Shuofang's soft take Linyang by surprise.

He looked at Shuofang's miserable appearance and took a deep breath. He said faintly: "since you really know that you are wrong, I will not kill all of them. But I hope you can remember the lesson of today and don't provoke me any more. Otherwise, next time you fall into my hands, don't blame me for being merciless." Lin Yang said without expression.

"Doctor Lin, don't worry. Shuofang will not dare to be an enemy to you in the future Shuofang knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Linyang.

"Take care of yourself!" Lin Yang's light way is to leave.

"Doctor Lin, please wait." Shouts Shuofang.

"Anything else?" Linyang side head.

"Shuo Fang's skill is inferior to that of others, and he was defeated by Dr. Lin. according to the regulations, the Tianjiao order in Shuofang's hands should be handed over to you, and you will become a new Tianjiao! And can use Tianjiao order to go to the Congress to verify the seed identity! With this order, you will get a lot of cheap seed identity. " Shuofang took out a gold inlaid jade token from the inside pocket of his coat and held it high in both hands.

Lin Yang looked at the token strangely, but saw a capital number on the token.


"It's a row!" Shuofang said in a low voice: "I am ranked 20th on the Tianjiao list."

"What is tianjiaobang?"

"It's the seed list of the Congress. There are 20 seed players in the conference. These 20 players will get rid of most of the screening of the Congress and directly enter the core test area, which is also a kind of welfare. Of course, the premise is that Dr. Lin needs to hold this token to verify the identity of the seeds." Shuofang replied.

"So if you have this token, you will be eligible to attend the conference?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, because of this token, we Sima family got the qualification to attend the meeting. Now, I am defeated by Dr. Lin. according to the rules of Tianjiao list, I must give you the token and ask Dr. Lin to accept it." Shuofang road.

"Is it?"

Lin Yang frowned slightly, staring at the token, and finally reached out to grab it.

But just when he just picked up the gold inlaid jade order, Shuofang suddenly quickly took out a pocket pistol from his pocket and shot at Lin Yang without hesitation.

At such a close distance, even if Lin Yang has great ability, he can't escape this bullet, and he has no time to block the bullet with a silver needle!


The gunshot came out.

The bullet instantly hit Lin Yang's chest, and the fresh blood splashed open.

Lin Yang retreated.

But Shuofang did not stop, but pulled the trigger crazily.





Four more shots.

The four bullets shot at Lin Yang like devious snakes.

Lin Yang has already reacted, and quickly flashed to the side.

Although he had two bullets in his abdomen, he could not escape.

Lin Yang fell heavily on the ground, his chest suit was dyed red with blood.

"God..." Smith breathed and froze, staring at the terrible scene.

Xiaoju and those bodyguards are also completely confused.

This reversal is unexpected.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Shuofang was laughing, and he got up from the ground.

Lin Yang quickly pulled out the needle on the shoulder, stabbed at the heart, and quickly in the vital acupoints on a few points, just stood up.

"Dr. Lin, you seem to be stupid and naive. If I just kowtow to you and take it soft, you will relax? It's funny enough Shuofang shakes his head and chuckles. The pocket gun in his hand is no longer loaded, or he will shoot at Linyang without hesitation.

"I thought you were soft, but I didn't think you were not. You were a poisonous snake!" Lin Yang coughed twice and spat blood in his mouth.

"Snake? No one thinks so of me. It should be that no one has forced me to such a situation. Doctor Lin, you are proud enough, and your strength really makes me admire. Unfortunately, you have been planted in my hands. In order to preserve my face and let the world know that I have knelt down, slapped myself and begged for mercy, I must kill you and keep this secret White? "

The voice falls, Shuofang goes to a bodyguard who has been fixed and intends to take down his gun and kill Lin Yang.

However, Lin Yang shook his head repeatedly: "Shuofang, I have to admit that I was careless, but... I didn't lose!"

"What do you mean?" Shuofang frowned.

Lin Yang did not speak.

At this time, Shuofang seems to be aware of something, and rushed to the bodyguard, hands forward to get the gun.

But in this critical moment, a silver needle suddenly shot, quickly stabbed in the palm of Shuofang.


Shuofang immediately gave out a shrill voice, and then directly pulled out the silver needle on the back of his hand.But when the silver needle was pulled out.


Shuofang's scream became more intense, and the hand that had pulled out the needle directly pulled to the ground and had completely lost consciousness.

This is the effect of Linyang silver needle.

Shuofang didn't look at it at all, his face was ferocious, and he lifted another hand and grabbed at the pistol.

But this time, it was no longer a silver needle that stopped him, but a hand!


A crisp sound came out.

He saw Shuofang's wrist was pinched again.

The man who pinched his wrist was Lin Yang!

This scene is like Shuofang first wanted to kiss Su Yan's hand!

Shuofang pupil contraction, body suddenly a shock, hard to raise his head, but see Lin Yang quietly standing in front of him, is light looking at him.

"How... Possible? Why are you still active? You... Aren't you shot three times? " Shuofan opened his mouth and said.

"Yes, it's just that these three shots didn't hit me. Besides, I'm a doctor and a doctor. Unless my heart stops beating, don't take me lightly!" Lin Yang said calmly, and then suddenly.

The surging power comes.


There was a crack in the bone.


Shuofang again, watching that wrist directly changed shape, another hand is useless.

Lin Yang made a slight effort.

Shuofang was pushed to the ground. He was holding his arm and howling. He moved his body backward. His face was full of pain and despair.

The little tool over there has turned and fled.

He knows he can't stay here.

"Little tool, good, you run away! You just have to go! I'll be fine! " Shuofang loudly, eyes rippling with a touch of madness.

"Want to frighten me with Sima family?" Lin Yang asked.

"If you move me, my family will be desperate to revenge you! Doctor Lin, you'd better not touch me! Or you will regret it Shuofang's gritting teeth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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