Seeing Mr. Smith's manner, Shuofang felt that his thinking was going to stop.

And... What does Smith call this man?

Mr. Lin?

This man is Mr. Smith's teacher?

How could it be! He's so young! And... Still a Chinese?

Can a young Chinese in his early twenties be a teacher for a big man like Smith?

Is the world crazy?

Shuofang covered his forehead, some people could not stand.

"Shuo, come with me." Smith called to Shuofang.

"What's the matter?" Shuofang couldn't help asking.

He found Smith's face a little cold.

"Come here for a moment. I have something important to tell you." Smith said seriously.

"Is there anything that can't be said here? What's more, the exhibition is still in progress, and I have a lot of guests to entertain. " At the same time, he is puzzled.

Obviously, Shuofang felt something was wrong.

Smith looked at him for a moment, then suddenly stepped onto the stage, took the microphone and yelled in Y: "please be quiet!"

The talking guests turned their heads and looked at Smith on the stage.

The scene gradually quieted down.

However, Smith was very serious and said solemnly: "everyone, I'm very sorry, because of some factors, I announced the official suspension of the exhibition. Please leave in an orderly manner. I'm sorry for the suspension of this meeting. I hope you can understand and I'm sorry!"

With that, he swung the microphone and went down.

The scene was quiet for three or four seconds, followed by a flood of amazement.

"What? The exhibition has stopped? "

"Isn't there a lot of new products to recommend to us? Why did it stop before it was launched? "

"We haven't signed the contract yet, Mr. Smith!"


Many of the guests ran to Mr. Smith to find out.

But the bodyguards who came with Smith quickly stopped the guests.

Shuofang also Leng, immediately stopped Smith.

"Mr. Smith, what are you doing?"

"Shuo, I said that I have something very important to tell you. Now you don't have to greet the guests. Come with me at once."

"Even if there is something important, we can discuss it carefully. Why should we stop the exhibition suddenly?" There is resentment in Shuofang's eyes.

Smith was too lazy to explain and went straight to the VIP box next to him.

Shuofang murmured and said, "go, hold the scene. I'll talk to Mr. Smith."

"Good young master!" Someone else ran down.

Shuofang walked into the box full of anger.

At the moment, Lin Yang is sitting inside making tea.

His tea making technique is very skillful. Before tea is finished, the aroma has filled the whole room. Rao Shi, a foreigner who doesn't know tea, can't help but take a deep breath and revel in it.

After the tea was finished, Lin Yang poured himself a cup, and another one for Smith and Shuofang.

"Drink it." Lin Yang did not know whether to speak to Smith or to Shuofang. After that, he drank all the tea in his hand.

Shuofang looked around Linyang and found that the clothes he was wearing were quite familiar, as if he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember.

However, he did not have a look of fear. Instead, he sat on the opposite side of Linyang, picked up the tea cup, and made a model.

"Good tea!"

After drinking, Shuofang appreciated it.

Smith can't taste tea. Although the smell is delicious, the liquid is not very delicious in the mouth of people who can't taste tea.

"The tea is good, but there are some low-grade tea sets for making tea, and there are also problems with the tea, which affect the final taste of the tea." Lin Yang put down the cup and said faintly.

"I can't imagine that you are also a master of tea ceremony. I admire you. I just don't know who you are. Do you have any advice to find Shuofang?" Shuofang asked with a smile.

"No, I'm here to ask you a question." Lin Yang poured tea for himself as he opened his mouth.

"Although you didn't show your identity, Shuofang has always been hospitable. If you want to know anything, Shuofang must have known everything." Shuofang said with a smile.

However, Lin Yang took a sip of tea, slowly put down the cup and said, "I want to ask you, who beat the palm print on Su Yan's face?"

The words fell to the ground, and the air in the box solidified instantly.

Those bodyguards who followed in immediately tensed up, all locked in Lin Yang, one by one careful, nervous tension.

Smith didn't speak.

Shuofang narrowed his eyes. He reexamined Lin Yang. Suddenly he thought of something and grinned: "if I guess right, you should be the famous doctor Lin?"Lin Yang does not speak, seems to be waiting for the answer of Shuofang.

"Lin Yang's rubbish has just gone, and Su Yan's death has no great help. The only one who can give her a head is Doctor Lin of Jiangcheng! Tut Tut, I really didn't expect that Dr. Lin would appear here, and he would be responsible for such rotten goods as Su Yan. What a surprise Shuofang laughed, and there was no previous respect on his face.

"So, do you admit that you beat Su Yan?" Lin Yang asked again.

"Dr. Lin is just a cheap woman. Why do you want to ask me to blame? If you want me to make an apology, I can admit my mistake, and I can give you a hundred women who are not inferior to Su Yan in appearance. What do you think? " Shuofang squints at Lin Yang Dao.

"All I care about now is how you plan to apologize to me." Lin Yang light road.

"How do you want me to apologize?" Shuofang asked.

"Kneeling on the ground and slapping yourself a hundred times, that's all it takes." Lin Yang road.

As soon as he said this, the bodyguards around him were all angry.

The man who followed Shuofang in was extremely angry. He pointed to Lin Yang and swore: "bastard! What are you talking about? My young master has already given you face. Don't be shameless! And kneel down and slap you in the face? What the hell are you daydreaming about? "

"Ah, little tool! Don't get angry. " Shuofang looked at Lin Yang with a smile and said, "Doctor Lin is a man of great personality. I have always appreciated him. Today, he is angry and becomes a beauty. He came to me to settle accounts with me. It is also the result of his true feelings. I like such a person very much, but Dr. Lin, you are too demanding. Do you want to change it

This sentence is to Lin Yang step down.

Obviously, Shuofang intends to make friends with Dr. Lin.

But he didn't know that Lin Yang didn't need steps at all, and he couldn't make friends with him.

"You don't have to, because you can only do that?" Lin Yang said calmly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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