"What? Don't you know? " Lin Yang stares at Smith and asks.

"Know... Know something, Mr. Lin, please don't be angry. I think this matter should be solved peacefully." Smith said with a smile.

"Peace?" Lin Yang's face sank and gazed at him.

Smith's dark blue eyes couldn't help but tremble. Some of them couldn't bear Lin Yang's aggressive eyes.

"Mr. Smith, if you don't want to settle this matter properly, please leave! Without you, I'll settle the matter as well. " Lin Yang said without expression.

Smith's face changed greatly. He was about to say something. Lin Yang ignored him and went directly to the gate.

The people in the back of Shuofang are all confused. This Mr. Smith is not familiar with them, but the identity of the person who can make his young master attach importance to is absolutely beyond doubt. But such a person is so respectful to the young man in front of him... Is this too exaggerated?

Who is this young man in front of me?

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, please wait a minute!" Smith rushed over and stopped Lin Yang.

"Smith, am I not clear enough?" Lin Yang is impatient.

"Mr. Lin, can't this matter be solved peacefully? I believe Shuo is just impulsive. He doesn't want to be like this. You should know that once a person is angry, it is easy to make some extreme and uncontrollable actions. I think Shuo must be very sorry now. Do you think... Should we give him a chance? " Asked Smith expectantly.

Lin Yang looked at him quietly. After three seconds, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

"Teacher, has Smith solved your trouble for you?" Anna on the other side of the phone asked quickly.

"Anna, I want to ask you a question." Lin Yang said coldly.

Anna was stunned: "what's the problem?"

"Which side is this Mr. Smith on?"

As soon as the words fell, Anna suddenly realized.

Mr. Smith's face was also ugly. He called out in a hurry: "Mr. Lin, I'm naturally on your side. Please don't misunderstand me. I'm absolutely harmless to you!"

But Lin Yang didn't pay any attention to Smith.

Anna seemed to know the seriousness of the situation and immediately said, "Mr. Lin, can you get Smith on the phone and I'll have a word with him?"

"I don't need your strength to solve this problem. I don't intend to rely on others. Similarly, I don't want you to send someone to make trouble for me or waste time."

"I know, teacher, but please give me another chance! Just once! " Anna busy way.

Lin Yang frowned, but in Anna's face, he handed the mobile phone to Smith.

Smith picked it up in a hurry.

"Miss Anna." Smith called out carefully.

"My God, William, you fool! What the hell are you doing? " Anna couldn't help cursing: "I asked you to go to see Mr. Lin. I want you to help Mr. Lin solve this problem as soon as possible. What about you? what are you doing? Do you still want to protect that Shuofang? Can the affairs of your family be settled by Shuofang? "

"Miss Anna, Shuo is conducive to opening up the Eastern market, and it is also very important to our family. Moreover, I don't think this is a major event. I want Shuo to make Mr. Lin's mistake. If it can be solved peacefully, isn't this the best way?" Smith said helplessly.

"It's not up to you to decide. If you want to stand on the side of the teacher, you should firmly think for the teacher. If you want to be a peacemaker, please leave, or I'm afraid the teacher will hate me because of you! You idiot Anna continued to curse.

"This..." Smith was stunned.

"Smith, you idiot, let me reveal to you the will of our family. If Mr. Lin needs to use my family strength to achieve his certain purpose, the family will try its best to help him. You should understand what this means?" Anna sank and hung up.

Smith was struck by a lightning strike.

What do you mean?

That is to say, if Lin Yang is going to clean up Smith, then the family behind Anna will fight with Smith.

No hesitation!

Kill all!

What kind of magic does Lin Yang have that can make Miss Anna and the family behind him support him unconditionally?

Smith breathed hard, and then he realized how stupid he was!

He quickly returned the mobile phone to Lin Yang.

"Mr. Lin, I'll take you to see Shuo!" Smith, with a serious look on his face, said respectfully.

"What about your attitude?" Lin Yang asked without expression.

Smith looked tense. Without hesitation and indignation, he said: "Shuofang's behavior is too hateful. He must apologize to the teacher and accept your punishment, otherwise, I will never forgive him!"Anna's words seem to work.

Lin Yang put away his mobile phone and went to the elevator.

Keep up with Smith.

As for the group of Shuofang people behind him, they were stupefied and gaping.

"What's this... What's going on?"

"Come on, talk to the young master on the phone, quick!"

At the exhibition.

Shuofang is still carrying a cup of wine in the various figures and dignitaries, making friends with people who can be used.

Although a lot of unpleasant things happened, they didn't affect people's mood.

Here is still full of wine and wine, and intoxicated with money!


The phone rings.

"Excuse me

Shuofang nodded to the guests with a smile, then walked aside and took out the mobile phone.

"Young master, here comes Mr. Smith!" The man next to him suddenly whispered a reminder.


Shuofang is so surprised that he glances at the caller ID, but he doesn't pay attention to it. He hangs up the phone and walks quickly towards the gate.

"Mr. Smith, are you back? Ha ha ha, just now that matter, I want to have a good chat with you, in order to remove your misunderstanding of me! " Shuofang said with a smile.

But... Smith did not answer Shuofang, but looked behind him.

Shuo's face was puzzled and looked back.

He found a very different looking man standing behind Smith.

This man is so handsome. He looks like a god! Compared with the so-called men's League stars, they are just stinky dog poop on the road.

But this guy... Seems to have met somewhere?

Shuofang was puzzled.

The next second, Smith suddenly uttered a startling remark.

"What do you think, Mr. Lin?"

Mr. Lin?

This young man?

Shuofang's brain was suddenly blank.

But listen to Lin Yang light say: "this person is Shuofang? Talk in the box next to you

"Good!" Smith nodded respectfully.

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