Martial God Canglan has fought against Martial God Antian, and has dealt with him for many years. Martial God Canglan is very familiar with Martial God Antian.

Whether the person in front of him is the Dark Sky Martial God, he can tell at almost a glance.

Indeed, the aura of this terrifying figure is indeed amazing, and there is also a ray of dark sky Martial God's aura mixed in, but there is no doubt that he is just a cover.

The real Antian Martial God, I'm afraid he has already escaped.

Martial God Canglan's eyes tightened, he directly drew out his sharp sword, and charged at the figure.

Although that figure is strong, how can it be the opponent of Cang Lan, the orthodox martial god? After a fierce fight, they immediately fell into a disadvantage.

The people around didn't know the situation, seeing how brave the Martial God Canglan was, their morale was boosted, and they all rushed towards him.

Soon, this force rushed out from the inside of Buyue Mountain and suffered heavy losses. It was difficult for each of them to fight, and they all turned around and wanted to escape.

Lin Yang below looked up, his brows furrowed.

In the battle of Longxin City, Dark Sky Martial God fought alone. Although they were injured, after so long, they should have recovered. Even if they can't beat Canglan Martial God, it is impossible to lose so quickly.

In this way, there is only one possibility, the one fighting Canglan Martial God is not Antian Martial God.

He is neither, which means that the Antian Martial God has escaped.

Lin Yang's eyes moved, and he left quietly. While everyone was not paying attention, he moved towards Buyue Mountain.

At this moment, the Buyue Mountain has collapsed and exploded.

The miasma on the mountain has also changed a lot.

In some places, the miasma is extremely dense, while in other places, the miasma is so thin that it can pass through people.

Lin Yang mobilized his energy and ran towards the mountain along the area where the miasma was thin.

His purpose is only one.

That is the residence of the dark sky warrior in the mountain.

Since Antian Martial God is hiding here, there are probably many treasures in it.

You must know that before Antian Martial God escaped, Ye Yan took An Mingyue and emptied all the treasures in his lair one step ahead of time.

Now that Martial God Canglan and Martial God Taitian suddenly came and surrounded the mountain, it might not be so easy for Martial God Antian to transfer resources away this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang couldn't help but get excited, and his pace became much faster.

Valkyrie resources, what should it be like?

The thin miasma had little effect on Lin Yang, and soon he got into the big hole that exploded in the mountain.

The hole is very deep, it should go straight to the point of Mount Buyue.

To Lin Yang's surprise, the inner space of this mountain was dug out with bare hands.

It seems that Antian Martial God has prepared a hiding place for himself in advance.

It is the so-called three caves of the cunning rabbit.

Lin Yang believed that there might be more than one hiding place like this.

If so, the Valkyrie resources piled up here may not be comprehensive.


Following a crisp sir, Lin Yang finally fell into the mountain.

This place is like a temporary palace, very open.

What came into view was a huge palace gate. Walking inside, one could see compartments made of jade. The compartments were extremely spacious, and there were many cultivation materials piled inside.


Lin Yang suddenly thought of something, and immediately looked behind him.

Outside the gate is an open space, and the top of the open space leads to the top of the mountain.

At first glance, everyone felt that the top of the mountain should be the exit from the mountain palace.

But in fact... the opening on the top was a huge rock that lifted the sky.

It's impossible for this group of people to smash the Skyrocket all the time and leave the mountain palace, right?

If this cannot be done, there is only one possibility.

Here, there are other entrances and exits.

Lin Yang's eyes tightened, and he immediately searched around.

Finally, he turned his eyes to the pile of rocks on one side, walked over immediately, and pulled all the rocks away.

After a while, a tunnel appeared in his sight...

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