Inside Tenjin Mountain.

Xu Zheng led a group of scientific researchers who were analyzing the door in front of them with instruments.

The recorder on the side is quickly recording everyone's conversations and discoveries.

"It is certain that the material of this door comes from outside the sky! It is definitely not all the materials on the earth, it should be made of a meteorite that fell on the earth!"

An old man with gray hair and glasses carefully observed the gate and spoke slowly.

"We need to analyze the structure of this stone. If it can be mass-produced, it will be a breakthrough!"

Xu Zheng said excitedly.

"At present, we need to find a way to cut a small piece of raw material from this door to use as an analysis component, but the hardness of this stone is too terrifying, and there is currently no way to divide it."

A female researcher with long hair next to her frowned and said.

"Is Laser Cutting Possible?"

"Tried it, it didn't work."

"What about high-pressure water flushing?"

"It doesn't work either."

"Plasma composite cutting machine?"

"Still useless."

Hearing this, Xu Zheng and the others fell into deep thought.

But at this moment.


The stone door in front of him was suddenly slowly pushed open from inside.

Then a figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Xu Zheng trembled all over, looked at the figure suddenly, and was overjoyed.

"Director Lin! It's Director Lin!"

"What? Director Lin is back?"

"Dong Lin is back safely?"

"Very good!"

Many people rushed up from all around.

The scientific researchers who followed Xu Zheng looked suspiciously at the figure who came out of the door.

"Why are you all gathered here?"

Lin Yang looked at Xu Zheng and the others curiously.

Fortunately, when he came out, he used the power of ascension to block the evil spirit inside, otherwise, once the door was pushed open, these people would be blown to pieces by the terrifying evil spirit and their flesh would fly all over the place.

"Dong Lin, we are studying the material of this door!"

Xu Zheng said with a smile.

"How's the research going?"

"Not much at the moment."

"Don't worry, study slowly."

For Xu Zheng, Lin Yang has always been very at ease.

"Mr. Xu, is this the chairman of the group?"

The old man pushed the thick glasses on the bridge of his nose and couldn't help asking.


Xu Zheng nodded, and then said to Lin Yang: "Director Lin, since you entered the underground dragon veins, I have recruited a group of scientific research talents in China. !His arrival has made breakthroughs in all our experiments!"

"Really? Mr. Fu, hello!"

Lin Yang shook hands with him.

But Mr. Fu's attitude didn't seem enthusiastic, he just looked at Lin Yang suspiciously.

"And Dong Lin, this is Ms. Yan Qi, Ms. Yan is a leader in the quantum field!"

"Hello, Ms. Yan."

"Hello, Mr. Lin, you are like thunder."


With a smile on his face, Lin Yang greeted Xu Zheng's newly recruited researchers one by one.

However, just when Lin Yang shook hands with these people, Mr. Fu over there suddenly said, "Director Lin, can I ask you a few questions?"

Lin Yang was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said, "Of course, what does Mr. Fu want to ask?"

"This door...does it really lead to the ground?"

Fu Guosheng pointed to Shimen and asked.


Lin Yang nodded.

"So, is there really another world underground?"

Fu Guosheng asked again, his old eyes were full of doubts.

"That's right."

Lin Yang nodded.

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