
Tai Tian was stunned, and stared at Martial God Canglan with wide eyes.

However, Martial God Canglan couldn't stand anymore, his legs were bent, he knelt on the ground, his hands were supporting the ground, and black, foul-smelling liquid was continuously vomited out of his mouth.

I don't know if it was blood or something else.

But there is no doubt that everyone knew that he had been poisoned.

And... this is no ordinary poison!

"grown ups!"

"My lord, are you alright?"

"how so?"

The staff of the Canglan mansion hurriedly rushed over to help Martial God Canglan, and even stuffed a lot of antidote pills into his mouth.

But Martial God Canglan coughed and pushed away the medicine.

"Don't use drugs indiscriminately!"

Martial God Taitian rushed over, stored a pure power of ascension in one hand, and hit him in the heart, drinking coldly: "What he is attacking is the evil poison of the sky! If I guess right, this poison should be It was bestowed by the Martial God of Dark Sky!"


People froze.

Heavenly evil?

That's the poison of Dark Sky Martial God's fame!

"This son stored the evil poison of the dark sky in the palm of his hand, and then shot it into Cang Lan's body! Cang Lan couldn't bear it like this, otherwise it would be an ordinary poison! How could he be afraid? In addition to the specific antidote, the evil poison of the sky can be taken Any other drug will only intensify the toxicity!"

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter finally has a solution on the app that can change the source, download it here

Tai Tian Wu Shendao.

The expressions of the people in the Canglan mansion changed drastically, and they didn't dare to move anymore.

"This...how did it happen?"

Not far away, Linghu Yu stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at such a scene, her mind was completely blank.

The woman in red looked serious, staring at the dirt slope not far away.

But Ye Yan over there was slowly getting up.


Everyone was stunned.

"This...how is this possible?"

"He took a sword from Lord Valkyrie, and he is still alive?"

"What's the matter with this person?"

The scene was shocked.

Linghu Yu's eyeballs were about to fall from their sockets.

"He...why hasn't he died yet? That sword has clearly pierced his heart!"

"No, that sword should not have pierced his heart!"

The woman in red stared at Ye Yan, and said in a deep voice: "Although Master Cang Lan pierced his chest with a sword, there should be no heart there, so strictly speaking, that sword is empty."


Linghu Yu's breath trembled, and she suddenly reacted.

Looking at Ye Yan who was slowly getting up, and the arms protruding from his shoulders and chest, Linghu Yu knew that the structure of this Ye Yan's body was no longer comparable to that of ordinary people.

He is no longer a human being.

The key points possessed by normal people are afraid that they can no longer be applied to him.

"If this person taught Antian Martial God to transform his body, then he himself is an over-modified existence. This kind of person will never allow his weaknesses to be exposed to the outside, so his chest and abdomen are probably gone. How many internal organs, his internal organs must have been transferred to other places, how can such an important place as the heart be fixed in the original place?"

The woman in red said lightly.

Hearing all this, Linghu Yu gasped, his teeth chattering.

"What should we do now?"

Linghu Yu asked tremblingly.

"Just take a look, it's impossible to help, if you go, you will die!"

The woman in red drank coldly.

Linghu Yu remained silent.

At this moment, Martial God Taitian and Martial God Canglan are in a desperate situation...

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