"what are you doing?"

"Bastard! Are you blocking our retreat?"

"Are you crazy?"

"What is this for?"

There were endless shouts of anger.

The members of the Linghu family were all in a hurry, and they all let out angry roars.

However, Lin Yang remained calm and said calmly: "What else can I do? Of course it is to prevent you from escaping!"


The leader was in a hurry, holding the long sword tightly in his palm, wishing to slash at Lin Yang immediately.

Everyone was ready to move, staring at Lin Yang coldly and fiercely.

"What? Do you want to do it? If so, please hurry up!"

Without fear, Lin Yang directly shook the Peerless Evil Sword in his hand.

The violent evil spirit is like a surging river and sea, collapsing in all directions.

Everyone was shrouded in evil spirits, and felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, their bodies trembling and trembling.

The leader suddenly realized something, and immediately shouted: "Stop!"


People all looked at him.

"We are not this person's opponent, don't fight him!"

The man said hoarsely.

When he followed Linghu Yu to the Blood Knife Family, he also went, and the scene of Lin Yang fighting Linghu Yu was vivid in his memory.

With these people alone, you want to deal with Lin Yang? That is a fantasy!

What's more, once they fight in this kind of place, everyone will definitely die.

Buyue Mountain is not a place to fight.

"Master Lin, please calm down! We offended you, please forgive us, we are willing to cooperate with you!"

The leader immediately clasped his fists and said.

"If you obey my orders obediently and let me take you out of Buyue Mountain alive, it will not be difficult, but if you try to escape in vain, or stab a knife in the back, then even if I die, you will only be buried with me !"

Lin Yang said lightly: "I have already offended your young master, Martial God Canglan only regards me as a tool, if he is worthless, he will kill me, and I will not live long, so why do you bother to harm me so deliberately? "

After these words fell, several people looked at each other and nodded.

Indeed, even if Linghu Yu didn't kill Lin Yang, Martial God Canglan would definitely not let him go.

Since this is the case, why are everyone still trying to make trouble?

If you do something to Lin Yang now, you will hurt yourself!

"Lord Lin, don't worry, when I understand, I won't do anything excessive!"

The leader cupped his fists and said.


Lin Yang nodded, and walked forward holding the evil sword.

Everyone in the Linghu family avoided him.

But he saw Lin Yang coming to the huge Skyrocket.

The Skyrocket is extremely high, almost approaching the top rock layer, nearly a hundred feet thick, and it would take a lot of effort to split it with only a sharp blade.

"You wait to set up for me."

Lin Yang shouted.


Everyone in the Linghu family was dumbfounded.

"My lord, I'm afraid it's difficult to do this. It's so narrow that it can only pass through people. If we deploy an formation, we must deploy it outside the miasma. We can't bear this miasma!"

The leader immediately clasped his fists and said.

"I will arrange the area outside the miasma. You only need to be responsible for the part inside the miasma. Now, give me all the materials for the formation on your body!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

People hear the sound and can only follow suit.

Soon, the dozen or so members of the Linghu family took out all their belongings.

Immediately, Lin Yang held the Peerless Evil Sword and quickly drew a sketch on the ground.

"According to this trajectory, use spirit wood to form the foundation, pave the way for spirit stones, crush pills and apply powder..."

Lin Yang explained the details of the distribution of the magic circle to everyone.

After everyone heard this, they all became sad.

"Master Lin, why is the magic circle you mentioned so complicated? And...we have never heard of it before. What kind of circle is this?"

The leader asked.

"Don't ask too much, just do it!"

Lin Yang didn't bother to explain to these people, he just took the materials and walked into the miasma.

Everyone had no choice but to obey obediently.

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