Lin Yang looked sideways.

But he saw five figures with terrifying auras walking towards the two of them.

These five people pulled out the sharp swords at their waists one after another, their eyes were ferocious and fierce, and locked on to the two of them.

He was actually a master of the Canglan mansion!


Without hesitation, Qin Jiannv grabbed Lin Yang's arm and fled outside.


The five masters of Canglan immediately galloped away.

"Oh, have you been chased?"

An Mingyue seemed to have noticed the movement here, and couldn't help snorting: "Don't say that you offended Martial God Canglan, but you still dare to come here, do you really think the people in Canglan Mansion are easy to bully?"

"Miss, what's the matter?"

The person next to Antian Martial God couldn't help asking.


An Mingyue shook her head, and looked at Ye Yan again.

"about there."

At this time, Ye Yan slowly opened his eyes and raised his arms.


A slender pale sword appeared.

If you look carefully, you can find that this sword is actually made of bones!

"Ye Yan, are you ready to make a move?"

An Mingyue immediately put her hand on the hilt of her sword, and said with a low laugh, "Let's fight together!"

"No, I can do it by myself."

Ye Yan whispered: "You help me sweep the formation."

An Mingyue was taken aback for a moment, as if she didn't quite understand the meaning of these words, she asked in surprise, "What kind of battle formation?"

"I feel that many people's eyes are locked on me. I'm not sure if they're harassing my actions. You help me sweep the formation. If someone makes trouble while I'm doing it, kill it for me!"

"Oh, do they have that much courage?"

An Mingyue sneered disdainfully, looked around and said: "Ye Yan, you go ahead, anyone who dares to break the rules and attack you at this time, I will punish them all!"


Ye Yan nodded slightly, then moved towards the stone sculpture with his feet a little bit.

Seeing Ye Yan make a move, everyone's breathing was tight.

And those people who were incited by Lin Yang stepped forward in unison.

"What are you doing? Get the hell out of here, all back!"

An Mingyue immediately drew out a pitch-black long sword and yelled loudly.

When the world saw it, they were all stunned.

Wisps of black smoke overflowed from that long sword, like an evil Shura sword!

"It's the sword of Dark Sky Valkyrie!"

"My God, Master Antian Martial God actually handed over the saber to Miss Anmingyue!"

"This... who dares to oppose Miss An Mingyue?"

Many people were astonished.

But those who are eager to go to the three-story Dragon Palace do not give up.

They stared at Ye Yan, ready to move.

Following Ye Yan's intrusion, the stone sculpture moved again.

The terrifying sword light struck him once again.

But Ye Yan's speed was faster, his sharp sword was more agile and elegant, and he swung it in the air.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom...

A series of crashing sounds sounded straight away.



Everyone exclaimed, shocked by Ye Yan's superb sword skills.

But Ye Yan is not only strong in sword skills, he wields again and again.

whoosh whoosh...

A large number of silver needles floated around him like meteors, constantly piercing into his body, strengthening his body, and repairing his scars.

All of a sudden, the stone carving couldn't kill Ye Yan!

Ye Yan immediately approached the stone sculpture bit by bit.


An Mingyue's eyes showed joy, and she was very excited.

"Miss! You can go!"

The entourage of Antian Martial God next to him immediately drank in a low voice.

An Mingyue nodded, ready to follow Ye Yan and enter the third floor.

But at this moment, someone called out.

"Brothers, it's time! Go!"


In an instant, everyone rushed towards the stone carving in a hurry.

An Mingyue turned pale with shock, and immediately scolded: "Stop it all!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled out the evil sword and slashed at the crowd.

In the past, dozens of people would not be enough to kill the dark moon.

But this time, hundreds of people swarmed in, and she couldn't kill them with a single blow of sword.

The scene was immediately chaotic.

Ye Yan's expression changed slightly, and he quickly retreated.

But it was still a step too late.

The stone sculpture aimed at Ye Yan's chest, and struck with a sword.

The terrifying sword light seemed to shatter the space!

at the same time.

At the corner of the tunnel at the front of the level.

Lin Yang grabbed Qin Jiannv who was still about to run.

"Friend, what are you doing? Run away!"

Qin Jiannv shouted anxiously.

"You don't need to run away, since you are from the Canglan clan, just get rid of it!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

"My friend, these five people were all trained by Martial God Canglan himself. If they fight together, even Canglan Tianjue may not be able to deal with them! Why are you so reckless?"

Qin Jiannv said anxiously.

"not afraid."

Lin Yang shook his head.

At this moment, five people rushed over and immediately surrounded the two of them.

"This time it's up to you to escape!"

One of them held up his sword and shouted coldly, and a raging power of ascension erupted from his body.

This suffocating power is actually several times stronger than that of Qin Jiannv.

Qin Jiannv's face was pale, trembling and at a loss.

"Dare to insult your son, Lord Martial God, you deserve to die!"

"Save your lives, and I will take your heads back to report to Lord Valkyrie!"

Everyone shouted, murderous, and they wanted to do it.

Lin Yang had no expression on his face, and raised his sword to cut.

But at this moment, a shout resounded.

"I see which one of you dares to do it?"

As soon as the voice came out, all five of them were taken aback.

Looking sideways, he realized that Cang Lanfu had appeared at the entrance of the tunnel at some point.

"Master Fu?"

The faces of the five people all changed.

"Teacher, I'm late!"

Cang Lanfu trotted over and bowed to Lin Yang.


Qin Jiannv was dumbfounded.

"Why did you come here?"

Lin Yang glanced at the direction when Canglan came, and asked curiously.

"I was worried about the safety of the teacher. I wandered around the first floor several times, but I didn't see you, teacher, so I went to the second floor to look for you. Fortunately, I was in time!"

Cang Lan laughed.

"You have a heart."

Lin Yang nodded.

"Teacher, I don't know where Canglan Tianjue is. I don't think you should stay here for too long! Leave these people to me, and leave Dragon Palace immediately!"

Cang Lanfu drew out his long sword and said in a deep voice.

"Canglantian is dead."

Lin Yang said suddenly.

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