This is not a threat from Shuo Fang, but a fact.

Shuofang is the pillar and seed of Sima family! Hope!

If Shuofang had an accident, all the people of Sima family would be crazy, and their status in Yanjing would also be affected.

The only way for Sima family to consolidate its position in Yanjing is to use the Doctor Lin to frighten those who covet Sima family.

So this is not only revenge, but also Sima family's way to survive!


instead of moving Shuofang in a hurry, Lin Yang took out a saber from his bodyguard, took out a lighter, roasted the saber for several times, and then simply disinfected it. Then he pulled off his coat and stabbed Shuofang directly into the bullet hole. He took out the bullets from three bullet holes in front of Shuofang.

The blood flowed out along the saber. The three bullet eyes were bloody and flesh blurred. It was very terrible!

But... Lin Yang didn't even frown.

Shuofang looked silly.

Has he ever seen such a cruel person?

"Shuofang, thank you. You taught me a lesson and told me not to be careless at any time. I will listen to your words, but it seems that you didn't listen to my words." Lin Yang put on his clothes again, took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the blade of his saber, and crouched down, facing Shuofang.

"You... What did you say?" Shuofang opened his mouth and asked.

"I said, if you fall into my hands again, don't blame me for being ruthless." Lin Yang said quietly.

This word, almost let Shuofang's breath are frozen.

"Dr. Lin, what do you want..." Shuofang opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But the next second, Lin Yang's blade waved.


There was a strange noise.


Shuofang made a miserable cry, and the muscles and veins of his wrist were cut off directly.

Then Lin Yang waved again.


Shuofang's tendon was cut off.


Lin Yang continued to wave.





in the blink of an eye, Shuofang's muscles and nerves were cut off. Lin Yang is an excellent doctor. He is familiar with the acupoints, muscles and veins of human body structure. When he goes on, he has dozens of knives. Shuofang is paralyzed and can't move any more.

He opened his eyes, opened his mouth, put out his tongue, and wanted to speak, but he found that he could no longer make a sound.

I don't know how long it took until Shuofang was completely dyed red with his own blood, and Linyang stopped.

At this moment, Shuofang, only one breath left.

Lin Yang picked up the scattered Tianjiao order and stood up slowly.

"You don't blame me, do you?" Lin Yang calmly read a.

However, Shuofang could not answer.

Lin Yang called out to Smith, who was frightened in the corner: "Smith, I'll give it to you. Do you hear me?"

"Ah... Lin... Teacher Lin, i... i... i... I..." Smith's tongue was completely knotted.

He held his head and didn't even dare to see Lin Yang.

This time he finally understood why Anna respected Lin Yang so much.

Because this man is a madman.

Compared with that family, it's not normal to like a madman?

Lin Yang left the meeting hall and left a mess for Smith.

But how can Smith manage that? He ran away.

At the moment, small tools have gone and come back.

He saw that Lin Yang didn't chase him. He immediately called the family outside and rushed in with his mobile phone.

"Doctor Lin, live... Stop, I have informed the family. If you dare to do harm to the young master, I promise you will not be well!" Small with trembling cry.

But after coming in, Xiaoju didn't see Lin Yang, only saw Shuofang lying in a pool of blood completely abandoned.

"Young master!" Xiaoju rushed over with a howl.

When you see clearly the miserable situation of the young master's limbs, Xiaoju is completely frightened.

"Sima family, it's over." Uncle Zhong did not know when he stood at the door. Seeing this scene, he could not help murmuring.

"Uncle Zhong, young master, he... He..." Xiao Ju hugs Shuofang and shouts.

"Don't say it." Uncle Zhong walked quickly and gazed at Shuofang for a long time. He said in a deep voice: "call immediately, transfer someone here, and quietly take the young master away for treatment."

"Good... Good... Uncle Zhong!"

"Besides, don't tell anyone about it! Don't claim to the public that the young master is defeated, understand? "

"Don't claim to the public that the young master is defeated?" Xiaoju was stunned: "Uncle Zhong, paper can't cover fire. What's the use if we don't admit it?""Stupid!" Uncle Zhong snorted coldly: "even if Dr. Lin defeats our young master, what can he do? Here are all our people, no one saw it with their own eyes, so whatever we say will do! We said that in fact, Dr. Lin didn't beat our young master. Our young master just drew with him! In this way, the young master's position is still in the outside world, and our Sima family will not be greatly shaken. Isn't that good? "

"But... Tianjiao order has been robbed!"

"Tianjiao order can only be recovered slowly! Dr. Lin opened the hole, and the beam was over. I will immediately inform the master of the family and ask the family to take back Tianjiao order at all costs! "

"This... OK."

"Take the young master back at once!"


Uncle Zhong and Xiao Ju set about dealing with the affairs immediately.

At this time, Lin Yang went back to the bathroom to deal with the blood on his lower body. He went to the nearest shopping mall and bought a new suit. Then he rushed back to the hotel.

Although he had dealt with the wounds of several gun holes, his body was still weak at the moment, and he was out of breath after a few steps.

When we finally got to the hotel, it was already dark.

"Where have you been? Why so long? What about the medicine? "

Su Yan opens the door and stares at Lin Yang outside.

Lin Yang was stunned and realized that he had forgotten to buy Su Yan's medicine...

"well, i... I forgot." Lin Yang stammered.

But as soon as he spoke, he regretted it.

What is the bad reason and how to use it?

Sure enough, Su Yan's pretty face changed and gazed at Lin Yang: "forget? You forgot to buy medicine. What did you do when you were out so long? "

Lin Yang's breath was tight, his brain was spinning rapidly, and he was thinking of reasons.

However, at this time.


a scream rang out.

Su Yan and Lin Yang were both startled.

However, the young secretary in the room pointed to Lin Yang's waist and cried in a trembling voice: "blood... Is blood! It's blood

Su Yan's pretty face is not white.

Lin Yang bowed his head and looked tense.

Oh, it's bleeding again...

"Lin Yang, what's wrong with you Su Yan Chan asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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