Back at the Reward Building, Tao Cheng immediately checked in for the members of the Blood Knife Family.

Fortunately, the property of the Blood Knife Family is still there, and Meimeng has people transferred it here, so it is enough for the clan members to pay for the reward building.

Seeing the down-and-out blood knife family stationed in the reward building, many people whispered.

"I didn't expect the famous blood knife family in Longxin City to be so miserable."

"No way, who made them provoke the Linghu family?"

"Then Linghu Yu is very famous now, who can compare with him, even dare to provoke such a person from the blood sword family, they deserve to be unlucky!"

"Having said that, I can only blame the Blood Knife Grandmother for her downfall, and the Blood Knife family has no successors, that's why this catastrophe happened!"

"That's right! So, there must still be a master in the clan!"

In the hall, whispers drifted into Meimeng's ears.

Mei Meng, who was arranging for the family wounded to go to the treatment room for treatment, frowned when she heard the sound.

Her autumn eyes darkened, her expression was very unnatural, but facing these words, she was unable to refute a single word.

That's right, wasn't all of this caused by the fall of Grandma Xuedao?

"I just hate that I'm not strong enough!"

Mei Meng gritted her teeth secretly, but in the end she could only sigh helplessly, turned around and walked towards the treatment room.

At this moment, Lin Yang was locked in the retreat room alone.

Although the matter of the blood knife family has been resolved, he knows that there is not much time left for him.

The reason why Martial God Canglan tolerated him so much was because he was a chess piece against Ye Yan.

Martial God Canglan won't wait too long, and Martial God Taitian won't wait too long either.

Sure enough, on the third day of Lin Yang's retreat, a message floated into the reward building.

Linghu Yu was taken out of Dragon Claw City by Martial God Canglan, and went to the unique training ground set up by Martial God Taitian for secret special training.

After the special training, no one can say for sure what Linghu Yu will grow into.

When this news came out, the members of the Blood Knife Family were very worried.

Yu Bihong, Qin Jiannv and others were also very worried.

But there was nothing they could do.

Linghu Yu couldn't kill and couldn't kill, so he could only watch helplessly as he became stronger.

But when everyone was at a loss, Lin Yang suddenly left the gate.

The first thing after leaving customs is to gather everyone together.

Inside Tao Cheng's office.

Qin Jiannu, Yu Bihong, Jiuyu, Canglanfu, Meimeng and even several high-level officials from the Blood Knife Family have all arrived.

Mei Ao recovered from her injuries, and came to the office in a wheelchair.

He was a little surprised to see the people in the house.

"What? Master Mei Ao's injury has recovered?"

Lin Yang stared at Mei Ao lightly and asked.

Mei Ao's face was not very natural, but she still bowed her head slightly, and said with difficulty: "Master Lin, you were all confused before, and you didn't know what Master Lin meant, and you misunderstood Master Lin, please forgive me, and Master Lin came to save you." Blood Knife family, Mei Ao is grateful, I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life...

"You don't need to remember the kindness, and I don't expect you to owe me any favors!"

Lin Yang waved his hands and said calmly: "I called you here today because I have something to tell you."

As soon as these words came out, the people breathed hard.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Yu Bihong asked cautiously.

She has been with Lin Yang for a while, and she has never seen Lin Yang so solemn...


At this time, the door was pushed open, and the fish came in with tea.

"Brother Lin, drink tea."

Fish said with a smile.


Lin Yang took the teacup, seemed to think of something, and said, "Yu'er, you can do it too and listen."


Yu'er was startled, but seeing Lin Yang's serious expression, he could only sit obediently on the chair next to him.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

Tao Cheng asked strangely.

It must not be easy to call him here too.

"Oh, it's not a big deal, I just want to tell you that I have to leave the underground dragon vein for a while!"


Everyone was taken aback.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing.

"My lord, this?"

Yu Bihong opened her mouth, but was unable to speak.

"Brother Lin, you are so good, why did you leave the underground dragon?"

Qin Jiannv was in a hurry and asked quickly.

"No, my lord, you are leaving, what shall we do?"

Jiuyu wanted to cry, but he seemed to think of something, so he hurriedly asked, "My lord, you will take us away, right?"

"No, I'll just go by myself, at most I'll take the fish back!"

Lin Yang shook his head and said.


People stared wide-eyed, staring at Lin Yang blankly, their heads seemed to stop turning...

"Teacher, are you going to abandon us? Don't you care about things here?"

Cang Lanfu hurried forward to question.

Lin Yang smiled bitterly, and patted him on the shoulder: "I didn't say I don't care about you, I just have to go back and do something."


People's tense hearts relaxed a little bit.


Lin Yang thought for a while, and said calmly: "I want to make some things, but the current underground dragon veins don't have the materials for these things, and they don't have the technology. I have a professional team in the Annihilation Domain, and I can use their hands to make them. Finish this thing!"

"Brother Lin, what do you want to do?"

Mei Meng hurriedly asked.

"Oh, something to deal with Valkyries."

Lin Yang smiled calmly.

But when these words fell into the ears of everyone, they were so shocking.

"Is there anything else that can deal with Valkyrie?"

Cang Lanfu murmured.

"I won't be away for too long, so I hope that during the time I'm away, you can stay in the reward building honestly."

"About my whereabouts, you don't want to disclose it, and tell the public that I am retreating. If this is the case, you will be safe."

"Manager Tao, they will entrust you to you while I'm away! I hope you can protect their safety."

Lin Yang clasped his fists and said.

"Master Lin is being polite. They are all my customers. As the manager of the reward building, I naturally put the safety of customers first!"

Tao Cheng laughed.

"So, I'm relieved!"

Lin Yang smiled slightly, but there were bursts of strange light in his eyes...

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