On the battlefield, Martial God Canglan and Martial God Antian have separated.

Antian Martial God's whole body was stained red with blood. He stood alone in the shattered flesh. The ground around him was completely shattered.

But at this time, the body of Antian Martial God changed again.

There is an extra eye on his forehead, and four extra arms on the left and right on the back, arranged like wings, and the surface of the four front arms has a large number of air veins exposed to the air.

These Qi meridians were forcibly drawn out from others by Antian Martial God.

They are attached to the four arms of Dark Sky Valkyrie like earthworms.

All four arms are covered by such earthworm-like air veins, and a large amount of ascension power flows through these air veins.

Just looking at it is enough to make one's scalp numb and frightened.

Although there are many wounds on his body, but these wounds are healing at the moment, I'm afraid it won't take long for the whole person to recover.

On the other side, Martial God Canglan suffered heavy casualties.

More than half of the people died in battle.

The rest of the people were either missing arms or legs, or had all kinds of hideous scars on their bodies, and their scalps were numb when they looked directly at them.

Martial God Canglan was also uncomfortable, both arms were injured, especially the right arm, the flesh on the arm was gouged out, exposing the white bones.

Obviously, Martial God Antian also wanted to tear off Martial God Canglan's arm, but fortunately Martial God Canglan was on guard and couldn't let him succeed.

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But Martial God Antian left a strong power of death on the scars on Martial God Canglan's body. Under the influence of the power of death, Martial God Canglan couldn't heal his wounds quickly at all.

The situation is very unfavorable to Martial God Canglan.

Martial God Canglan's face was heavy, staring at Martial God Antian, thinking about countermeasures.

"My lord, if we continue to fight like this, we may not be able to deal with this person!"

"This person is terrible. Even if we inflicted injuries on him, he can heal quickly, and he can also plunder organs and arms from the slain person to replace the injured area! This is simply a monster!"

"My lord, what should we do?"

The people in Canglan Mansion said in a panic.

How could Martial God Canglan fail to see the situation clearly?

He turned around abruptly, looked at Martial God Tai Tian over there, and said in a deep voice, "What are you still doing there? Come quickly and help me!"

"Master Canglan, hold on for a while, and I will come to help you after I completely expel Antian's evil spirit of death!"

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Martial God Taitian said with luck.


Martial God Cang Lan was in a hurry.

In fact, Martial God Antian also ate a lot of the power of the evil spirits, but he has a very simple and crude way to get rid of these evil spirits, that is, directly dig out the flesh and blood of the area affected by the evil spirits, Then dig out the same parts from the dead body to fill in the body.

Such a strange method really frightened the world.

"It's this time, are you still thinking about intrigue? Come and help me, otherwise I'm defeated, and you don't even want to live!"

Martial God Canglan naturally saw the plan of Martial God Taitian.

In fact, Martial God Taitian already has the means to help him right now, but he wants to recover more strength so as not to be exhausted later in the fight. can escape from here.

However, Martial God Taitian remained indifferent and continued to adjust his breath.

Lin Yang on this side frowned.

"If Martial God Taitian doesn't make a move, relying on Martial God Canglan alone will definitely not be able to win."

"Brother, let's go together, the Immortal Dark Sky Martial God, we can't touch Ye Yan!"

Langya hurriedly said.

However, Lin Yang shook his head again and again: "Wait!"

"Wait? Brother, when will this go?"

Langya asked in a daze.

"Wait for Martial God Canglan and Martial God Taitian to lose!"

Lin Yang said calmly.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

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