Martial God Taitian was completely stunned.

That arm that Antian Martial God randomly put on his shoulder actually came alive at this moment? And tore off one of his arms?

What kind of sorcery is this?

Antian Martial God has never used such a weird move before!

Suddenly, Taitian Martial God seemed to understand something, and a strange look appeared in his pupils.

"Could it be fused my arm?"

Antian Martial God didn't speak, but grabbed the arm that was pulled over, and inserted it heavily into his left shoulder.

The left shoulder was pierced by the arm bone, and blood gushed out.

But what is frightening is that the flesh and blood on the left shoulder began to squirm at this moment.

They seem to be embracing the severed arm pierced into the shoulder, quickly interweaving and merging with it.

In just a few seconds, Taitian Martial God's severed arm started to move again.

At this moment, the Antian Martial God already has four arms.

Martial God Tai Tian was stupid.

The people around were also dumbfounded.

Has the world ever seen such a weird and grotesque scene?

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Taitian Martial God couldn't hold back any longer, and roared hysterically.

All the followers around rushed towards Dark Sky Valkyrie.

However, the Antian Martial God at this moment is even stronger than before.

He waved his four arms, opened fire with full power, and greeted the people around him with his fists like raindrops.

Every punch and every palm arouses the power of tyranny and the evil spirit of thick and powerful.

These two arms were taken from Taitian Martial God. Their physical body is strong, and their muscles have been tempered a thousand times, so their strength is naturally extremely terrifying.

Every time it hits a person, that person's body will explode in an instant, blood and flesh will fly, and the death will be extremely miserable.

Martial God Taitian watched his people fall down one after another, with a look of fear on his face.

His left arm was still in a broken state. Although he temporarily stopped the bleeding with the force of ascension, he couldn't regenerate a new arm immediately.

Because regeneration of flesh and blood requires a lot of ascension power.

He has already regenerated one arm, if he wants to regenerate another arm in a very short period of time, he will only run out of energy, unable to continue to fight against the Dark Sky Valkyrie.

Such a situation is already not beneficial to oneself.

"Quick, quickly send someone to ask for help from Canglan Martial God, and tell him to come and help!"

Martial God Taitian gritted his teeth violently, and shouted at Langya and the others over there.

Langya took a deep look at Martial God Taitian, and immediately left with his people.

Taitian Wushen also said that they were looking for support.

Antian Martial God also knew that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, and regardless of the remaining Taitian Martial God's entourage, he forcibly killed the general, rushed out of the encirclement, and went straight to Taitian Martial God.

Martial God Taitian's expression became tense, and he couldn't help stepping back.

"Run away?"

Dark Sky Martial God dodged and approached Taitian Martial God directly, with four terrifying arms swirling endless evil energy and fiercely acting on Taitian Martial God.

With one arm missing, the newly born Taitian Martial God with the other arm couldn't compete with it at all.

"Protect your lord..."

The attendants went forward one after another, trying their best to stop him.

But at the moment it is already a drop in the bucket.

At the same time, a large number of figures rushed towards Taitian Martial God.

Lin Yang also followed.

He smelled the evil spirit gushing out.

This pure to the extreme evil spirit is simply not comparable to other people.

This must be the spirit of the Antian Martial God.

Lin Yang's eyes tightened, and he quickened his pace.

Sure enough, Antian Martial God still chose Taitian Martial God with better physique.

After all, Martial God Taitian was born in horizontal training, and his physical strength is the best among the seven Martial Gods. If he can take his physical body, the strength of Martial God Antian will inevitably increase dramatically.

At that time, Martial God Canglan will definitely not be the opponent.

With the cooperation of Ye Yan, Martial God of Dark Sky must have absorbed the bodies of many subordinates before, and his strength has been further improved. If sneak attack is the premise, Martial God Taitian will definitely not be able to resist.

Thinking of this, Lin Yang couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Ninth brother?"

At this moment, an exclamation came from a distance.

Lin Yang was startled, and looked forward.

It was Langya and the others.

"Brother Langya? Is it you?"

Lin Yang was so astonished that he almost rushed forward.

"Great, Ninth Brother, you are safe and sound!"

"My God, Brother Jiu, you actually came out of the Dragon Palace? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

Langya, Xuantong and others were surprised and delighted, extremely excited.

Lin Yang didn't bother to explain, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Langya, where is Taitian Martial God?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Lang Ya and the others suddenly changed.

"Taitian Martial God was attacked by Dark Sky Martial God. The situation is very bad. Taitian Martial God told me to wait and ask Master Canglan Martial God for support!"

Langya said hoarsely.


Lin Yang's brows sank.

"How is Taitian?"

When a loud sound came, Martial God Canglan flew here, stopped in the air, and stared at Langya and the others condescendingly.

Langya and the others hurriedly saluted.

"Lord Taitian has both arms taken away, and he is almost invincible. If Master Canglan doesn't go to help, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Took both arms?"

Martial God Canglan was stunned, and immediately looked at Lin Yang.

"If you don't go again, you will not be the opponent of Dark Sky Valkyrie."

Lin Yang drank in a low voice.

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