
Simply arrogant!

This is Martial God Canglan, one of the seven Martial Gods of the Underground Dragon Vein!

It is an existence regarded as a god by countless people.

How dare someone be disrespectful?

"Bastard! I'm going to catch him!"

A person from the Canglan mansion was furious and wanted to draw his sword.


Martial God Canglan said indifferently: "Let him go!"


The man was stunned, showing unwillingness.

"Take it as a drug sage's face."

Martial God Canglan said lightly.

As soon as these words fell, many people gasped.

No wonder Qi Qingbai dared to be so confident.

After all, the person standing behind him is the medicine sage of the underground dragon vein.

How much worse is that person's skills than the Qiwushen?

Many Dragon Palace participants came later.

But their identities are not as resounding as Mei Meng and Qi Qingbai, even though these people are well-known figures in Longxin City, and their backgrounds are also not bad.

But with Martial God Canglan in charge, their little energy can't cause waves.

"There are so many people?"

At this time, Yu Bihong, who had walked to the door, glanced at the scene in front of the gate of Dragon Palace, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"There are at least tens of thousands of people here? Are they all participating in the Dragon Palace?"

Jiuyu next to him asked dumbfounded.

"That's definitely not the case. There are also people from aristocratic families who came to cheer."

Lin Yang looked around, and finally landed on Martial God Canglan who was sitting high above, his eyes were slightly fixed.

Afterwards, Cang Lanfu kept staring at the door, and when Lin Yang and the three of them appeared after the disguise, he immediately noticed it, and wanted to wave his hands to say hello, but he stopped in the end.

Lin Yang gave him a look, then led Jiuyu and Yu Bihong to Longkou and sat down casually.

"You guys, why don't you kneel down to the Canglan Martial God? Are you disrespectful to the Martial God?"

"Be careful that Lord Martial God will get angry and kill you!"

Seeing that Lin Yang and the other three had no intention of bowing down, the people next to them said dissatisfiedly.

Lin Yang naturally chose to ignore it.

He and Martial God Canglan were not on the right track, how could he talk to him?

"Master, look, is that person?"

At this time, the attendants beside Martial God Canglan noticed Lin Yang and immediately whispered.

Martial God Canglan slightly opened his eyes and glanced at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang entered the Canglan mansion before, and the appearance he used was the appearance after changing his appearance, so Martial God Canglan naturally recognized it.

"How daring this man is, he didn't even kowtow to you, it's lawless!"

The servant said angrily.

"That's all."

Martial God Canglan glanced sideways at Canglanfu, closed his eyes and said: "Anyway, he won't live long, so why care about a dead man?"

"Yes, my lord."

The servant clasped his fists.

There was a lot of voices at the scene, and the world was discussing, all discussing what kind of proud son of heaven will break into the new level of Dragon Palace this time.

The Dragon Palace is said to be divided into ten floors.

Ordinary people are active on the first and second floors at most.

Entering the third floor is already a rare genius.

Those who are not inheritors of the Martial God on the fourth floor are not allowed to enter.

As for the fifth floor... so far, no one has arrived!

But many people concluded that someone must enter the fifth floor this time.

The reason is the same, because among the people participating in the Dragon Palace this time, there are several immortal geniuses.

"Brother Fu, are you really sure? That person named Ye Yan can really enter the fifth floor?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the few people standing in front of Lin Yang.

Hearing the word Ye Yan, Lin Yang couldn't help opening his eyes.

"I'm sure he will be able to go in!" The man called Brother Fu said firmly.

"Why are you so confident?"

"What? You don't believe it? Let me tell you, this guy named Ye Yan is said to be appreciated by the big bosses of the northern and southern martial arts. They all say that he is the number one wizard in the ages, and he is young and powerful. He is the best of the new Martial God Two candidates! This trip to the Dragon Palace, Ye Yan only wants to break through! If he can't make it to the fifth floor, I'm afraid no one will be able to reach the fifth floor!"

"Where's the one from Canglan's family...can he come?"

"'s hard to say, it should be possible..."

"The one from Cang Lan's family?"

Jiuyu next to him seemed to be listening all the time, and immediately interjected: "Brothers, who are you referring to from the Canglan family? Is it Canglanfu?"

The few people were startled, looked back at Jiuyu, and then laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

"What is Cang Lanfu? An illegitimate child, don't think that you can become arrogant if you hurt Miss An Mingyue with a sneak attack!"

"I said, friend, do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand? The Canglan family, who else is there besides Canglan Tianjue?"

"Canglan Tianjue?"

Jiuyu was startled.

"The eldest son of Martial God Canglan!"

Yu Bihong next to her said in a deep voice.

"That's right, this one is the real inheritor of the Martial God! It is said that he has the inheritance of the Canglan Martial God, and even Master Canglanao can't compare with him. You are mere Canglanfu, what are you?"

The man sneered.

Jiuyu was so embarrassed that he stopped talking.

Lin Yang didn't want to listen anymore, but looked around.

However, after scanning around, Ye Yan was nowhere to be seen.

Well, it will always come.

Lin Yang shook his head, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

But at this moment, a melodious bell rang from outside the dragon's mouth.

Then bursts of shouts came into the mouth of the dragon.

"Taitian Martial God has arrived!"

"Taitian Martial God has arrived!"

"Taitian Martial God has arrived!"


The sound is continuous, exciting and high-pitched.

Everyone in Longkou trembled, and then knelt down in unison towards the gate of Longkou.

Martial God Canglan also opened his eyes suddenly, and looked towards the gate.

I saw a figure in armor rushing in, lined up on the left and right of the entrance.

After a while, a figure wearing a red cloak and glazed armor strode into the dragon's mouth.

This figure is strong and burly, and the aura is even more earth-shattering.

Once entering Longkou, the atmosphere of the whole scene was suppressed to the extreme.

Everyone can't breathe.

This is Taitian Martial God?

Lin Yang stared at this person with serious eyes.

Martial God Canglan and Martial God Antian, Lin Yang has a solution.

Only this person...unpredictable!


Martial God Taitian who had just walked into Longkou seemed to have noticed something, and immediately looked at Lin Yang.

That extremely aggressive gaze seemed to see through everyone here...

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