Martial God Canglan was really angry.

Although he was very calm, everyone could see it.

The temperature of the entire Longkou is also dropping sharply.

Many people trembled and did not dare to see Martial God Canglan at all.

The Valkyrie was furious, and all the people worshiped him.

However... Lin Yang ignored it completely and turned a blind eye.

"Thank you, son, for your help."

Qin Jiannv bit her cherry lips, lowered her eyes and said hoarsely: "It's just my lord, it's really worthless for you to do this. The Qin Jiannv's life is like an ant, why should you make such a rescue?"

"I just don't like Canglan Tianjue's bullying others, girl don't need to worry."

Lin Yang smiled lightly.

"But son..."

Qin Jiannv still wanted to say something, but she was at a loss for words.

It happened and she couldn't change anything.

"Please be bowed by the Qin and Sword Girl!"

Qin Jiannv could only bow deeply to Lin Yang, with gratitude in her eyes.

"It doesn't have to be."

Lin Yang waved his hand.

Qin Jiannv smiled sadly, but she bowed to Cang Lantian.

Her eyes were slightly red, and her voice trembled slightly:

"Young Master Canglan, I am willing to marry you, but I just ask you not to kill this person."

"Oh? Why did you suddenly give in?"

Cang Lantian asked indifferently, with disdain in his eyes.

"I don't want such a righteous man to die."

Qin Jiannv said hoarsely.

She doesn't care about personal life and death, but she can't bear the death of someone like Lin Yang who is not afraid of power to stand up for herself.

"Miss Qinjian?"

Lin Yang frowned.

But Cang Lantian shook his head expressionlessly: "It's too late to give in now. As I said, I have lost interest in you. If this person insults me and my father, he will definitely die. There is no one in heaven or earth." Someone saved him!"

"As for you, I don't intend to marry her as a wife either. You will die by my sword when your body is exhausted!"

Qin Jiannv's pupils trembled and she clenched her fists tightly, but she didn't say anything in the end.

Lin Yang glanced at Canglan Tianjue, turned around and walked towards the crowd.

The people in the world looked at him with pity, and they all whispered to each other, all talking about this man's arrogance and arrogance, seeking his own death.

"It's a pleasure to say something in high spirits, but the price is immeasurable, you two idiots!"

Canglan Tianjue murmured, then closed his eyes and stood still, quietly waiting for the Dragon Palace to open.

At this moment, the scene boiled again.

All eyes flocked to the gate entrance.

"I'm coming!"

"It's the first day!"

"My God, it's Ye Yan! The legendary Ye Yan finally appeared!"

"This is the first successor of the Martial God!"

After the sound fell, countless people stood on tiptoe and looked towards the gate.

More people rushed towards it.

Looking at the boiling crowd, even Martial God Canglan and Martial God Taitian couldn't help but stare.

After all, the reputation of this person in the underground dragon vein recently is too loud.

"Ye Yan?"

Lin Yang turned around sharply, staring with his sword eyes.

But I saw a team walking into Longkou.

These people are all dressed in gold robes with dragon patterns, and they look mighty and domineering, especially ostentatious.

The leader is none other than the owner of the Nayuan Heavenly Temple, Ye Yan!

His expression is indifferent, handsome like a god, his breath is restrained, like a virgin.

There is a golden long sword pinned to his waist, which is so powerful and extraordinary that it makes people dazzled for a while.

What a unicorn!

With just this aura, it completely suppressed Cang Lantian's best!

But what surprised Lin Yang was that there was a familiar person beside Ye Yan.

That is the dark moon...

These two people... actually came together?

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