Strange pharmacy owner led Feng Shi and a group of talented people to rush to the gate.

At the moment, the gate is a sea of people, crowded, even most of the lecturers have arrived.

The scene was blazing and boiling.

All sorts of abuse and ridicule broke out.

"Oh? Here comes the bastards of the Xuanyi school

"Didn't you just buy nongyang flowers? Why don't you get back to the decoctions? If it's too late, the effect of nongyang flower can't play out, your billions will be wasted! "

"You don't know what's good or bad, and fight against our special pharmacy? You deserve it? Now you know how good it is? "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."


In the face of these students' ridicule, the lecturers in those special pharmacies all laughed but did not speak, did not obstruct and let go.

The Xuanyi school trembled.

"Here comes the owner, here comes the vice owner!"

At this time, I don't know who called.

The scene was a little quiet.

Then, the crowd split and the owner and his party came to the gate.

Inside and outside the gate stood a lot of doctors.

There are also a large number of stretchers on the ground. These stretchers are arranged in order. On each stretcher, there are people with broken tendons.

These are the people who were injured in the pharmacy.

Lin Yang stood in the middle of them, with his eyes closed, as if he were nourishing his spirits.

The owner of the special pharmacy went to the front of the crowd, looked up and down at Lin Yang and said, "Doctor Lin? Shall we meet for the first time? You are really a hero of youth, just like the rumor

"Get to the point. Don't waste your time." Lin Yang opened his eyes: "where are lotus flowers?"

"Holling flower?"

The owner of the miraculous medicine room frowned, twisted and stretched out, and said with a smile, "yes, Dr. Lin said that we would be given one day to hand over the lotus. If we didn't, Dr. Lin would kill us, but I don't know how Dr. Lin intends to kill us?"

As soon as the words fell, the scene broke out into a roar of laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

the laughter was so strong that it seemed to be able to reach a hundred miles away.

All the people of Xuanyi school were flushed and could not speak.

"You can see that I have been hurt by your own people? How are you going to explain it to me? " Lin Yang asked again.

"You are going to kill all our special pharmacies. Do you still want to explain? Isn't a special pharmacy enough for you? " Lecturer Zhou here couldn't help laughing.

"And what do these people have to do with our special pharmacy? You mean they were injured by my Qi pharmacy? Does Dr. Lin have any evidence? Empty mouth and white teeth, don't spit it out. " Feng Shi raised his mouth and said with a smile.


"hateful, it's clearly your hand to move, but you still refuse to admit it!"


Many people in Xuanyi school are gnashing their teeth, and their chest and lungs are going to explode.

"A group of rubbish, if you don't have the ability, you'll be less forced to nag here, and don't piss to take care of yourself. What if I've abandoned your tendons and tendons? If you have the ability, you will be useless A genius couldn't hold on and glared directly at the Xuanyi sect and called out.


"Manrong, don't be big or small. Dr. Lin is your senior at least. You have to know some etiquette. Don't be like some newly established new school. You don't know the rules, be arrogant and arrogant. Do you understand?" Strange medicine house owner light says.

"Yes, landlord!" The genius named man Rong laughed and nodded at once.

These words seem to be persuading man Rong, but actually they make a mockery of Lin Yang and Xuanyi school.

Many people in the special pharmacy couldn't help laughing.

The atmosphere of the scene was particularly pleasant.

Feng Shi and others stare at Lin Yang with a smile.

The owner of the strange medicine room no longer spoke. He seemed to be waiting for Lin Yang to make a move.

Lin Yang closed his eyes again and took a deep breath.

Three seconds later, he opened his eyes and looked at the homeowner: "I only ask you two questions now! Can you give me a truthful answer? "

"Say it." The owner of the strange medicine laughs.

"First!" Lin Yang stretched out a finger: "I these student's injury, you strange pharmacy is willing to be responsible for?"

"You have to prove that their injuries have something to do with us." The owner shook his head.

"You just have to answer yes or no. I don't care who caused their injuries." Lin Yang road.

"Of course not."

"OK, second question. Would you like to give me a lotus flower?" Lin Yang asked again.

"I never owe you Holly

"That is to say, you don't want to, do you?"

"Of course." Strange pharmacy owner does not hesitate to say.Linyang was silent for a moment, nodded gently, and his face seemed to be particularly calm.

"Doctor Lin, do you have anything else? If not, please take your people back quickly. You have affected the normal order of our strange pharmacy. " "The drug owner said again.

"Yes, Dr. Lin, we have just received a huge amount of money. We have just ordered a large number of herbs. Now the car transporting the herbs is driving here. If you don't take these people away quickly, I'm afraid the driver will come by then. One will not pay attention to it, or even have to die." Feng Shi smiled.

"Hahaha..." br >

there was a burst of laughter again on the scene.

"Get out of here!"

"Stinky dogs, roll back to your kennel!"

"Is this where you are? Get out of here! A bunch of bastards! "

"Brain palsy waste, die back!"

The students in the strange pharmacy shouted and scolded.

Boiling on site.

Abuse is constant.

The people of Xuanyi school were red, excited and some people still spoke, but they couldn't hold the odd pharmacy. Their counterattack was powerless.

"Teacher Lin, or... Shall we go back?" A lecturer of Xuanyi school can't help but go up and be careful.

For the present plan, leaving can still save a few faces, continue to stay, is undoubtedly a shame!

However, Lin Yang did not retreat, let alone leave, but instead, took out a piece of paper from his arms, and the paper was filled with words written in blood.

Seeing this paper, all people's breath suddenly solidified, the shouting and swearing around also went countless.

The main eyebrows of the strange medicine room are not from a coagulation.

But listen to Lin Yang face expressionless way: "strange medicine owner, you can know what this is?"

"Blood book, the blood book I wrote when I challenged you! But you're up to date. " The master of the strange medicine room was light.

"Yes, the blood book is void!"

After all, Linyang tore up the blood books in public.

People are all in a fog, I don't know what Lin Yang is going to do.

At this time, however, he took a piece of white paper from his arms, bit his fingers and wrote it directly.

The people around were shocked.

After a moment, Lin Yang raised his finger and lifted the new blood book, and said without expression: "today, I will take another blood book at the expense of my entire Xuanyi School of medicine, and I will give you a hand! Master of strange medicine! Challenge! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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