Buyue Mountain shook.

As if the sky and the earth were collapsing, the earth was shaking for a while, the wind was surging, and the chaotic world was splashing. The terrifying breath of destruction gathered into a mushroom cloud, which bloomed on the top of Buyue Mountain, and then slowly dispersed in all directions.

All the people down the mountain raised their heads and looked at the top of the mountain in shock.

"Do it?"

Linghu Yu's eyes widened, and then he was ecstatic: "Great! Great! It seems that the man must die! He must die! Hahahaha..."

"Did you really listen?"

The woman in red on the other side frowned slightly, then breathed a sigh of relief and murmured to herself.

"Such a mighty power must have used all the power of ascension. After this blow, I am afraid that there is not much strength left. How can I escape from Buyue Mountain? Although this person's talent is terrifying, his intelligence is not high. It's a pity. .”

Taitian Martial God and Canglan Martial God at the foot of the mountain looked at the top of Buyue Mountain with different expressions.

Although this blow can be said to shake the world, it is amazing.

But for some reason... Martial God Canglan felt something was wrong.

Because the power that radiates does not look like the power of ascension!

But if it is not the power of ascension, then what kind of power is it? Is there any other power in this world other than the power of ascension that can cause such an effect?

Unexpectedly, the dust on the mountain was flying, and huge rocks rolled down everywhere.

Those members of the Linghu family were all curled up on the edge of the magic circle, trembling.

They wanted to flee, but after Lin Yang's blow, all the straight roads collapsed, and miasma invaded all areas except the magic circle.

Apart from standing inside the circle, they didn't dare to move a step outside.

Looking at the huge boulder rolling down beside them, everyone's face turned pale.

"Brother, we...we're done..."

"The straight road is gone, we can't go down the mountain! We all have to die here!"


"I don't want to die....I don't want to die...."

Some people howled directly.

Seeing these strong men who are usually big and thick wiping their tears, the leader was upset for a while.

"Why are you crying? Looking at you like this, do you still count as members of my Linghu family?"

The leader cursed loudly, then stared into the dust, and said coldly: "Since we chose to go up the mountain, we shouldn't have the idea of ​​going back alive. At worst, we will die here with that kid!"

People heard the sound, stopped crying slightly, wiped away their tears and looked towards the dusty area.

But slowly, people's demeanor gradually changed.

The dust gradually fell.

The tumbling sandstone also gradually stopped.

I saw a person slowly walking out of the haze.

It was Lin Yang.

But at this time, he was actually standing in the miasma!


The leader stared blankly at Lin Yang.

But what shocked him was not Lin Yang resisting the miasma, but seeing Lin Yang behind him.

The Skyrock that originally towered into the sky and went straight to the top of the rock... suddenly disappeared...

"This... this is impossible..."

The leader murmured, his mind blank.

The rest of the people are also completely stupid.

That huge skyrocket was flattened by this person...

" did he do it?"

"The hardness of that rock is beyond all! Even Valkyrie had to work hard to flatten it, but he flattened it with just one's impossible..."

People trembled and murmured, unwilling to believe what they saw.

"What are you all standing there for?"

At this time, Lin Yang came over and said lightly: "My task has been completed, let's go down the mountain quickly!"

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