a martial god. If it weren't for an accident, and the success fell short, why should I bow to him?"

"Miss, be cautious in your words and deeds, the Martial God is here, don't make mistakes, go quickly."

"Oh, forget it!"

Mei Meng sighed, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk forward, bowing to Martial God Canglan.

"Junior Meimeng, pay homage to Martial God Canglan!"

"A girl from the blood knife family?"

Martial God Canglan slowly opened his eyes, looked at Meimeng, and then nodded: "Not bad, not bad, although you are young, you have such cultivation, it is really valuable."

"Lord Valkyrie is absurd."

Although Meimeng was upset with Martial God Canglan, she still knew the basic etiquette.

After the courtesy, he stepped aside and waited for the gate of the Dragon Palace to be fully opened.

At this time, there was another commotion at the scene.

Then the crowd split apart, and a man in white clothes with bamboo patterns entered Longkou with a medicine basket on his back.

Some people didn't care about this person, but when a few caring people looked at him, they immediately cried out.

"That's... Qi Qingbai, the successor of the sage of medicine!"

"What? Medicine...the successor of the medicine sage is here?"

"I'll go, it's really Qi Qingbai, Miracle Doctor Qi!"

" did he come to participate in the Dragon Palace?"

The crowd exclaimed, and the scene was boiling.

Martial God Canglan frowned slightly, and looked at the man carrying the medicine basket.

However, the other party acted as if he hadn't seen Martial God Canglan. He walked to the dragon's mouth as if no one else was there, glanced at the gate, then bent down and sat on the ground with his eyes closed, not going to salute Martial God Canglan at all!

This is blatant disregard!

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