"A sword out of its sheath?"

"Bastard! You are so bold!"

"This is an insult to our Valkyrie!"

The members of the Canglan clan cursed angrily.

But Lin Yang didn't pay any attention, and charged with his long sword.


The scabbard of the long sword collided with the green light, making a terrifying crackling sound.

However, Lin Yang didn't move at all, and actually held off Biguang steadily.

Biguang didn't give up the offensive, but took advantage of the trend to cut forward.

Lin Yang danced his long sword again, cutting longitudinally with Biguang.





Lin Yang and Biguang intertwined crazily, and they fought evenly, no distinction was made between high and low.

All the Canglan Sword Art that Biguang used were blocked by Lin Yang.

The members of the Canglan clan were all stunned, they couldn't believe what they saw.

"What you used...is also the Canglan Sword Art?"

Martial God Canglan saw the clue immediately, stared at Lin Yang for a moment, removed Biguang, and said in a low voice: "Could it be that you are..."

"War God Canglan, long time no see."

Lin Yang stopped, slowly raised his hand, and took off the mask on his face.

The people of the world were shocked immediately.

"It's you?"

"Surnamed Lin?"

"You...you're not dead yet?"

Everyone can't believe it!

"It's actually you?"

Martial God Canglan was also taken aback.

You know, this person was sealed in the Dragon Palace, and he had no way of escaping from birth.

But only half a year later, why did this person run out from Dragon Palace?

"how so?"

"How did he escape from Dragon Palace?"

"Didn't Ye Yan trap him to death?"

Surprised voices can be heard endlessly.

No one could believe what the eyes saw.

At this time, a servant hurriedly ran from outside and whispered a few words in Butler Canglan's ear.

Butler Canglan's expression tightened, and he immediately trot to the side of Martial God Canglan, and spoke in his ear.

After a while, Martial God Canglan suddenly realized.

"So that's the case. I didn't expect the battle between the three warriors to shatter the mechanism of the Dragon Palace, so that the gate was loose, allowing you to escape!"

"Shattered the Dragon Palace organ?"

Lin Yang was stunned for a while, but did not explain.

How terrifying is this Dragon Palace organ.

Where can these Valkyrie be shattered?

"In this way, you, surnamed Lin, were saved by me! Now you don't come to be grateful, but come to my mansion to find fault. Did you forget that you killed my son Canglan Tianjue? Are you not afraid of death?"

Martial God Canglan said indifferently, his eyes were filled with killing intent.

"Your son, Cang Lantian, deserves to die. Since he wanted to kill me, how could I let him go? But I came this time because of Cang Lanfu. Martial God Canglan. If you let Cang Lanfu go, you can kill him." Leave it to me, I won't make trouble for you!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

"You came to die for that traitor, do you still think it will cause me trouble?"

Martial God Canglan shook his head: "It's ridiculous, you can't even fight Ye Yan, and you were almost trapped to death by him in the Dragon Palace, where did you have the courage to challenge me?"

Lin Yang remained silent, and slowly raised the sword in his hand.

"Before I kill you, I have to ask you a question."

Martial God Canglan said lightly, the killing intent pervading all over his body was already particularly obvious.

He didn't intend to let Lin Yang go.

After all, even Cang Lanfu had been tortured into that state by him.

For the sake of the sky, he can even attack his own son, let alone Lin Yang?

"you say."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Who taught your Canglan Sword Art?"

Martial God Canglan asked hoarsely.

Although he hated Lin Yang, he had to admit that Lin Yang's sword move was indeed the Canglan Sword Art, and the sword move he used was much more perfect than he imagined.

"Cang Lanfu once showed me the sword moves you bestowed on him intensively for a day."

"So, your Canglan Sword Art was learned after just reading the cheats for a day?"

Martial God Canglan frowned, as if feeling incredible.


Lin Yang nodded.

Martial God Canglan fell silent.

If it is true what Lin Yang said, then Lin Yang's talent cannot be described as terrifying.

He couldn't believe it.

But besides this statement, is there any other explanation?

"Your talent...is no worse than Ye Yan."

"Master Valkyrie decides to let him go, or fight with me?"

"Are you qualified to talk to me about this?"

Martial God Cang Lan snorted coldly: "Although I love talent, but you kill my son, this enmity is irreconcilable, you should think about how to survive!"

After the words fell, Martial God Canglan immediately raised his hand and slapped Lin Yang across the air.

"Canglang Strike!"


In the void, there seemed to be the sound of big waves beating.

Then a wave of terrifying energy descended towards Lin Yang in a devastating manner.

However, Lin Yang remained calm, raised his sword with his backhand and pulled it out abruptly.


A cloud of evil energy surged out.

"Peerless Evil Sword?"

Martial God Canglan's expression changed dramatically.

Chi la!

I saw that the Peerless Evil Sword drew a jet-black sword pattern, like the fangs of a devil, tearing apart the terrifying huge wave.

Canglan Martial God's offensive disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Everyone was stunned.

Martial God Cang Lan trembled, finally realizing the seriousness of the matter.

"Martial God Canglan, I have no intention of fighting with you. Of course, if you are determined to fight, I will accompany you to the end!"

"Perhaps, I don't have a chance of defeating you, but if I fight to the death, it will be enough to seriously injure you, and even cause you to lose tens of cultivation bases."

"Such a blow is enough to make you the weakest of the seven Martial Gods. In this way, even if I can't kill you, other Martial Gods will take the opportunity to engulf you. For example, Taitian Martial God?"

Lin Yang said eloquently.

After a few words, Martial God Canglan fell silent.

"Are you threatening me?"

Martial God Canglan raised his head and asked coldly.


Lin Yang didn't hide anything, and said directly.


Butler Canglan was in a hurry.

The people in the Canglan Mansion were also murderous.

But no one dared to do it.

After all, the person who can easily catch the blow of the Valkyrie is not something they can provoke...

Lin Yang said lightly: "Even if I don't fight with you, I'm leaving now. With this peerless evil sword, you can't keep me, and I can join forces with the Dark Sky Martial God and surrender to him. You say, Martial God Antian has me and Ye Yan here, wait three to five years, and then come to take revenge on Martial God Canglan, at that time, can you stop it?"

Martial God Canglan turned pale.

With Ye Yan's talent, with the help of the Dark Sky Martial God, stepping into the Martial God is just around the corner.

If you add this monster...

can not imagine!

"I have a lot of choices, but you have no choice at all. You can either let him go immediately, or I will let your Canglan clan never recover! You, choose!"

Lin Yang said calmly, and immediately closed his eyes.

There was a dead silence all around.

All the people in the Canglan Mansion stared at Lin Yang blankly, with their mouths open, speechless for a while.

In this world, there are actually people... who dare to stand in front of the Valkyrie and threaten him...

How crazy!

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