Outside the mountain, Martial God Canglan quietly watched the top of the mountain.

The dense miasma and craggy rocks made it impossible for him to catch Lin Yang's figure.

"My lord, everything is in place. Lord Taitian Martial God has already raised the Heavenly Formation. If Antian Martial God is in the mountain, he will definitely die!"

A subordinate hurried over, cupping his fists and saying respectfully.

"very good!"

Martial God Cang Lan fixed his eyes: "Listen, if Martial God Antian shows up, find a way to lure him to where Martial God Taitian is."

"Does your lord want to use the Chongtian Formation to kill Antian Martial God?"

"You want to destroy Antian with just a heavy sky formation? You are too naive!"

Martial God Canglan snorted coldly: "I just want to preserve my strength to deal with the extraordinary situation. If Martial God Taitian and Martial God Antian can fight to the point of losing both sides, wouldn't it be great for me to sit back and catch the fisherman?"

"My lord is wise!"

The eyes of the subordinates lit up, and they immediately cupped their fists and said.

"Listen, we have a lot of heavy soldiers and magic circles on our side. If Martial God Taitian puts down a heavy heavenly formation, we will deploy several magic circles that are more powerful than the heavy heavenly formation, so that Dark Sky Martial God will not dare to fight when he sees it. Come our way!"

Martial God Canglan drank heavily.

"It's adults!"

His subordinates clasped their fists and shouted, but seemed to think of something again, and quickly asked: "My lord, what should I do if Antian Martial God flees towards Miss and Young Master Yu?"

"Don't worry, I have already informed them. If Antian Martial God flees to their area, they will immediately lure Taitian Martial God and pour the disaster on Taitian!"

Martial God Cang Lan squinted his eyes: "Today, I will swallow two Martial Gods and become the best of the Seven Martial Gods!"

"I wish you the best of luck!"

His subordinates were busy shouting.

And in the north.

Linghu Yu placed his people at various intersections, and after setting up magic treasures to pave the way for the formation, he was relieved.

"My lord, can we stop the Antian Martial God just by relying on our family members?"

A member of the Linghu family walked over worriedly and asked cautiously.

"What? Are you scared?"

Linghu Yu asked lightly.

"My lord, after all, he is a god of war. As the saying goes, a centipede is dead but not stiff. Even if he is injured, we are afraid that we are no match for him."

The tribe worried.

"Don't worry, the people of Martial God Taitian are not too far away from us. If Martial God Antian breaks out towards us, Martial God Taitian will definitely rush to help in the first time, so we only need to hold the other party for a while."

Linghu Yu laughed.

The clansmen nodded silently upon hearing the sound.

"If you think like this, this Linghu family is not far from being extinct!"

Just then, an indifferent voice came.

Linghu Yu was startled, and looked sideways, only to see the woman in red appearing on a hilltop not far away at some point.

"Why are you here?"

Linghu Yu was taken aback, and asked in disbelief.

"I'm here to see how you're doing, idiot."

The woman in red glanced at the scene, then shook her head again and again: "It seems that you haven't understood the current situation, how stupid!"

"What do you mean?"

Linghu Yu was extremely displeased and asked coldly.

"What? Can't even figure this out?"

The woman in red shook her head and said expressionlessly, "Do you know who we are facing right now?"

"Dark God, what's wrong?"

"Damn stupid!"

There was a look of disappointment in the eyes of the woman in red.

She had already begun to doubt whether she made the right choice by choosing Linghu Yu.

"Let me tell you, not only the Antian Martial God, but also the Canglan Martial God and Taitian Martial God. What we are facing is the battle of the Martial Gods, understand?"

The woman in red said coldly.

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