Seeing that Lin Yang was so swearing, everyone was a little at a loss.

"Okay, Brother Lin, I believe in you, then please point out my flaws and shortcomings."

Langya exhaled, although he was a little angry, he still said patiently.

"Brother Langya, Taitian Martial God's moves are about opening and closing, and about being ready to go. Every time you attack, you use your full strength, but before you attack, you maintain a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being in a state of being ready to go. When accumulating energy... your movements are too slow and too obvious, you have to increase your strength to make your moves more coordinated, so that people can't see that you are accumulating momentum...otherwise your attacks will be easily missed If you are on guard, the other party will even launch an attack on you when you are gaining momentum, so you are extremely vulnerable to injury, this is the first flaw!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

When they heard this, they were stunned for a while, and then laughed.

Laughter spread all around.

Both Qin Jiannv and Cang Lanfu frowned.

"Brother Lin, you still don't know much about the moves of our Master Wushen! His martial arts skills are just like this. Of course, the methods we have learned are definitely not comparable to Lord Wushen. This kind of moves is all about fighting, you know? ?”

Langya stopped smiling and patiently explained: "That's right, when we are accumulating energy, we will indeed leave a big opening. If the opponent has the heart, he will definitely attack at this time, but once he dares to attack, then , he will definitely die!"

"what for?"

"The moves we have learned are wide opening and closing, which requires strong strength and strong support, so our physical bodies are also very strong! So if the opponent dares to attack, they can't kill us with one blow! And as long as we If we are not dead, the attack will not stop. When the opponent is attacking us, our attack will also hit the past. If we are hit, can the opponent avoid it?" ap.

"So, this is a way to burn jade and stone together, to exchange lives for lives?"

Lin Yang asked.

"It's a bit exaggerated to say that life is exchanged for life. Normally, it is impossible for us to be killed by others with one blow!"

Langya laughed and patted the armor on his body.

No wonder the Taitian warriors are all wearing armor, armed to the teeth.

It turned out that this had something to do with the moves they had learned.

"Then what if the opponent is Ye Yan and others?"

Lin Yang said something directly.

As soon as these words fell, Langya and the others were all stunned.

"Can your physical body stop his sword?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

Langya and the others originally consisted of nine people, but they were on the second floor, and one person was cut to pieces by Ye Yan's sword, unable to recover.

Langya fell into silence.

"In the final analysis, your moves are invincible against the weak, but if the opponent's strength rises, your moves will open up a lot of flaws, and they are all fatal weaknesses!"

Lin Yang said calmly: "Actually, you don't need to use all your strength to store up your moves. It is most appropriate to divert a little bit and keep your moves stable. A little more strength may not kill the opponent, but it can guarantee your own Wouldn’t it be better to be safe and not leave any openings for the other party?”


Langya thought for a moment, then turned his head and asked, "What about the second flaw?"

"On your sword move..."

Lin Yang smiled lightly and continued to explain patiently.

Everyone was not very patient to listen at first, but as they gradually deepened, people gradually became frightened, and their faces gradually became ugly...

They never imagined that the martial arts technique... would have so many disadvantages and loopholes...

Langya couldn't believe it.

"Brother Lin, all these...could you have seen me demonstrate the moves just now...?"

Langya asked.

"Almost, and I also observed when you were fighting Ye Yan before."

Lin Yang said lightly.


Langya and the others gasped.

"How? Do you know how powerful my teacher is?"

Cang Lanfu chuckled.

"Such eyesight, such an understanding of martial arts! Brother Lin, I am afraid that no one can compare with you!"

Langya cupped his fists, at this moment he sincerely admired Lin Yang.

"Brother Langya, you are being polite. Although there are many disadvantages and loopholes, they are not unchangeable. I will give you one or two pointers. After you learn it, come with me quickly. The time for Dragon Palace is running out."

Lin Yang said solemnly.


Langya and the others nodded, and immediately began to improve their moves according to what Lin Yang said...

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