"What do you mean by that? Martial God Canglan and Martial God Taitian are both my teachers, how can they harm me?"

Linghu Yu frowned, feeling that the CPU of her brain was going to be burned out, but she still couldn't understand the meaning of the woman in red's words.

The woman in red didn't flirt with him, and said indifferently: "Let me tell you, the reason why you were chosen by Martial God Canglan and Martial God Taitian is because they urgently need to train someone to deal with the genius Ye Yan! If Dark Sky Martial God or even Ye Yan is dead, you won't have any value to use, understand?"

"The teacher wants to kill me?"

"Once the Antian Martial God dies, you must die!"

The woman in red said with a blank face: "The seven martial gods are all jealous of their virtuous and capable. They will not allow any evildoers to rise up to shake their status and cause their rights to be damaged! Although your talent is not as good as Ye Yan, you can get two The Great Martial God pointed out that it is just around the corner to step into the ranks of the Valkyrie in the future, but they would not want a new Valkyrie to appear, because they are not sure whether this new Valkyrie will surpass them in achievement!"

"So, the two teachers are worried that I will surpass them?"

Linghu Yu was stunned.

"Even if there is only a 1% chance, they have to put an end to it."

The woman in red said lightly.

Linghu Yu fell silent.

After a long time, he asked hoarsely, "Then what do you mean?"

"In this game, we only need to make a profit!"

The woman in red said calmly: "Use this situation to obliterate that surnamed Lin. As for the Dark Sky Martial God, let him go if he can. If he doesn't die for a day, you will still be the apprentice of the two Martial Gods. When you grow up in the future, you will let them go." After the two of you are unable to kill you, you can find a way to strangle Antian Martial God and seize its inheritance! In this way, you will be able to shape your Martial God figure!"

When Linghu Yu heard this, his eyes lit up.

"That makes sense! So what should I do later?"

"Martial God Canglan wants us to lead to Martial God Taitian if something happens, so we will run in the opposite direction and lead to Martial God Canglan!"

The woman in red said lightly.

"But... In this way, what should the teacher do if he gets angry?"

Linghu Yu hesitated a little.

"Don't worry, the situation is chaotic. No one can guarantee what will happen. If you are chased by the Martial God, it is understandable for you to panic. As long as the Dark Sky Martial God does not die, Canglan Martial God will not touch you."

The woman in red said calmly.

"But my people just said that the teacher's land has already set up several terrifying magic circles. If the Dark Sky Martial God is attracted by us, I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape."

"Don't worry, I've sent someone to check. Martial God Canglan is just putting on airs. His magic circles are empty shells. The purpose is just to scare Martial God Antian from running towards him!"


"Why? At this point, you still can't trust me?"

The woman in red frowned.

"Hahahaha, how come?"

Linghu Yu laughed out loud, and immediately wanted to reach out to hug the woman.

But the woman turned her back and walked away.

"Prepare as soon as possible, don't let me down!"

The woman lightly dropped a few words, then disappeared on the road at the foot of the mountain without looking back.

Linghu Yu narrowed his eyes and stared at the back of the woman going away, snorted secretly, and immediately waved his hand to greet the clansmen.

on the hill.

Panting heavily, Lin Yang rushed out of the miasma in a hurry.

At this moment, he only felt that the skin all over his body was decaying, not to mention the skin, even the clothes on his body were rapidly decaying, as if it would become a pile of ashes at any time.

This miasma is terrifying.

Fortunately, I put the important things out of the miasma in advance, otherwise I would destroy them all if I brought them into the miasma.

Those members of the Linghu family are not feeling well at the moment.

Everyone was working hard, and each of them was setting up a formation.

However, the formation that Lin Yang explained was too cumbersome, and it took a lot of effort to set up the formation, and some places needed to activate the force of ascension.

After the group of people had painstakingly arranged the middle of the magic circle, everyone was sweating profusely, panting, and they all lay on the ground gasping for breath.

Lin Yang came over, glanced at the big formation, and nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, good, the completion is very high, thank you for your hard work!"

"My lord, why is the center of this magic circle so complicated? The two wings are so simple?"

The leader glanced at the magic circle in the miasma on both sides, and frowned.

"The power of the miasma is really extraordinary and unique. I can't stay in it for a long time, so I simplified the two wings!"

Lin Yang said lightly.


The leader froze.

"Can this magic circle be simplified?"

"Of course!"

"But you..."

"Only the wings can be simplified."

Lin Yang added a sentence.

But everyone was a little annoyed.

They believed that Lin Yang must have deliberately not informed them of this.

"Okay, the magic circle is complete, I'm going to start breaking stones!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

When the words fell to the ground, people breathed hard and cast their eyes on him.

I saw Lin Yang stepping towards the password box on the ground over there, then crouched down and opened the box.

Not knowing what he took out of the box, he carried the box in one hand and walked to the center of the circle.

"Stand on the edge of the magic circle, remember, no matter what happens later, don't leave the magic circle, otherwise, your lives will be lost!"

Lin Yang said lightly.


People kept nodding.

Anyway, the retreat has been cut off, and now they have no other choice but to trust Lin Yang unconditionally.

Wait for everyone to stand still.

"Let's go!"

Lin Yang suddenly shouted loudly.


A stream of light instantly rose from the magic circle, directly covering everyone's sight.

Immediately afterwards.


It was like a sound breaking through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening crackling sound.


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