not good!

Ye Yan's breathing tightened suddenly, and he immediately raised his bone sword horizontally to parry the two sharp swords attacking him.


The sharp sword came.

The power of terror is released.

Ye Yan's figure was pushed back nearly a hundred meters by the abrupt shock.


The world was dumbfounded.

Especially An Mingyue, whose pretty face was extremely pale.

She originally wanted to use Ye Yan's name to frighten Lin Yang, but she never thought that Lin Yang would take the initiative to attack Ye Yan.

And... Judging by his spirit, he seems no weaker than Ye Yan at all!

How could this be?

Why is this person so powerful?

Couldn't it be because he said a few words that this person got together to attack Ye Yan?

In that case, wouldn't I have harmed Brother Ye Yan and become a sinner?

An Mingyue was flustered and flustered.

Ye Yan, on the other hand, looked confused and stared at Lin Yang coldly.

Lin Yang held the sword in both hands, and stared at Ye Yan calmly, with murderous intent on his face.

"Is there any deep hatred between me and you?"

Ye Yan said coldly: "If you want to kill me, why don't you wait until this monster is dealt with?"

"I'm not interested in Dragon Palace, I'm here just for you."

Lin Yang said calmly.

"Who are you?"


"Hide your head and show your tail, think I can't kill you?"

Ye Yan drank lightly, shaking the bone sword in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh.

Terrifying sword energy swept over.

But this sword energy is very particular, directly attacking Lin Yang's left side.

If Lin Yang dodges, he can only go to the right, and then Lin Yang will enter the attack range of the man in red armor.

The man in the red armor is not a human after all, it has no consciousness, and will only attack everyone on the eighth floor aimlessly.

It will attack anyone who gets close to it.

Ye Yan's routine is really shrewd.

But Lin Yang already understood.

He didn't dodge, but danced with his sword and pen.

The painting sword pen rotates like a fan.

The three strikes of sword energy collided with the sword painting brush, bounced off and flew towards the man in red armor beside him.

bang bang bang.

Three sword qi hit the red-armored man's armor heavily, exploding a large number of broken flowers.

The man in the red armor immediately stared at Ye Yan and rushed over quickly.

Ye Yan's expression tensed, and he backed away again.

But the man in red armor had already raised the blood sword in his hand, and slashed across the air.


A beam of sword energy several feet long erupted from the blood sword and fell towards Ye Yan.

Ye Yan wanted to dodge, but Lin Yang rushed over.

With no way to retreat, Ye Yan could only raise his bone sword to resist.


The bone sword was placed across the top of the head, blocking the falling sword energy.

The sword energy exploded, and the fragments hit Ye Yan's body, causing his body to tremble unceasingly.

Lin Yang took the opportunity to force him to kill, he attacked with the painting sword pen, and the peerless evil sword attacked.

Do your best!

"not good!"

Dark Moon exclaimed.

Langya retreated to the opening, his eyes were hot and his fists were tightly clenched.

Is Ye Yan dying?

Of course it's not that simple!

Lin Yang never thought that Ye Yan would be killed so easily!

Because he knows the means of this person.

as expected.

At the moment when the two swords pierced.


Ye Yan's chest was split open, and two blood-stained arms pierced out from his chest, tightly holding onto the attacking divine sword.


An Mingyue, Qin Jiannv, Cang Lanfu, and Langya were all stunned.

"This... what kind of method is this?"

An Mingyue was so frightened that she almost sat down on the ground.

"How could there be a pair of arms in his body?"

Langya murmured dully.

"What kind of sorcery is this?"

Qin Jiannv's lips trembled and her scalp was numb.

Don't wait for everyone to think about it.


Another noise.

I saw that Ye Yan's back was also split open, and two bloody arms rushed out, turned into fists, and smashed hard to Lin Yang's sides.

Lin Yang drew his sword back immediately, staring at Six Arms Ye Yan indifferently.

His four outstretched arms were covered with blood-red lines, and each arm was extremely vigorous, with terrifying energy.

It seems that after Ye Yan reached the underground dragon vein, he changed his arm...

"Are you scared?"

Ye Yan said hoarsely.


Lin Yang looked indifferently.

"Okay? No, you're not good."

Ye Yan shook his head.

Lin Yang frowned and looked sideways.

But he saw that the man in red armor had already entangled him.

When attacking Ye Yan, Lin Yang was the closest to the man in red armor, so he naturally became the primary target.

Lin Yang had no choice but to retreat, dancing wildly with his two swords, resisting the attack of the man in red armor.

Ye Yan would not let go of this opportunity and came to kill with his sword.

He held the bone sword in his right hand, and grabbed his chest with his left hand, breaking his own ribs and using the weapon.

The five ribs were held by five arms, and the rib spurs were extremely sharp.

When approaching Lin Yang, the six weapons danced together, and a strong wind was generated.

Lin Yang instantly seemed to have fallen into a meat grinder!

Countless sharp sword-like bone spurs blasted towards him.

Lin Yang fought and retreated, taking it easy.

Those one hundred pills were carefully refined by him and specially used to deal with Ye Yan.

At this moment, with the blessing of these hundred pills, his physical strength has reached a heinous level.

Even if it was Ye Yan's attack, Lin Yang only had shallow marks on his body, and his skin was not broken at all.

Ye Yan's eyes tightened.

He fought with the man in red armor for a long time, and consumed a lot.

On the other hand, Lin Yang has been waiting for work with ease.

Now this person is full of growth, it is not easy to cut.

But Ye Yan didn't panic. .

Although he didn't take advantage of it for the time being, after a fierce fight with Lin Yang, he found that the person in front of him was not that strong.

If it weren't for relying on the medicine to increase, this person would not be his one-shot enemy at all!

In this way, it can wear down the efficacy of his medicine!

Ye Yan thought about it, and immediately turned around, attacking Lin Yang's left side.

The hatred of the man in red armor has not been pulled away, and he attacked Lin Yang's right side.

Lin Yang danced his two swords quickly, parrying the man in red armor while parrying Ye Yan at the same time, the fight was particularly difficult.



Seeing the right opportunity, Ye Yan slashed at Lin Yang's abdomen with his sword.

Lin Yang was caught off guard, his whole body was chopped off, his abdomen was cut open, and blood gushed out.


Langya's eyes were red, he roared angrily and wanted to rush forward.

"Uncle, don't be impulsive!"

Cang Lanfu hastily pulled Langya back, and urged: "We can't intervene in this level of battle at all, you will die if you go!"

"At worst, I will fight Ye Yan!"

Langya growled with resentment on his face.

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