"What is calculation?"

Fu Guosheng seemed dissatisfied with this answer, and he frowned.

"Another world is not counted, because there is a special atmosphere in this underground, which is suitable for warriors to practice, so a group of people opened up the underground and settled down in the city."

Lin Yang said.

"Open up the underground and build a city?"

Fu Guosheng looked surprised, and then snorted softly: "Mr. Lin, don't exaggerate! If there is a world underground, where does their oxygen come from? And there is no light all year round, how can human beings bear it? What's more, How difficult is it to build a city? Are they not afraid of landslides if they dare to build a large number of underground buildings?"

Lin Yang heard the sound and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Fu, you don't know much about the underground situation. The underground dragon vein is a very special place. There should be no landslides. As for the construction of the city or environmental factors, it is not difficult. After all People who can survive in the underground dragon veins are at worst quasi-land gods, and these environments will not affect them at all."

"A quasi-land god?"

Fu Guosheng snorted coldly again: "It's just nice to say, Lin Dong, it's not that I look down on you and so on. In my eyes, what kind of land gods are just a group of well-trained martial arts!"


Lin Yang was startled, and wanted to refute, but seeing that the old man was full of white hair and old-fashioned, he didn't argue, and nodded with a smile: "Old Fu, you are right."

Seeing that Lin Yang was surprisingly not arguing, Fu Guosheng looked a little helpless.

Seeing this, Xu Zheng hurried out to smooth things over, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, everyone, it's time for dinner, stop what you're doing, and eat first!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

"Yes, yes, eat and eat!"

"Hey, it's time to eat!"

Seeing people so excited, Lin Yang was a little confused.

Judging from the size of these scientific researchers, they don't look like foodies either. Why do they look forward to eating so much?

Other people in the palace began to walk towards a small dining hall built in the corner one after another.

And when Lin Yang approached the cafeteria, he was immediately enveloped by a seductive aroma.

After walking in, I saw a group of professional chefs flexing their muscles in front of the boiler.

Plates of exquisite delicacies were brought to the table.

People packed their meals, and each of them was in a hurry to pick up the dishes.

Everyone holds a bowl that is only one size smaller than the washbasin in their hands.

"What's going on?"

Lin Yang asked curiously.

"Mr. Lin, you don't know that this group of scientific researchers is precious. They are treasures wherever they are placed, and they can't be neglected! So I invited a group of professional cooks from China to cook for them. Mr. Ma has reported..."

Xu Zheng said with some embarrassment.

"I'm not talking about this, I'm asking them... can they eat so much?"

Lin Yang frowned, seeing that a female staff member filled a large bowl with a plate and slowly sent it to her mouth with a spoon.

"Eat as much as you can, maybe not enough."

Xu Zheng squeezed out a smile and said.

"Not enough? Are they... so edible?" Lin Yang was stunned.

"Director Lin, it's not that they can eat it, but the food here is so delicious!"

Xu Zheng wanted to cry but said without tears.

"What's the meaning?"

"Except for the rice, all the ingredients here are from the Nirvana Domain."

"Nirience Realm?"

"Yes, Mr. Nanli from the Qingxuan Alliance will regularly deliver ingredients to us, because our people are ordinary people who have not practiced martial arts, so the ingredients need to be screened, and those ingredients that are great for people in the Nirvana Domain cannot be sent over. Yes, the ones sent here are all ordinary medicinal materials."

Xu Zheng explained.

Hearing this, Lin Yang suddenly realized.

"I understand, it's not that these chefs are so skilled in cooking, but the reason for these raw materials."

Cooking with ingredients from the Nirvana Realm naturally tastes extraordinary, and they are all medicinal food. The more you eat, the better it is for your body. That's why these people eat so much, like gluttons, they have to eat until they are full.

On the contrary, the guards who were sent to guard the laboratory of Tianshenshan Palace ate more than normal, and each of them only added a small bowl of rice.

"Aren't you two going to eat?"

At this time, a deep voice came.

Lin Yang and Xu Zheng looked sideways.

I saw Fu Guosheng took a bowl of rice and walked to the table next to him and sat down.

It was a big soup bowl, the rice had been piled up, and it was full of dishes.

"Yo? Mr. Fu doesn't have a good appetite today."

Xu Zheng smiled.

Fu Guosheng coughed and said in embarrassment: "It's okay, it's okay..."

"Old Fu, eat more. The medicinal herbs in the Nirvana Realm are very rare in the Dragon Kingdom, and the ones that can be sent here are all carefully selected. You can eat more, and you can prolong your life and strengthen your health. It's nothing to worry about Down."

Xu Zheng laughed out loud.

Fu Guosheng's old face couldn't hold back anymore, and he said with a deep hum: "Mr. Xu, if you don't go to cook, you will be gone."

Xu Zheng froze and ran away.

Seeing this, Lin Yang couldn't laugh or cry.

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