Hearing Lin Yang's words, Martial God Canglan didn't say a word, and the surging power of ascension all over his body slowly dissipated at this moment.

He stared at Lin Yang resentfully and resentfully, wishing to tear this person into pieces.

But this person's cultivation is not ordinary, and with the help of the peerless evil sword, if he really wants to escape, even Martial God Cang Lan is not fully sure to keep him.

Once this person escapes from Longxin City and joins under the command of the Dark Sky Martial God, then the Dark Sky Martial God will be like a tiger with wings added.

At that time, if he joins forces with Martial God Taitian, he may not be able to do anything to him.

The scene was silent.

Martial God Canglan slowly closed his eyes, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while.

"Come on! Bring that beast here!"


A person from the Canglan mansion ran down.

Seeing this, Lin Yang finally let go of his tense heart.

Not long after, two servants from the Canglan mansion came to the scene carrying a stretcher.

Lin Yang raised his eyes to look, his breathing trembled.

I saw a wriggling mass of flesh and blood lying on the stretcher.

That's Canglanfu!

His limbs were beheaded, his eyes were gouged out, his nose was shaved, his ears were cut off, and even his tongue was pulled out. There was no good meat on his body, and his whole body was full of silver needles.

A medicine jar was placed beside him, and a tube connected his throat to the medicine jar.

Obviously, Cang Lanfu relied on the liquid medicine in this medicine jar to continue his life.

Otherwise, he would have died long ago.

Immediately, monstrous anger surged in Lin Yang's heart.

Xie Jian seemed to feel his anger, trembling crazily, and the tyrannical evil spirit swayed from the sword.

The people of the Canglan clan all around were suddenly very nervous, they all retreated, drew out their swords, and looked nervously.

Martial God Canglan also narrowed his eyes, and activated his power of ascension again.

But fortunately, Lin Yang restrained his emotions.

He put the Xiejian back into the scabbard, and said expressionlessly: "Although Cang Lanfu is an illegitimate child, he is your son after all, with your blood in his body, why did you treat him like this?"

"He aided the evildoers and harmed his brother. I didn't kill him, it was considered kind!"

Martial God Canglan snorted coldly.

"Didn't kill him?"

Lin Yang looked at Cang Lanfu, and said hoarsely: "He was tortured by you like this, you kill him, you are kind!"

"What? Boy, do you want to take care of my family affairs?"

"This is not your family business!"

Lin Yang said coldly: "Cang Lan Fu is my apprentice! You tortured my apprentice into such a state, should I turn a blind eye?"

"Then what do you want? To avenge your apprentice?"

Martial God Canglan snorted coldly.

"Think I can't do it?"

With murderous intent in Lin Yang's eyes, he drank coldly.

Martial God Canglan was silent for a moment, then waved his hand: "Okay, the matter is over, and it can't be changed. If you want to fight, I will accompany you at any time. If you have other ideas, I will accept your attitude. I may not be afraid of you! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Canglan mansion felt incredible.

Martial God Cang Lan What does this mean?

He... Cowardly?

Everyone in the world was shocked.

This young man not only coerced Valkyrie, but also forced Valkyrie to confess...




Everyone stared at Lin Yang with wide eyes. At this moment, Lin Yang is the only one in history!

However, Lin Yang's toughness is back to toughness, he has also figured out the temper of Martial God Canglan, that's why he said this just now.

Martial God Canglan is much more sensible than Martial God Taitian.

Otherwise, if this matter were changed to Martial God Taitian, he would have stopped talking nonsense with Lin Yang, and would kill him first.

The main goal of Martial God Canglan is to destroy Martial God Antian.

In the previous battle of the Martial God, he had already torn his face with the Dark Sky Martial God. If he didn't kill him, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

In order to prevent Lin Yang from turning against him, Martial God Cang Lan could bear it.

"You are a god of war, so you must have a lot of panacea. I was injured so badly, and it was all caused by you. Compensating for some good pills and medicines is not too much, right?"

Lin Yang said lightly.


Martial God Canglan sipped coldly.

"Send someone to the reward building later!"

Lin Yang walked over, sacrificed the Hongmeng Dragon Needle, stabilized Cang Lanfu's injury, then picked him up, and walked towards the gate of Canglan Mansion.

Everyone in the Canglan clan gritted their teeth angrily, but there was nothing they could do.

"By the way, Martial God Canglan, there is one more thing I have to tell you!"

At this time, Lin Yang seemed to think of something, turned his head and said.

"What's up?"

Martial God Canglan said in a deep voice.

"Actually, Cang Lanfu's talent is no worse than Cang Lantian's. Although you are very powerful, your vision is not good enough!"

Lin Yang said calmly, and then walked away.


"It makes no sense!"

"How dare you insult our Martial God?"

The popular members of the Canglan clan rushed out one after another, wanting to settle accounts with Lin Yang.

"Come back to me!"

Martial God Canglan shouted angrily.

Everyone stopped.

"Today's affairs, do not publicize to the outside world, do you understand?"

"Yes, Patriarch!"

People clasped their hands together.

Family ugliness should not be publicized, even if Martial God Canglan didn't say anything like this that insulted the reputation of the Martial God, they would not dare to spread it to the outside world.

"Patriarch, is this person trustworthy?"

The butler stepped forward and asked cautiously.

"What's unbelievable? Don't forget, who locked this person in the Dragon Palace!"

Martial God Canglan said in a deep voice: "He and Ye Yan have a sworn feud, logically speaking, he would not easily turn to Martial God Antian, and he can be used by us!"

"Then Lord Taitian, do you want to let me know?"

"No need."

Martial God Canglan thought for a while, and said hoarsely: "Don't tell anyone about this person, this kid surnamed Lin, I want to make good use of it!"


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