Blood knife family.

Mei Ao brought Mei Yan and a large number of members of the blood knife family to kneel on both sides of the gate, quietly waiting for the arrival of their distinguished guests.

Under the plaque above the gate, there is still Meiqiang's head hanging.

His eyes were round, and he looked forward with a ferocious face.

No one knows what kind of suffering and torture he suffered before his death.

At this time, the culprit who killed Meiqiang had already appeared on the street.

They walked slowly and looked at the Blood Knife Family with playful faces.

Mei Ao saw someone coming, hurriedly shouted loudly and knocked his head on the ground.

"Mei Ao leads everyone in the blood knife family to kneel down to welcome Mr. Yu!"

"Young Master Yu is healthy!"

Everyone in the blood knife family shouted.

The sound spread like waves, spreading everywhere.

Linghu Yu put his hands behind his back, and with a faint smile on his lips, he walked slowly towards this end.

Mei Ao and the others were extremely nervous, watching Linghu Yu approaching cautiously, everyone felt uneasy and at a loss.

"You blood knife family, you are quite sincere!"

At this moment, Linghu Yu made a sound slowly.

Mei Ao was overjoyed, and hastily kowtowed again: "The sun and the moon can learn from our admiration for Mr. Yu. There were many misunderstandings before, please forgive me, Mr. Yu!"


Linghu Yu smiled coldly, raised her palm suddenly, and blasted towards Mei Ao.

Mei Ao was startled, and subconsciously raised her hand to resist.

But in his haste, how could he deal with Linghu Yu's attack?


Only the sound of bones breaking could be heard.

Mei Ao flew upside down into the door, crashed into the house inside the door, the whole house collapsed, and there was a noise of dust.

Everyone was shocked.

When the dust settled, people only saw Mei Ao lying in the ruins, her arms were severed, and her skin was torn apart.

"Young Master Yu, why are you doing this?"

Meiyan suddenly raised her head, trembling and shouting.

"A group of ants, what is there to forgive? I am here today to slaughter you!"

Linghu Yu sneered: "Listen, all the men will be beheaded, and the women's limbs will be broken, and they will be taken back to combine cultivation medicine!"

"Yes, son!"

Everyone laughed and moved their hands, directly killing those members of the blood knife family who were kneeling on the ground.


Everyone in the Blood Knife Family turned pale with shock.

No one expected that Linghu Yu would be so ferocious, that he would not accept their surrender at all, and that he wanted to kill and exterminate the Blood Knife Family!

"From the Linghu family! Don't go too far!"

"Fight with them!"

The members of the Blood Knife Family jumped up, drew their knives, and fought with these people.

The scene was full of shouts and killings, and it was a mess.

But the people Linghu Yu brought were obviously not comparable to ordinary existences. After a fight, people from the Blood Knife Family kept falling.

On the contrary, the master behind Linghu Yu, the more he kills, the more he enjoys himself, and the more he fights, the stronger he becomes.

Everyone had ferocious smiles on their faces, and hearty joy in their eyes.

They are enjoying this massacre, enjoying the pleasure of wantonly trampling on the weak.

Like a devil at a carnival...

Mei Ao struggled to get up from the ruins.

He raised his head and watched the clansmen fall to the ground one by one, seeing the children and women screaming and crying in panic, he was completely dumbfounded.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

"Could it be... I was wrong all along?"

Mei Ao murmured blankly, her mind was completely blank.


At this time, a muffled sound spread.

Then he saw the charming figure falling towards him, and fell beside him.

"Beautiful girl!"

Mei Ao shouted anxiously.

But Meiyan vomited blood, her body trembled, she was seriously injured.

Over there, Linghu Yu folded his hands behind his back, raised the corners of his mouth ferociously, and walked towards this step by step...

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