Lin Yang's words surprised everyone in all directions.

Another blood letter?

All the people stare at Lin Yang.

Whether it's the odd pharmacy or the Xuanyi.

I'm afraid nobody expected that Lin Yang would negotiate with the owner of the strange medicine house in such a way!

The people in the strange pharmacy were staring at the blood book in Lin Yang's hands, all in a trance.

The owner of the special pharmacy was quite calm.

He glanced at the blood book, then shook his head and said, "Doctor Lin, the blood letter is so sacred, but you are like a child's play! It's not rigorous. What's more, when I made an appointment with you, you not only broke the appointment, but also didn't even pay for the lotus flower to my Qi pharmacy. Now why should I take your blood letter to compete with you? "

"I don't have a holly." Lin Yang said directly.

"In that case, who cares about your challenge? Pay attention to your blood book? What should you do if you lose and then fail? If you don't believe your words, don't mention the blood letter. The heavenly book is useless. " The owner of the special pharmacy shakes his head.

"That is, if you don't believe what you say, who will believe you?"

"What about blood script? If you are thick skinned, deny it and it's done. "

"This challenge is meaningless!"

The students of the special pharmacy yelled and criticized one after another.

In the face of abuse, Lin Yang didn't refute it. Instead, he said seriously, "this matter is really my fault!"

The owner of the strange medicine room laughed and said, "Doctor Lin, it's good that you know. You didn't fulfill the promise of the previous challenge and pay for the lotus flower in our strange pharmacy, so I won't accept your challenge! But I will also give you a chance. If you really can't pay for lotus, you can use your Yanghua or Xuanyi sect to offset it to me. I think a Yanghua group should be able to compare with a lotus flower. "

"What?" The people of Xuanyi school were shocked.

This is a lion's mouth.

However, the next second, Lin Yang nodded to the people next to him.

Others immediately came forward and took out a briefcase and put it on the ground.

"What is this?"

Strange pharmacy asked, confused asked.

"It contains important contracts and procedures of Yanghua group. As long as the owner of odd medicine signs on it, you can own 51% of Yanghua group's shares." Lin Yang road.


All the people in the fancy drugstore took a breath.

The owner's face was stunned. He looked at Lin Yang and asked, "really?"

"If you take the blood book, it will be yours." Lin Yang road.

Strange medicine room owner hears sound, subconsciously wants to agree, but person hesitates again.

"What? Does the owner dare not? " Lin Yang asked.

"Why don't you dare? Are you still afraid of you? " Feng Shi snorted coldly, then bowed to the owner of the strange medicine house, and whispered: "landlord, this is a golden opportunity. If we can control Yanghua group, I'm afraid that Sima family will pay attention to our strange pharmacy, and we don't have to be restrained by them."

"I know, but Dr. Lin's blood writing is so earnest that I'm afraid he will have a later move." Qi pharmacy main low voice.

"What are you afraid of? Who are we afraid of? Moreover, Yanghua group is enough to provide us with a large amount of funds for us to play games in the conference. When the time comes, our Qi pharmacy will get enough benefits from the conference, and it will be able to grow and grow up. At that time, we can also ignore the Yanjing powerful clan. What else can we worry about at that time? Take it, landlord Feng Shi advised again.

"Yes, landlord, take it!"

"This is an opportunity."

"Opportunity is fleeting!"

Lecturer Zhou, lecturer Tang, lecturer situ, etc. urged one after another.

Even Wang bingdie, Xi rouqian, Deng Qiang and others are persuading.

Everyone had hot eyes and eager faces.

They know what it means.

This is a good thing to deliver to the door!

This is a good opportunity for the rise of Qi pharmacy.

Don't talk about them. In fact, the owner of the strange medicine house is also moved!

The owner of the strange medicine room began to think.

I don't know how long it took him to bite his teeth and wave.

Next to the lecturer Zhou rushed over, Lin Yang's blood book and the briefcase on the ground.

"Doctor Lin, I promise to accept your challenge! When do we start? " The owner asked.

"Now." Lin Yang light road.

"OK, but... What are the conditions for this blood letter? If you lose, what will you give me? Is your school of Xuanyi school? " The owner of the special pharmacy squinted.

"If you are interested in my Xuanyi school, I can make a bet with it!" Lin Yang nodded.

"Miss Lin!"

Doctor Xuan at the back sent someone in a hurry.

But Lin Yang turned a deaf ear.

"What if I lose?" Asked the owner.

"I want your whole Qi pharmacy, and the Yanghua group you just got. I want everything for you." Lin Yang said quietly.What a big breath!

Many people were shocked.

"Dr. Lin, do you think your Xuanyi school is too high? Can a newly established school be equal to our special pharmacy? It's not enough, it's too light! "

"Is that so? Good! I'll add some more chips. "

Lin Yang said, he took a token from his pocket and held it high.

The people all looked at the token.

However, it is a gold inlaid jade ring, with dragon and phoenix patterns around the token. The jade in the middle is perfect. Under the sunlight, it is shining and dazzling. It is very beautiful.

"What is this?"

Many people are confused and can't help asking questions.

But the owner of the special pharmacy stepped forward and stared at the token with wide eyes.

A moment later, his face turned pale.

As for Feng Shi, he sat on the ground, pointed to the token and shivered: "no way! impossible! This is fake! It must be fake! "

"Do you want to test it to see if it's fake?" Lin Yang looked at him and said.

Feng Shi opened his mouth and was speechless.

"If I win, the token belongs to me, right?" The owner of the special pharmacy regained consciousness and immediately questioned.

"Of course." Lin Yang nodded.

"Well, your challenge, I take it! I'll take all my belongings and bet on your Xuanyi school and this token! " The owner of the strange medicine drank it out loud and determined!

Is the homeowner crazy?

All the people in the strange pharmacy were looking at the owner of the strange medicine house.

However, just a glance, people are confused.

They can see the intense heat in the eyes of the owner of the strange medicine!

How obvious the heat is!

It's hot, but it's a lot of greed!

In the face of Yanghua and Xuanyi school, the homeowner did not show such eyes.

What is that token, baby?

Countless people are guessing.

"Come on, Doctor Lin! What do we compare? "

The owner of the strange medicine asked impatiently.

"Medicine!" Lin Yang closed his eyes and quietly vomited out these two words.

As soon as the sound fell, the scene was silent.

Around countless pairs of eyes have been locked in Lin Yang's body, everyone's expression all solidified.

Or gaping or gaping...


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