"What? Dead?"

Cang Lanfu suddenly turned around, staring at Lin Yang dumbfounded.

The masters around the Canglan mansion were all dumbfounded, looking at him in shock.

"Impossible! It's nonsense!"

"Our son Tianjue has been inherited by the Martial God Lord, and his strength is as high as the sky. He is the candidate for the future Martial God. How can you be invincible to mediots like you?"

"Don't deceive the crowd here!"

Everyone scolded angrily, and the murderous intent was even stronger.

Cang Lanfu was also a little unbelievable.

He knew that Lin Yang's strength was astonishing, but Cang Lantian was no ordinary person.

Why was Lin Yang killed all of a sudden?

But now Canglan didn't have time to worry about this, turned his head to stare at the masters in Canglan's mansion around, and said coldly: "If you want to touch my teacher, you have to pass my test first!"

"Young master Fu! This person insulted my Canglan clan, and Lord Martial God has indicated that he wants to capture him. If you dare to obstruct him, then I will not be polite!"

"Young Master Fu, please step aside quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for waiting!"

All the masters drank coldly.

Although Canglanfu has been recognized by Martial God Canglan, he is an illegitimate child after all.

And what this person offended was Canglan Martial God and Canglan Tianjue.

These two people were not something that Cang Lan Fu could provoke.

Therefore, all the masters will not embarrass Cang Lan at all.

Cang Lanfu naturally knew this very well, so he gritted his teeth and prepared to do it.

"Ah Fu, you'd better come back and save your strength to deal with the second level. Didn't Martial God Canglan tell you to enter the third level? You don't need to intervene in this matter."

Lin Yang patted Cang Lanfu on the shoulder and said.

"But, teacher...these people..."

"I'll just do it."

Lin Yang said calmly, and suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the five people.

Both Cang Lanfu and Qin Jiannv trembled.

Lin Yang was so fast that he got close to these people almost instantly.


The five reacted immediately, drew their swords and attacked.

The terrifying sword light and the power of ascension surged wildly, covering Lin Yang.

The five people's sword moves inherited the essence of Martial God Canglan. Their swordsmanship was sharp and their sword moves were deadly. What was even more frightening was that their attacks were layered on top of each other like waves. The more they fought, the more fierce they became.

Seeing this, Cang Lanfu's face changed rapidly: "No, if this anxiety continues, the teacher will undoubtedly lose!"

"What do you mean?"

Qin Jiannv asked blankly.

"What I am most afraid of in the Canglan Sword Art is protracted battles. The heart method in the Canglan Sword Art is mainly based on accumulating Qi. After a long battle, the more Qi you accumulate, the more combat power Strong, no one can fight fiercely with Martial God Canglan for more than one day, because after one day, Martial God Canglan's fighting spirit is unmatched! And these five people...so are they!"

Cang Lan said in a deep voice.

Qin Jiannv was shocked.

According to this, the longer these five people fight, the stronger they become, and the more unfavorable Lin Yang's situation becomes!


Qin Jiannv didn't dare to hesitate, she immediately drew her sword and was about to step forward to fight.

But at this moment, a sword light suddenly passed through Master Canglan's hurried sword light, and directly pierced his throat.

In an instant, a Canglan master fell to the ground and died.


The two trembled.

The other four were also stunned.

I saw Lin Yang swinging his sword again and killing the other four people.

The speed is so fast and the sword moves are amazing, it is shocking.

The four have offense and defense.

But in the face of Lin Yang's moves, they are useless.

Lin Yang's sword easily passed through their offense and defense, hitting the vital point.

After a while, Lin Yang wiped their necks and died on the spot.

Seeing this, Cang Lanfu was dumbfounded.

"This is... the Canglan Sword Art?"

"And... actually... it's so perfect..."

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