Qin Jiannv was stunned, looked at Lin Yang in astonishment, and then smiled bitterly: "Friend, I think you are crazy? There are so many people, how do we send them to the second floor?"

"It's not difficult."

"Do you want to block those four organ guards alone? I have to tell you, the strength of those four organ guards is extremely terrifying. If the four organ guards attack together, they can even fight against the Valkyrie! If they are targeted by the four guards together, I'm afraid that if I don't take a breath, I will die!"

Qin Jiannv shook her head again and again.

"Don't worry, I'm sure!"

Lin Yang said calmly, and then urged the Hongmeng Dragon Needle to pierce the body to increase the strength of the physical body. At the same time, he took out the elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, and then walked in front of the person.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Lin Yang shouted loudly.

Everyone who still wanted to punch the card was stunned and stopped.

"Are you the kid who contradicted Lord Canglan Tianjue and slandered Canglan Martial God?"

Someone recognized Lin Yang, frowned and drank away.

"Why aren't you dead yet, kid?"

"Where is Lord Canglan Tianjue?"

Someone next to him immediately asked questions.

Qin Jiannv's complexion changed.

But Lin Yang didn't intend to answer this question.

He glanced at the crowd indifferently, and said calmly: "Everyone, let me ask you, do you want to enter the second floor?"

As soon as these words came out, the people who were thinking about it immediately focused their attention.

"Boy, what do you mean?"

A strong man asked deeply.

"I can help you enter the second floor."

Lin Yang smiled.

"Help us get to the second floor?"

The strong man was taken aback.

"Oh, there is no free lunch in the world! Kid, you are strangers to us, and we don't even know your details. For no reason, how could you be so kind and help us enter the second floor? What is your purpose?"

A woman stood up and sneered again and again: "In my opinion, you must want to use us to attract the attention of the guards of these four organs, and then take the opportunity to enter the second floor, right?"

"Ah? So that's it!"

"Stinky boy! You are so vicious!"

"Damn, I was almost used as a gun by your dog!"

"You bastard, you must die!"

The woman's words directly ignited everyone.

Everyone was furious, and they pulled out their weapons one by one, and wanted to attack Lin Yang.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Qin Jiannv immediately activated the power of ascension and prepared to meet the enemy.

But at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly turned around and walked towards the four guards.

"Since you don't believe me, then I will tell you with practical actions!"

Everyone was stunned and looked towards Lin Yang one after another.

I saw Lin Yang urging the power of ascension, watching the four guards.

After getting close, he suddenly shouted loudly, and a stream of golden light immediately rippled all over his body.

The four guards were immediately attracted by the approaching Lin Yang, and they rushed towards him together.

The terrifying blade swung with a destructive force capable of smashing everything, and slashed at his head fiercely.

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed tremblingly, and some even breathed out.

But when the blade fell on Lin Yang's head.

clang! clang! clang! clang!

Four crisp sounds came out.

Seeing that the blades of the four organ men were all placed on Lin Yang's head, but they couldn't split it halfway...


The audience was dumbfounded.

Everyone's mouths were opened to the maximum, almost enough to stuff eggs.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Come in!"

Lin Yang, who was resisting the four guards here, turned his head and shouted with difficulty.

"Ah? Good! Good!"

"My lord, hold on!"

"Quick, go in!"

The rest of the people just came back to their senses, and they all rushed inside like crazy.

Qin Jiannv looked in astonishment, her face full of shock.

Lin Yang attracted the firepower of the four guards, and the rest rushed into the second floor.

After a while, the first floor was empty.

There was only one strike after another, like the sound of blacksmithing.

"Miss Qinjian, why don't you go in?"

Lin Yang turned his head to look at Qin Jiannv.

He was out of breath, and his ascension power had been consumed a lot, and he seemed to be unable to hold on anymore.

"Then how do you get in?"

Qin Jiannv asked blankly.

"If you go in, I can go in."

"Oh well."

Qin Jiannv gritted her silver teeth, turned her head and rushed in.

With Qin Jiannv's strength, the barriers on the first floor can't stop her.

Her goal is three floors.

Now we must conserve our strength to deal with the difficult problems ahead.

When Qin Jiannv rushed through the gate, Lin Yang also possessed herself, rushed forward, and rushed into the gate with the sword on her head.

The gate was still filled with golden light, and after rushing in, the line of sight was immediately blocked.

After rushing forward for about five or six meters, the line of sight was restored.

At this moment, everyone has come to a place like an underground labyrinth.

There are seven or eight tunnels ahead, and the roof of each tunnel cannot be seen.

Those who had entered the gate directly chose a tunnel and rushed.

After all, there are many treasures scattered in these tunnels.

Although An Mingyue, Ye Yan and others reached the second floor, they turned a blind eye to these treasures.

After all, these things are still out of their sight.

They couldn't wait to attack the second level.

It only took three days for the Dragon Palace to open.

They must reach a higher level within three days.

Because the treasure of the highest level is the real peerless treasure.

Qin Jiannv looked around, thinking about which way to go.

But Lin Yang sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated.

It took him a lot of physical strength to resist the four organ guards before.

At this time, nature has to recover.

"My friend, why are you bothering? With your strength, you and I will join forces, and you will not be afraid of those people! Now you are expending a lot of money to let those people in. Once you encounter danger, how should you resist?"

Qin Jiannv sighed, and said in a low voice: "The most taboo thing about this trip to the Dragon Palace is to consume too much physical strength on the first two floors, because the time is limited, we don't have much time to recover our physical strength. , was forced to leave because of lack of time and physical strength, if you do this, I am afraid that you will only break into the third floor at most!"

"It doesn't matter how many floors I broke into. The purpose of my coming here is not for the benefit of Dragon Palace!"

Lin Yang shook his head.

"Then why are you here?"

Qin Jiannv was startled.

Lin Yang opened his mouth, wanting to tell Qin Jiannv his identity, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided to forget it.

After all, Martial God Taitian is still outside, so she won't be dragged into the water.

But Lin Yang didn't explain why.

He didn't care about the people in the Canglan mansion at all.

The reason why so many people were let in was purely to deal with Ye Yan.

"Don't talk too much, let's hurry to the checkpoint!"

Lin Yang swallowed a elixir, regained his breath, got up and walked forward...

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