"Young Master Yu!"

Mei Ao knelt on the ground again, her face full of pain.

"Are you really going to kill them all?"

"What? Do you expect me to have compassion for ants? That's... too difficult."

Linghu Yu shook his head.

"We have already surrendered to you! We have bowed our heads to you, why? Why do you still do this?"

Mei Ao gritted her teeth and screamed.


Linghu Yu smiled contemptuously, only playfulness and banter remained in his eyes.

"I'll tell you why, because you people don't even have the qualifications to submit to me!"

"You are weak, and the weak are very pitiful. In my eyes, how to deal with you depends entirely on my mood!"

"You begged for mercy and surrendered, and I will forgive you? You know you are wrong, and I will forgive you?"

"Is it ridiculous?"

When these words fell to the ground, Mei Ao's eyes remained nothing but despair.

"Brother, find a way to lead the tribe to escape from here..."

Meiyan's mouth was full of blood, and she said arrogantly to Meiyan with a miserable appearance.

"Yanmei, I'm so sorry! If I had followed Meng'er's words and led the people out of Longxin City, how could my blood knife family have ended up like this? It was I who killed the people, I was the one who killed the blood knife family!"

Mei Ao wept bitterly, her face full of grief and indignation.

"Do you think you can get rid of this situation by escaping from Dragon Heart City? I want to kill you, even if you flee to the ends of the earth, it won't help!"

Linghu Yu grinned ferociously, then raised her palm, and patted Mei Ao without hesitation.

The tyrannical power of ascension in the palm is unimaginably thick, destructive and terrifying.

Mei Ao was shocked and wanted to resist.

But both of his arms were broken, and he couldn't parry at all. He could only watch the palm attacking him.

Mei Ao closed her eyes, quietly waiting for death to come.

But at this critical moment, Meiyan who was next to her suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed towards Linghu Yu like crazy.

Linghu Yu was caught off guard, and the one hit took two steps back, and the attack had to be stopped.

"Brother, run!"

Charming and howling.

"court death!"

Linghu Yu pushed Meiyan away with one hand, and blasted towards her chest with the other hand.


That terrifying palm instantly pierced through the charming chest, and a shining heart was pinched by Linghu Yu.

"Beautiful girl!"

Mei Ao almost collapsed.

Linghu Yu's eyes showed anger, he directly crushed Mei Yan's heart, threw her body aside, and walked towards Mei Ao.

Mei Ao stood up abruptly, but did not escape.

He no longer wants to escape.

The only way to be liberated is to die right now!

"Dirty and despicable ants!"

Linghu Yu cursed in a low voice, and then slapped Xiang Meiao to death.


Mei Ao roared, although he couldn't move his arms, but he didn't retreat at this time, and attacked Linghu Yu in a suicidal posture.

"act recklessly!"

Linghu Yu seemed a little impatient, and slapped Mei Ao across the air with his backhand.


Mei Ao's body seemed to be hit by some savage object, her skin was ripped open instantly, blood gushed out, her two legs were also instantly shattered, and she fell heavily to the ground.

He wanted to raise his head, but in the next second, Linghu Yu's foot had already stepped on his head.

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

Mei Ao screamed mournfully, with hatred in his eyes.

"Kill me? Unfortunately, it's impossible for you in this life! In the next life, it's probably impossible. You can't compare with me in this life, how can you beat me in the next life? You will always be trampled by me at will!"

Linghu Yu said with a blank face, and then she will use her strength to trample Mei Ao to death.

But at this critical moment.


A blade of light suddenly flew from a distance, cutting straight towards Linghu Yu.


Linghu Yu frowned, and waved her hand.


The incoming blade light exploded immediately.

He looked up.

I saw a large group of figures flying over the eaves, rushing towards this direction, and landed directly in front of Linghu Yu.

The leader is Meimeng!

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