Lin Yang's expression tensed, and he immediately looked away.

too horrible!

Valkyrie is Valkyrie after all!

Lin Yang panted slightly, his face was particularly ugly.

He once confronted Martial God Canglan.

The aura of the Martial God is terrifying, enough to completely disintegrate his aura without making a fuss, making Lin Yang unable to use any moves at all.

But seeing this Taitian Martial God today, it seems that his aura is more terrifying and fierce than Canglan Martial God!

Martial God Taitian stared at Lin Yang for a while, and then glanced at the people beside Lin Yang. There was nothing unusual, and then he looked away.

"Meet the God of War Taitian!"

The sound of mountain roar and tsunami spread.

At this moment, even the people in the Canglan mansion all knelt down to show their respect.

"Tai Tian, ​​don't come here unharmed!"

Martial God Canglan made a faint sound, and then waved to the glazed chair not far away: "Please sit down!"

"Dragon Heart City and his party felt very boring, just happened to see the opening of the Dragon Palace, so they came here to relieve boredom."

Martial God Taitian said indifferently, and then strode towards the glass god chair with big strides.

His colorful armor made a collision sound as he walked, there was a kind of heavy power, and the hearts of those who heard it trembled.

The two warriors sat together.

This momentum has caused many people with poor cultivation to leave the field.

The rest of the people also felt the pressure, they lowered their heads and dared not raise their heads.

A person like Jiuyu who has lost all his cultivation has already knelt on the ground, trembling and unable to get up.

His complexion was pale, sweat dripped down his cheeks continuously, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

"Jade jade?"

Yu Bihong was stunned, and just about to help, Lin Yang had already taken the needle and pricked his neck.

Seeing Jiuyu heaved a sigh of relief.

"Are you all right?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Thank you, ally."

Jiuyu squeezed out a smile, but his face was still frighteningly pale.

"The aura of the Martial Gods is not intentionally revealed by them, but formed on its own after reaching a certain height. It is reasonable for you to be unable to resist."

Lin Yang said calmly.

The two nodded silently, and glanced at the scene, many people were like Jiuyu.

No wonder the Seven Martial Gods are hailed as god-like existences in the underground dragon veins.

Just this kind of aura is unbearable. If you really make a move, it will be earth-shattering, and ghosts will cry and gods howl...

Lin Yang silently looked at Taitian Martial God.

But he saw that the members of the Qin and Sword Family were also present, and they all followed Taitian Martial God.

To his surprise, Qin Jiannv was also among them!

"Tai Tian, ​​don't you have anyone to send you on this trip to the Dragon Palace?"

Martial God Canglan glanced at Martial God Taitian and asked indifferently.

"Send two people to play, Wu Er Wu San, and another subordinate's daughter is willing to go, a total of three people."

Martial God Taitian said lightly.

"Subordinate daughter?"

Martial God Canglan frowned.

Qin Hua Piaobo immediately glared at Qin Jiannv.

There were also some absent-minded Qin and Sword Girls who were reminded by others, so they stepped forward and saluted Martial God Canglan.

"Little girl Qinjian, meet the master!"

Martial God Cang Lan glanced at Qin Jiannu, and nodded lightly: "The talent is good, the bones are good, but he is also a good seedling!"

"If she can pass the fourth floor of the Dragon Palace this time, I still consider taking her as a disciple!"

Martial God Taitian said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

The members of the Qin and Sword Family were even more excited.

"Girl, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and kneel down to thank the teacher!"

Qin Hua Piaobo blushed with excitement, and shouted eagerly.

However... Qin Jiannv looked hesitant and did not immediately kneel down.

When this scene appeared, the uproarious crowd fell silent again...

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