Hearing this, the members of the Linghu family came back to their senses.

But going down the mountain is easier said than done now?

"My lord, the straight road is destroyed, we can't bear the miasma, how can we escape?"

The leader said in a low voice.

"The straight road is gone, so let's build another one."

Lin Yang shook his head.

"Create another one?"

The leader was stunned, and then snorted: "My lord, it's easy to say, do you know how much material and manpower was spent on the straight road to the top of the mountain? Even Lord Canglan Martial God personally injected power to help the straight road! With just a few of us, how can we create another straight road?"

"Is it so troublesome to have a straight road shielded from miasma?"

Lin Yang shook his head, then pulled out the peerless evil sword at his waist, came to the center of the magic circle, and stabbed the sword towards the source of the circle.


A violent whirlwind immediately stirred up in the circle.

The whirlwind swirled crazily around the pitch-black sword body, and the magic circle once again burst out with a strong streamer.

But the brightness of this streamer is much lower than before.

These streamers seemed to be attracted by the peerless evil sword, rushing towards the sword frantically.

As the light continued to overflow from the magic circle and pour into the Peerless Evil Sword, the magic circle was also withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The members of the Linghu family panicked.

The place where they stand now is this magic circle. If the magic circle is gone, will they still be corroded by miasma?

However, just when everyone panicked and lost their minds.


Lin Yang suddenly pulled out the peerless evil sword on the ground, and slashed down the mountain.


The shrill howl of the sword burst out from the Peerless Evil Sword in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a black sword light rushed out of the evil sword, tearing apart all the miasma in front of it, and blasting straight to the foot of the mountain.

Everyone is stupid.

Including the people outside the mountain, they were all shocked by the sword energy coming down from the top of the mountain.

People seem to see a black knife cutting from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

The terrifying sword light tore apart the miasma, creating a straight black road leading to the bottom of the mountain.

"Let's go."

Lin Yang stared at these members of the Linghu family lightly, and said.

At this moment, everyone was petrified, staring blankly at the black straight road with their mouths wide open like wooden men, everyone's brains stopped thinking...

"What? Don't go? My straight road won't last long. If I don't go down the mountain, I won't have a chance!"

Lin Yang said lightly, regardless of other people, just walked down the straight road.

The members of the Linghu family just came back to their senses, and rushed down one after another.

Not long after, everyone finally escaped from Buyue Mountain.

And when the last person rushed out of Buyue Mountain, the black straight road slashed by the peerless evil sword also began to collapse.

The leader looked back, his eyes still dull.

He could never have imagined that this person could strike a straight path with a single stroke of his sword!

What kind of power does this have to be?

What kind of means is this?

No wonder Mr. Yu is not this person's opponent?

No wonder Martial God Canglan is so tolerant to this person?

I'm afraid that his means can already compete with Valkyrie!

The leader gasped, and had already made up a certain idea in his mind.

But they didn't know that the reason why this sword was so powerful was all due to the great formation they helped Lin Yang build.

It was an ancient energy formation, and the reason why Lin Yang was able to easily destroy the Skyrock was because he had caught the power of this energy formation.

And this sword was only completed after absorbing the remaining prestige of the energy formation.

Otherwise, relying on Lin Yang's own strength to accomplish these two things, even if he did, he would be exhausted and completely collapsed.

He breathed out, put away the Peerless Evil Sword, and then walked towards the Martial God Canglan in the distance...

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