The two walked in a quiet tunnel.

No one was around.

But as he walked, he could see a lot of blood on the ground.

A few steps forward, there is a warm corpse.

"There is someone in front!"

Qin Jiannv immediately lowered her voice and slowed down her pace.

Lin Yang nodded, released the power of ascension, and covered the surroundings. After a while, he seemed to perceive something.

"It's about 300 meters away from us, and they're still fighting!"

"These roads can all lead to the checkpoint on the second floor. It's too late for us to look back now. Let's see if it's an enemy or a friend!"

Qin Jiannv held the soft sword tightly, suppressed her footsteps, held her breath, and quietly leaned forward.

Chi la!

There was a slight sound of flesh being torn apart.

The sound of fighting not far away also stopped abruptly.

"What's going on? Why are there so many miscellaneous things on the second floor?"

"Damn it, you even dare to grab what I like! It's courting death!"

"With their strength, it is impossible to enter the second floor..."

"It's so weird!"

There were a few small voices of conversation.

Qin Jiannu couldn't see anyone, she could only hear voices, and she felt a little impatient.

He only listens to the sound, and has no idea of ​​friend or foe.

That being the case, why not go see it?

Qin Jiannv glanced at Lin Yang, seeing that Lin Yang didn't respond, she wanted to go over.

But just as she was about to leave, she heard a shout.


The voice fell to the ground, and several figures rushed over.

Looking up, Qin Jiannv's face suddenly changed.

It is a person from the Canglan mansion!

"not good!"

Qin Jiannv turned around immediately, trying to drag Lin Yang to run.

"Run what?"

Lin Yang picked up a long sword scattered on the ground, ready to deal with this group of people.

But at this moment.

whoosh whoosh...

A red light struck, and then several vine-like ropes stretched from behind these people, directly binding everyone.

Chi la!

With a pull on the rope.

All the people in the Canglan mansion were turned into pieces of meat and spread all over the floor.

Qin Jiannv and Lin Yang froze for a moment, then looked forward.

But saw a scarlet figure walking towards this.

It's a charming dream!

The blood knife in her hand can be separated into a hook lock, which is especially terrifying.

"Miss Meimeng?"

Qin Jiannv retreated subconsciously and became vigilant.

"Are you all right?"

Mei Meng asked with a smile.

"We are fine, thank you Miss Meimeng."

Qin Jiannv responded lightly, with undiminished vigilance.

"It's fine."

Meimeng smiled and said: "These people in the Canglan mansion are simply lawless, and they actually started to clear the place, I can't let them succeed!"


Lin Yang was quite surprised.

"Yes, you may not know how many people came to Canglan's mansion this time. Those who stood beside Martial God Canglan were all elites. He also sent nearly a hundred people to mix in the crowd. Although the crowd came in together, Canglan followed The masters of the mansion will help, enter the second floor!"

Mei Meng explained.

"Why would they do this?"

"This is another question? The baby who monopolizes the third floor!"

Mei Meng looked at Lin Yang with a strange face: "You don't even know this?"

"I'm a frog in a well, and I don't know much."

Lin Yang shrugged.

"No wonder, after all, he is someone who dares to offend even a Valkyrie, and only a mindless person like you would do such a stupid thing."

Mei Meng laughed.

"As the saying goes, peers are enemies, and the treasures of the third floor can already attract the attention of the Martial Gods. If people from other forces get a lot of benefits from the third floor, it will definitely increase their strength, which may affect the major Martial Gods Therefore, it is not surprising that something like Martial God Canglan would clear the field."

Qin Jiannv explained, and at the same time looked at Lin Yang suspiciously.

After all, this kind of thing is nothing new in the underground dragon vein.

Why doesn't this person even know this?

Isn't he a man of underground dragon veins?

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