Seeing this tunnel, Lin Yang already knew everything.

It seems that Dark Sky Valkyrie has led people to escape from this tunnel.

The people fighting outside are just a cover to attract Martial God Canglan and Martial God Taitian.

However, although there is a tunnel to escape, the two Valkyrie surrounded Mount Buyue so quickly that it was difficult to escape, and they couldn't take much with them.

Lin Yang immediately turned around and walked into the mountain palace, and began to search for it.

After a while, Lin Yang found a room locked with barriers and organs.

This mechanism is extremely cumbersome, and it is difficult for ordinary people to understand, and there is a hidden compartment inside the mechanism, if it is forcibly destroyed by external force, the hidden compartment will be activated, and a flame will be activated immediately in the hidden compartment to burn everything in the room.

Therefore, except for the key to open the mechanism, it is futile to use any method to forcibly open the mechanism.

But Lin Yang, who has been in Dragon Palace for half a year, has long looked down on such a small institution.

He looked around, and found a wooden beam, he slashed it into toothpick-like slender objects with force, then pierced it into the keyhole in front of the door, and played it lightly.




As the toothpick kept stirring, there were bursts of crisp sounds coming from the keyhole.

It took more than ten seconds like this.


The small door opened slowly with a dull and heavy sound.

Lin Yang was overjoyed, and immediately looked inside the door.

However, with just one glance, Lin Yang was stunned.

However, this small room is not hiding any rare treasures, but what is placed inside are corpses, bloody corpses...

These corpses have been treated with special potions and will not easily rot.

They were either hung up and disemboweled, or completely dismembered and gutted...

The whole room was like a scene from hell.

Lin Yang's eyes widened, and he walked in blankly. Looking at this horrifying scene, he couldn't turn his head.

But soon, he immediately thought of something.

"Ye Yan!"

Lin Yang gritted his teeth secretly.

He went to the bodies or body parts and examined them.

Some of the body parts were engraved with lines and injected with the power of ascension.

"If my guess is correct, these should be the organs and limbs that Ye Yan intends to implant in his body..."

Lin Yang stared at the corpse on a platform with extremely cold eyes.

Ye Yan's actions violated human relations and angered people that day.

For the sake of strength, this person will do whatever it takes, and will not hesitate at all.

In his eyes, only strength is what is ultimately needed.

What made Lin Yang curious was why did Ye Yan use so many corpses?

Even if he could transform other people's limbs and corpses into himself, it wouldn't take so much.

Lin Yang stared at the corpses in the warehouse, feeling extremely confused.

Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, and walked quickly to a stone bed at the back of the room.

Lying on the stone bed was a muscular man.

The man was completely naked, and he was so cold a long time ago. His hair had been shaved clean, and a special potion was applied all over his body, so that it would not rot after ten or twenty years.

But Lin Yang checked again and found that the man was not injured at all.

He reached out and pressed on the man's chest, only to find that the man's internal organs were also intact.

"Could it be that...."

Lin Yang's breathing tightened suddenly, and he immediately grabbed the scalpel next to him and cut open the man's chest.

Take a closer look.


The man's lifeline has been broken.

And... it wasn't destroyed by others, judging from the scars, it was more like it was broken by myself.

This man committed suicide.

Observe his Qi veins.

This is at least a peak land fairy...

A peak land god, actually committed suicide?

What's the point?

For a person who can cultivate to this level, who is willing to give up years of hard work and struggle, and choose to commit suicide?


Lin Yang's heart beat wildly, and a terrifying guess flashed through his mind.

He took out a silver needle and carefully inserted it into the man's Qi veins.

After it was pulled out, there was already a wisp of evil spirit attached to the silver needle.

Lin Yang's pupils dilated several times...

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