
A dull sound spread.

Mei Meng and several blood-covered monks rushed out of the gate with difficulty and came to the second floor.

"Ah Ching! Are you alright?"

Meimeng shouted to a girl with a broken arm not far away.

"Miss, I'm fine...Let's go! Go!!"

The girl got up from the ground, clasped the blood knife in one hand, and fought with the Antian Martial God and others who came out from behind.


Mei Mengqiu's eyes were blood red, and she stepped forward with a blood knife in her hand, intending to support her.

Seeing that Meimeng refused to leave, the girl rushed to the crowd of dark warriors in grief and indignation.

In an instant, his body was chopped into several pieces, and he died tragically on the spot.

Mei Meng was stunned.

"Blood Knife Family, you guys are so bold! How dare you disobey Big Brother Ye's order and try to escape! What? Can't I scare you?"

An Mingyue came out holding the evil sword, staring at Mei Meng coldly.

"I only hate myself for being blind and greedy! If I had left with Langya and Lin Shenyi earlier, why would my clansmen be forced into the game and be manipulated by Ye Yan and you as pawns? What happened to the corpse?"

Meimeng's face was full of pain and ferocity, and remorse pervaded her face.

"Miss Meimeng, what are you worried about? Your chess game will be cleared soon. You don't need to do anything about the final stone carving of the Son of Heaven. Brother Ye will deal with it personally. When the game is clear, you follow Brother Ye and me to the fourth floor to take advantage of it." Isn’t this a win-win situation? Running away from us at this time, isn’t it a suicide attempt?”

An Mingyue sneered.

"You killed my people! I will never wait with you! An Mingyue, just wait, I will settle this account with you sooner or later!"

Meimeng roared angrily.

Although she wished to tear An Mingyue into pieces right now, she had no impulse.

Leaving aside the extraordinary strength of the master beside An Mingyue, just talking about the evil sword in her hand, Meimeng is no match for her.

With the blessing of that evil sword, An Mingyue's strength has long been extraordinary.

Even if it's her, I'm afraid she won't be able to go through a few tricks in Xiejian's hands.

Mei Meng immediately turned around and ran.

"Can you go away?"

An Mingyue snorted softly, and immediately led someone to chase after her.

The terrifying pitch-black aura vented from An Mingyue and the others like a big hand, grabbing at Mei Meng.

Mei Meng clenched her teeth and ran away like crazy.

The second floor is big enough, as long as you get rid of these people, you can hide it.

"Listen, no matter what, I can't let this girl go, and the things in the Dragon Palace must not be leaked, otherwise it will be very troublesome to my father and Brother Ye!"

The dark moon drinks low.

"Yes, miss!"

Everyone shouted and accelerated their pursuit.

Ye Yan's move, once it gets out, will definitely arouse public outrage.

Although Langya and his party escaped, it was just the words of the family, and most people would not listen to the words of an illegitimate child of Cang Lanfu, and no one would pay attention to Lin Yang, an unknown person like Lin Yang.

These people have no right to speak.

Kemeng is different.

The blood knife family's status in Longxin City is not low.

As the eldest lady of the blood knife family, if Mei Meng also stood up to identify Ye Yan, then Ye Yan and An Mingyue would have no chance to defend themselves!

Therefore, Meimeng must die!

An Mingyue's eyes were cold, and her speed reached the limit.

Gradually, the distance between everyone and Mei Meng was shortened.

Mei Meng turned her head and looked at the black mist that was close at hand, Tao Hua's big eyes were full of despair.

"Miss Meimeng, you can't run away!"

At this time, An Mingyue suddenly shouted, and moved the evil sword in his hand.


Two jets of jet-black sword energy burst out instantly, and directly slashed towards Meimeng in front.

Mei Meng was terrified, and hurriedly dodged.

But a sword qi still cut her shoulder.

Mei Meng was uncontrollable and fell directly to the ground, rolling over and over for a while before stopping.

The blood on the shoulder was stained red.

Mei Meng clutched her arms and wanted to get up, but An Mingyue and others not far away had already landed and walked towards her.

Meimeng knew that she was doomed...

She clenched her silver teeth, wanting to stand up and fight again.

At this time, she would rather fight to the end with the opponent.

But at this moment, a surprised voice came.

"Isn't this Miss Meimeng?"

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