Fang fight to a fever pitch.

There were corpses all over the ground.

The blood pooled into a river.

There may not be too many people in the battle of the Valkyrie, but all those who can participate are the best of the best in the underground dragon veins, the best of the best.

But today, they are all lost.

How many land gods, how many martial arts talents, all turned into bones at this moment.

The earth crumbled and shattered.

Half of Wuyue Mountain was destroyed.

The strong ascension power even shook the top rock formation.

All the attendants of the Dark Sky Valkyrie were killed in battle.

The remaining followers of Martial God Taitian immediately followed Martial God Taitian to encircle and suppress Martial God Dark Sky.

Although Antian Martial God is fierce and powerful, his fists are no match for four hands, and Taitian Martial God is more and more courageous as he fights, his whole body is shining with golden light, just like a god of war.



With a muffled sound, Antian Martial God was shaken out, and slammed into the body of Buyue Mountain.


The whole Wuyue Mountain trembled wildly.

The rocks splashed and the ground shook.

Taitian Martial God and others all showed joy.

"Haha, my lord, it seems that it is difficult to fly in the dark sky!"

"Quickly surround him, don't tell him to run away this time!"

"An Tian, ​​today is your death day!"

The servants of Taitian Martial God clamored one after another, each one extremely excited.

It is also a great honor for them to participate in the action of beheading the Valkyrie.

And if one can kill the Antian Martial God, one can also plunder his opportunity. Once one gets a little chance of the Martial God, it must be used for life!

"Don't be careless, don't let him go!"

Martial God Taitian exhaled, squinting his eyes and walking towards Martial God Antian, with a particularly strong smile on his face.

"Antian, last time in Longxin City, I let you escape, this time, I want to see how you escape!"

After finishing speaking, Martial God Taitian gathered his strength and pressed on him step by step.

The terrifying power of ascension is extremely domineering, like huge boulders, squeezing towards Dark Sky Valkyrie.

The Antian Martial God embedded in the mountain lowered his head, moved his body slowly and stood up.

"Escape? You are wrong, I never planned to escape."

"Tai Tian, ​​I said, today, you will live forever!"

Antian Martial God said hoarsely, then raised his hand and moved it towards his mouth.

Everyone was taken aback, looking at his palm.

I saw that the black palm was actually holding pieces of blood stained flesh...

"Is that my meat?"

Martial God Taitian was stunned.

Antian Martial God opened his mouth, stuffed the meat into it, and chewed it with big mouthfuls.

After a while, all the meat was swallowed by him.

"Antian, what kind of magic are you casting?"

Martial God Taitian felt a sense of uneasiness, and drank coldly.

But Antian Martial God didn't respond, just closed his eyes, as if he was digesting the meat he had just swallowed.


Taitian Martial God stopped talking, roared, and came to kill with his iron fist.


Ten thousand feet of golden light blooms on the front of the fist.

But this time, Martial God Antian didn't dodge, but opened his eyes suddenly, full of evil spirits, he directly greeted him with a palm, and held back the fist that Martial God Taitian struck.


The fists were blocked by the palms.

The power exploded at the front of the palm and fist, and spread to all directions.

All those servants who were about to step forward to kill Antian Martial God were thrown out.

"Do you work hard? How do you compare to me?"

Martial God Taitian smiled ferociously, his pupils were filled with golden light, his arms swelled suddenly, and endless domineering power was released.

"Am I really inferior to you?"

Antian Martial God said suddenly.

Martial God Tai Tian was taken aback.


A hand suddenly rushed over from the side, grabbed Taitian Martial God's arm, and then pulled it violently.

Chi la!

An arm of Taitian Wushen was torn off on the spot.


Martial God Taitian was stunned, and suddenly looked at the arm.

Only then did I realize that it was the arm that originally belonged to me stabbed by the Martial God Antian on the shoulder...

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