After Mei Xiao's proposal was refuted, the two finally became a little more honest.

After all, they could tell from Lin Yang's words that this Mr. Lin was an expert.

The method of using the power of ascension to force out the evil spirit is not enough, so what else can be used?

The two stared at Lin Yang, wanting to see what extraordinary means this person had.

But seeing Lin Yang dropping the needles, moving clouds and flowing water, with a wave of both palms, hundreds of silver needles were precisely pierced on the acupuncture points all over the blood knife grandmother.

And each needle is extremely stable, without the slightest deviation.


The two gasped.

Even Mei Meng's eyes widened.

"This acupuncture... so strong..."

"Boil the medicine!"

Lin Yang held a needle, pierced it on the temple of Grandma Xuedao, swirled it lightly, and drank in a low voice.


Mei Meng acted immediately.

"Three or two days of Laihua, five qian gold and silver water, boiled slowly over a slow fire, and after three minutes, use the power of flying to speed up the cooking, and then add six taels of rootless branches..."

Lin Yang stared at the silver needle while talking, meticulous and especially focused.

Mei Xiao and Mei Guo also quickly clapped hands.

Soon, a pot of soup and medicine was boiled out.

"Brother Lin..."

"Is the water dry?"

Lin Yang drank in a low voice.

"It's like mud."

"Okay, wrap it up with the power of Ascension, and pour these medicines into Grandma's mouth."

Lin Yang said solemnly.

"What? Pour it in?"

"It's already very muddy. If it is poured in, once the trachea is blocked, my grandma will lose her last breath."

Meiguo was startled and couldn't help screaming.

Lin Yang's face darkened, and he suddenly turned his head to stare at Meiguo.

Mei Guo was stared at by Lin Yang and subconsciously took half a step back, feeling a little guilty.

"I said earlier, tell you to go out, you will only hinder my treatment here!"

Lin Yang said coldly: "Listen, I will give you two choices now, one, obediently cooperate with my treatment here, don't talk, don't disturb me. Two, you all go out!"

The three of them were stunned when they heard the sound.

Mei Guo was a little angry and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mei Meng.

"Sister, don't be angry, listen to Mr. Lin!"

Mei Meng said with a serious face.


"Be obedient, unless you can promise to save grandma!"

Mei Meng's eyes were serious, and she said in an unquestionable tone.

Meiguo sighed and could only agree.

With the joint efforts of several people, Lin Yang poured the boiled medicine into the blood knife grandma's body.

Afterwards, Lin Yang immediately raised his hand and pressed it on the abdomen of Grandma Xuedao.

coo coo coo...

I saw bursts of light overflowing from the palm of his hand, and a mass of pitch-black substance actually emerged under the bloodless wrinkled skin of Grandma Xuedao.



There was a muffled sound coming out of Grandma Xuedao's body.

Then he watched the jet-black substance in his body explode directly, spreading to all parts of his body.

After a while, Grandma Xuedao's body became extremely black, as if she had been poisoned.


The three of them all changed color.

"get ready!"

At this moment, Lin Yang suddenly drank away.

The three trembled.

The silver needle that Lin Yang was holding tightly was pulled out abruptly.


A pale breath gushed out from the hole pulled out by the silver needle, and instantly flooded the room.


The three of them hastily mobilized the power of Ascension to resist.

However, the defense they built with the power of ascension was quickly corroded.

They had no choice but to frantically mobilize their ascension power to resist.

One after another.


When the three of Meimeng were exhausted, the evil spirit of death disappeared.

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