"Brother Lin, you..."

Meimeng opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but was blocked by Lin Yang's words.

"Okay, Miss Meimeng, your grandma's situation is not optimistic, tell them all to go out, and leave two people to help me!"

Lin Yang frowned slightly.

In fact, he doesn't want to use it alone.

But considering taking care of Meimeng's face, it's fine.

"Alright then, Meiguo, Meixiao, you stay with me, and the rest of you can go out."

Meimeng spoke out immediately.

The rest of the people frowned, although they were very unhappy, they still walked out of the ward.

Meiguo and Meixiao also have opinions in their hearts.

Those gathered here are all the best medical talents from the Blood Knife Family.

But what this man said just now was too infuriating.

To say that these people's medical skills are only so...

Even though this person saved the blood knife family, he shouldn't be so humiliating!

"Forget it, for grandma's sake, let's bear with it!"

Mei Xiao said to Mei Guo, the short-haired woman in white next to her.


Meiguo also took a deep breath, trying to calm down the anger in her heart.

At this time, Lin Yang had already checked the medicine equipment, so he took the silver needle and prepared to give it to the blood knife grandma.

"Mr. Lin, Grandma's body has already been corroded by the evil spirit of the dark sky Martial God. I don't think it's appropriate to apply acupuncture first, but to protect the body with medicine, and then find a way to force the evil spirit out of the body. This is the starting point. Treating grandma will get twice the result with half the effort."

Mei Xiao couldn't help but make a sound.

"Are you teaching me to save people?"

Lin Yang frowned, raised his head and asked.

"Mr. Lin, I'm just explaining to you what I think is the best plan."

Mei Xiao said in a low voice.

"Mr. Lin, we are very grateful for your kindness to our blood knife family, but when it comes to medical skills, I think we still have some say."

Meiguo couldn't help but speak.


Mei Meng was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Lin Yang finally understood.

These guys are not convinced by themselves.

That's right, it's their grandma after all, so they're naturally worried.

It seems that tabooing diseases and avoiding medical treatment is not only for patients, but also for family members who know medical skills around patients.

Lin Yang exhaled, and said softly: "It's a good idea, and it's easy to do it with medicine. Then let me ask you, how can you force the evil spirit of Antian Martial God out of grandma's body?"

As soon as these words came out, Mei Xiao was stunned for a while, and then said in a low voice: "Use the power of ascension and medicine to force it out!"

"Can your power of ascension be stronger than that of Dark Sky Martial God?"

"How about supplementing it with medicine?"

"Then what kind of medicine do you use to help?"


Mei Xiao was overwhelmed by the question.

"Let me tell you, if you use the Sky Golden Grass and Sanshenghua, you can instantly increase the power of ascension and force out these deadly evil spirits." Lin Yang said calmly.

"Yes, yes, then use these two herbs!"

Suddenly, Mei Xiao said hastily.

"Then where can I find it?"

"Naturally, it is the Forbidden Blood Valley! There are countless exotic flowers and plants there!"

"Then do you know how long it will take from here to Forbidden Blood Valley?"

Lin Yang asked again.

Mei Xiao was stunned.

"It takes half a month to ride the fastest horse. After entering the valley, you have to search for it. It takes at least one or two months."

Mei Meng answered for Mei Xiao.

"In grandma's state, even a month will kill her! Mei Xiao, you can't do this!"

Mei Xiao opened her mouth, unable to speak.

"So, let's use my method!"

Lin Yang said lightly, then took out the silver needle and started to prick the blood knife grandma...

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