Langya's expression was ferocious, wishing he could charge forward.

Qin Jian'er and Cang Lanfu dragged him to death.

No matter who the existence fighting over there is, killing him is as easy as pie.

Lin Yang fell to the ground, dripping with blood, looking very miserable.

But before he got up, the man in red armor came to kill him again.

This existence is like a robot.

He doesn't know pain, and he doesn't know tiredness.

As long as there is still energy in his body, he can keep fighting without stopping.

Lin Yang rolled over and hastily dodged the attack of the man in red armor.

Ye Yan, on the other hand, was walking briskly, rushing forward, forcing Lin Yang to take his position.

The six sharp blades swept away like a gust of wind again.

He didn't need to kill Lin Yang.

He only needs to block Lin Yang's position so that he has no way out, and he can completely kill him with the help of the man in red armor.

[In view of the general environment,

The more Lin Yang struggled, the more injuries he suffered.

If this continues, he will surely die.


The dark moon's eyes are hot and excited.

After killing Lin Yang, her inner demons will be eliminated, and she can regain the evil sword.

At this moment, it is not necessarily Ye Yan who is most anxious for Lin Yang to die, but An Mingyue.

Lin Yang gradually fell into a desperate situation.

Cang Lanfu and Qin Jiannv turned pale with horror.

If this continues, Lin Yang will undoubtedly die.

They didn't stop Langya anymore, they took out their weapons one after another, and prepared to follow Langya to support Lin Yang.

Even if you can't go back.

However, at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly drank in a low voice.

"You don't need to come here!"

Several people trembled.


Only a sound of sword sound spread.

Then the soaring sword light burst out from the sword painting brush.

"This is?"

Ye Yan was stunned.

But he saw that Lin Yang's body was shining brightly.

A picture scroll flew out by itself, floating above his head.

"This light? This fit..."

Ye Yan's pupils suddenly rose.

But in the next second, he was shocked by an endless sword intent.

This sword intent... all came from the scroll above Lin Yang's head.

"It's the map of ten thousand swords!"

Qin Jiannv was overjoyed.

"Sword roars mountains and rivers!"

Lin Yang drank suddenly, and waved the drawing sword in the air.

In an instant.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Tens of thousands of sword lights burst out from the map of ten thousand swords, filling Lin Yang's surroundings in an instant, and slashed towards the surroundings.

not good!

Ye Yan's expression became tense, and he hurriedly backed away.

But half a beat slower.

A large amount of sword energy has been drawn on him.

The two arms on the chest were cut off directly.

Nearly a hundred sword marks were printed on his body.

Blood spilled out, dyeing Ye Yan into a bloody man.

As for the man in the red armor, he was engulfed by a large amount of sword energy immediately and disappeared...


An Mingyue backed away in shock.

Qin Jiannv, Cang Lanfu and others were also forced to lean towards the entrance by the endless sword intent.

Only the howling sword energy remained in his ears.

The sight was horrifying.

People didn't dare to move around, for fear that if they touched a little sword energy, they would be torn to pieces...

The sword energy lasted for a full five seconds before it stopped.

Everything seems to be after the storm.

But seeing that the ground was cut out one after another, the ceiling seemed to be cut open.

The martial arts field is riddled with holes.

As for the man in the red armor, he gradually appeared in people's sight.

And when everyone saw clearly the appearance of the man in red armor at the moment, their mouths were all opened wide.

"This is... the strength of the teacher?"

Cang Lanfu murmured blankly.

At this moment, he realized that Lin Yang had never shown his real means in front of him!

My not inferior to Ye Yan in strength at all!

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