An Mingyue looked calm, but her eyes fell on Ye Yan from time to time, and there was occasional appreciation in her pupils.

Thinking about it, An Mingyue is a proud woman, ordinary people can't get into her eyes at all.

This Ye Yan, who was praised by the people of the underground dragon veins as the first successor to the Martial God, could win his heart.

But Lin Yang knew that Ye Yan was not a womanizer.

The reason why he agreed to be with An Mingyue must be only for the Antian Martial God.

This kind of person can do anything for the sake of cultivation!

Lin Yang's eyes tightened slightly, and there was a trace of solemnity in his pupils.

If Ye Yan gets close to the big tree of Dark Sky Martial God, once he gets his guidance, with Ye Yan's talent, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

It is necessary to resolve future troubles in Dragon Palace!

Otherwise, there will be no chance!

"Dark Moon, meet Uncle Canglan, and Uncle Taitian!"

An Mingyue led Shi Shiran forward and bowed in salute.

The two looked at An Mingyue and nodded slightly.

"Girls are more and more beautiful after birth."

Martial God Canglan read aloud casually, and said no more.

In fact, Canglan Tianjue's first target was An Mingyue, but An Mingyue was arrogant and rejected Canglan Tianjue many times. Canglan Tianjue had no choice but to give up.

Canglan Tianjue glanced at An Mingyue, and then his eyes fell on Ye Yan again, the murderous intent flashed away in the depths of his eyes.

Ye Yan seemed to be aware of Canglan Tianjue's killing light, tilted his head slightly, and looked at Canglan Tianjue indifferently.

"This young man, is that Ye who has been in the limelight recently?"

Martial God Taitian turned his gaze to Ye Yan, and spoke lightly.

"Junior Ye Yan, I met the two seniors!"

Ye Yan clenched his fists casually, his tone neither light nor heavy, neither humble nor humble.

The two Martial Gods really frowned.

"Something interesting!"

Tai Tian glanced at Ye Yan, then looked at An Mingyue and said, "An Tian Martial God has found a good son-in-law!"

An Mingyue's pretty face blushed, and she said lightly: "Bobo Taitian wants to talk nonsense, I have not established a relationship with Brother Ye! But if Mingyue wants to find a man, he must naturally find the most talented and capable person in the world! "

This is almost a confession.

However, Ye Yan's expression was quiet, neither happy nor sad, calm.

An Mingyue looked at the leaf inflammation and frowned slightly.

At this time, there was no reaction at all.

Isn't it the face of the dark moon?

"It's good for a girl to have such ambition!"

Martial God Taitian nodded calmly, and didn't say anything more.

Martial God Canglan cast a wink at Canglan Tianjue.

Cang Lantian seemed to understand something, nodded secretly, and looked at the two with more and more cold eyes.


At this moment, a dragon chant suddenly came from the Dragon Palace.



Everyone trembled and looked towards the gate of the Dragon Palace in unison.

I saw the huge copper door suddenly and slowly open.

A golden light floated out from the crack in the door.

Then, the gate of the Dragon Palace opened wide!

Inside the door is a piece of golden light, beautiful, mysterious and magical!

"Dragon Palace is opened! Dragon Palace is opened!"

"It's finally started!"

"Quick! Quick! Enter the Dragon Palace!"

"Quickly enter the Dragon Palace!"

The scene that had been orderly just now became chaotic in an instant.

All the people who signed up to participate in the Dragon Palace rushed into the gate desperately.

At the same time, the huge dragon relief opposite the gate of the Dragon Palace also lit up.

Fighting Dragon Palace officially begins!

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