Everyone couldn't understand the meaning of Lin Yang's words.

At this time, the two sides fought again.

Flesh and blood flew wildly.

The dozen or so arms of the Antian Martial God harvested frantically like the scythe of death.

Whenever someone approached, he would be torn to pieces by his arms.

"Swing the sky with one sword!"

Martial God Canglan gritted his teeth tightly, and raised his sword to attack. The sword was full of sword intent, and it kept blasting towards Martial God Antian like a huge wave.

The dozen or so arms of the Antian Martial God immediately charged with evil spirits, attacking Canglan Martial God with the power of the Canglang.

At this moment, the soaring power of Martial God Canglan is no match for Martial God Antian.

None of his moves could get close to Dark Sky Valkyrie.

Although there is only one Martial God Antian, he has more than just hands. Even if there are hundreds of people on Martial God Canglan's side, they still can't take advantage of it.

On the contrary, the more people died, the stronger the Antian Martial God's offensive.

He is like a demon god, crazily attacking and killing on the pile of dead people.

Gradually, the masters of the Canglan Mansion and the Linghu Family became terrified.

They were completely frightened by Antian Martial God's horrific means, and all of them retreated in fear, and the hands holding the weapons couldn't help trembling.

With this momentum, they dare not go forward at all.

"What are you retreating? Follow me! Kill him!"

Martial God Canglan was furious and roared unceasingly.

But people still didn't dare to rush forward, and their legs couldn't stop moving backwards.


Canglan Martial God was furious, raised the divine sword in his hand that looked like autumn water, and slashed at the retreating Canglan mansion masters beside him.

Chi la!

The heads of those masters were directly separated from their bodies, blood spurted from their necks, and they died on the spot.

The rest of the people were frightened, and they were in a dilemma for a while.

"Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed! Let me kill!"

Martial God Canglan roared angrily, raised his sword again and ran away.

There is no way for people to retreat, so they can only bite the bullet and kill the generals.

"Canglan, don't you run away? I really like you, an ignorant and fearless idiot!"

Antian Martial God stared coldly at Canglan Martial God, and suddenly rushed over.

Martial God Canglan took a tight breath, and immediately raised his sword to meet him.

The speed of the Autumn Water Excalibur in his hand was not fast, but every time he swung it, a large amount of sword energy like a wave would be rolled out, as if it was gathering the momentum of a shocking wave.

But before this wave formed, the endless darkness engulfed it.


Martial God Canglan took a tight breath.

"Now I have surpassed Valkyrie!"

Antian Martial God said hoarsely, several palms turned into fists, and rushed towards Canglan Martial God fiercely wrapped in a strong evil spirit.

Martial God Canglan was horrified, and immediately summoned a protective magic weapon.

I saw his body was glistening, and then a ripple like a blue wave swayed from his chest, quickly covering his whole body.

A few fists hit the blue waves heavily.


The blue waves were immediately filled with a large number of cracks, and the body flew out like a cannonball, crashing heavily into the slope behind.

When Martial God Canglan struggled to get up, his chest was already sunken, and the rippling blue protective treasure was already broken by itself.


Martial God Canglan opened his mouth, spat out several mouthfuls of blood, and his face turned pale for a few minutes.

"Master Valkyrie!"

"grown ups!"

Everyone was shocked and rushed over to support Martial God Canglan.

Martial God Taitian was also startled, and immediately stopped adjusting his breath, and got up straight.

"Canglan, are you alright?"

"What do you say?"

Martial God Canglan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "This person's strength has already surpassed the scope of a Martial God. I'm afraid you and I will not be able to defeat him..."

Martial God Taitian stared at the Martial God Antian who was walking towards him with his teeth and claws open, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"This person transfers other people's flesh and blood to increase his strength. Such methods are unheard of. Now he has transformed himself into a monster with this weird forbidden technique. We want to kill him, but we can't. We should leave first , and then plan countermeasures!"

Taitian Martial God said hoarsely.

"Okay! Go first!"

Martial God Canglan didn't want to fight anymore, not to mention that the odds of winning are not great, even if Martial God Antian was killed, he and Taitian would be in a very miserable state.

It's better to leave first and plan something later.

The two made up their minds to take them away immediately.

But just as they were about to turn around, they saw several figures blocking their retreat.

"You are Ye Yan?"

Martial God Canglan's pupils suddenly dilated.

"My lords, where are you going?"

Ye Yan put his hands behind his back and asked calmly.

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