Canglan Martial God's face turned ugly.

He was extremely fast, galloping like lightning, galloping all the way, overtaking everyone, and rushing to the area where Martial God Taitian was.

As soon as he approached here, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

Looking down, thousands of corpses were lying on the ground.

Most of them are the people of Taitian Martial God.

Only a small number of them wore black armor, and they were the strong men beside the Antian Valkyrie.

The earth exploded, the mountains collapsed, the dust was noisy, and the blood was soaring.

Not far away, several figures were still intertwined together.

But with a muffled sound came out.


A figure flew out.

It hit the hillside not far away like a shell.

In an instant, the hillside was shaken into powder.

Martial God Cang Lan took a closer look, and saw a blood man lying on the broken hillside, trying to get up with difficulty.

But it was obvious that he was unable to stand up.

Martial God Canglan's pupils couldn't help but dilate.

He recognized the blood man!

It is Taitian Martial God!

Martial God Canglan rushed over immediately, helped him up, quickly put needles in his body, and fed him the elixir.

It took a long time for Taitian Martial God to stabilize, and he was finally able to stand up barely.

Martial God Canglan has just looked at Martial God Taitian.

At this moment, he has wounds all over his body.

And.... this is no ordinary wound.

A lot of flesh and blood had been dug out of his two legs, and there was a bloody hole in his chest and abdomen, and the internal organs inside could be seen directly along the hole.

In addition, his two ears were also torn off, the eye socket of one eye was empty, the eye was missing, and half of his nasal cavity was missing...

Seeing this, Martial God Canglan finally believed Lin Yang's words.

This is no joke.

This Dark Sky Martial God... is indeed plundering the flesh!

"Taitian, how are you doing?"

Martial God Canglan asked urgently.

"Temporarily... can't die..."

Taitian Martial God made a hoarse voice.

If Martial God Canglan hadn't pricked his cochlea with needles, he could hardly hear Martial God Canglan's words clearly.

"Listen, this Martial God of Dark Sky has become possessed! He is a monster now, if you don't kill him today, he will kill you and me tomorrow, just like slaughtering chickens and dogs!"

Taitian Martial God gasped and said with all his strength, his whole body seemed to have lost his strength.

Martial God Canglan knew that relying on him should have little hope.

But he is not without confidence.

It's nothing more than fighting the Martial Gods of the dark sky, and the Martial Gods of Taitian must have lost a lot of strength.

There is no chance of winning against it!

"Okay! You can restore your physical body at ease. Today, I will definitely kill this person!"

Martial God Canglan said hoarsely, then got up and looked at Martial God Antian not far away.

At this moment, Martial God Antian had killed the last few attendants of Martial God Taitian, and walked over here.

At this moment, Martial God Canglan saw clearly the appearance of Martial God Antian.

With just one glance, Martial God Canglan was stunned.

The current Dark Sky Valkyrie has four arms and four ears on both sides of his head. In addition, there are a lot of strange pieces of meat on his legs.

That's all the meat from Taitian Martial God's leg.

They were like patches, one on the left and one on the right on the legs of Dark Sky Valkyrie.

Antian Martial God's eyes were dark, rippling with evil aura, his pale face was expressionless, and he was walking towards this step by step.

The soaring evil spirit almost completely covered up the dim light emanating from the top rock formation.

Martial God Cang Lan's breathing tightened suddenly, and he stared blankly at the approaching people.

Just this kind of power made his heart tremble.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Martial God Canglan murmured.

swish swish swish...

At this time, a large number of piercing sounds came.

Countless masters from the Canglan Mansion and the Linghu Family flew towards this place and landed on the ground.

Three floors inside and three floors outside with thousands of people directly surrounded Antian Valkyrie.

Seeing this, Martial God Canglan's hanging heart returned to his stomach.

"With so many strong men, consumption can kill you!"

Martial God Canglan smiled faintly.

When everyone landed on the ground, seeing the Antian Martial God at this time, they were all shocked by his weird appearance.

" this person the Dark Sky Martial God?"

"Why did he become like this?"

"very scary...."

"Where is Lord Taitian?"

People were shocked and whispered to each other.

But Martial God Canglan leaped into the sky and shouted loudly.

"Listen, Antian has become demonic, bloodthirsty, and has lost humanity. He can no longer be called a human. He is a monster! If he is allowed to run amok in the underground dragon veins, countless innocent people will be killed by others." Harmful! Today, I will eliminate harm for the underground dragon veins! Kill Antian! If anyone can kill Antian, I promise to give him all the inheritance of Antian's Martial Gods, and I will not take any money!"

With this sound, everyone's breathing tightened, and their eyes were filled with burning greed.

"Master Canglan, are you serious?"

A master of the Linghu family asked eagerly.

"I can swear in public here! I will never break my promise!"

Martial God Canglan raised his right hand and said.

Everyone is crazy.

They looked at Antian Martial God one after another, and there was nothing else in their eyes except fierce killing intent.


Finally, one person couldn't bear it anymore, roared, and charged with his sword.

And following this person's charge, the others couldn't sit still and rushed towards him one after another.

Dark Sky Valkyrie was suddenly overwhelmed by the crowd...

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